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Patch Notes - - 22-Sep-2015

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#1 InnerSphereNews


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 10:59 AM

Tuesday, September 22nd @ 10AM – 1PM PDT (5PM - 8PM UTC)
Patch Number:
Patch Size: ~300 MB

Greetings MechWarriors,

The second 'Mech of Resistance 2 is now being delivered to all eligible pilots. With a service record that reaches back to the days of the Star League, the Black Knight is once again stomping across the battlefields of the Inner Sphere in full force.
The Black Knight is releasing with full standard Pattern functionality. For release dates regarding the remainder of the Resistance 2 'Mechs, other Collection items such as Badges, Titles, and Premium Time, along with Early Adopter rewards release dates and Faction Content selections, check out the release schedule in the Resistance 2 FAQ.

Our MechWarrior Academy Public Test session ran from August 26th until September 4th, and it was great to see your response and feedback fill the MechWarrior Academy PTS forum. Designed to prepare new pilots for the rigors of fighting on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere, the new MechWarrior Academy is intended as a 'living' tutorial and training system.
Beyond its initial release in this patch, MechWarrior Academy will continue to receive new Challenges, Persistent Features, and refinements in future updates.

We've made some revisions to the Home screen in this patch, with the introduction of three new informational overlays outlining your Pilot Info, Unit Info, and Current BattleMech Info. You will also now be able to view your current Pilot Skill Rating Tier through the Pilot Info pane on the Home screen, along with a progress bar to track your progress toward the next Tier (or descent into a lower Tier). Post-match changes to your PSR are now reflected in the End of Round screen, so you will be able to determine if the results of that match had a positive, neutral, or negative effect on your PSR.

The results of the community poll for public display of PSR Tiers through your web profile came out heavily in favor for the opt-in system. That system is planned to roll-out to the web site later this week.

Rounding out the patch we have a fix for 1080p portraits in the Select 'Mech screen, the introduction of a 'latest news' pop-up window when first logging in to the client, the ability to rotate your 'Mech in the Home screen, a fix for rare ballistics collision issues with breakable objects, and more.

We would also like to thank everyone who participated in the recent Re-balance PTS session, and we want to formally acknowledge the fact that our messaging prior to the activation of the Re-balance PTS was not up to the necessary standard. While the changes seen during the PTS were a seemingly drastic departure from the current state of balance in MechWarrior Online, the changes seen in the initial PTS session were only the initial steps in a much-broader plan and did not reflect the final form or the entirety of this re-balance. We are planning a second Re-balance PTS session soon, and will keep everyone apprised on the intent and direction of that PTS as we approach the PTS date.

Until then MechWarriors, keep reading for all the details of this patch and we'll see you on the battlefield!

- The MechWarrior Team

Change Log

New 'Mechs

The second 'Mech in the Resistance 2 collection is now available in-game for eligible Resistance 2 owners.

Black Knight (Heavy)

Originally designed for the Star League Defense Force as a front-line command 'Mech capable of both delivering and sustaining heavy damage, the Black Knight was an extremely rare sight in the post-Star League era until ComStar activated their remaining units for service during the Battle of Tukayyid. The Black Knight's long period of disuse has led to many adjustments and concessions by its inheritor Factions in order to accommodate the loss of the advanced engineering capabilities that defined its creation.

While the Black Knight may not live up to the heights of its Star League origins, and while some pilots may deride its lack of high-mounted hardpoints, the Black Knight is an extremely formidable Inner Sphere 'Mech that should not be underestimated.
As a 75-ton Heavy 'Mech comprised almost entirely of Energy hardpoints, the Black Knight holds sufficient power and protection to excel at almost any range.

Release Date for MC: December 15th 2015
Release Date for C-Bills: January 19th 2016

Loadout details and discussion of this new 'Mech can be found in a dedicated post here.

New Home Screen Information Overlays

Information overlays have been added to the Home Screen. Each of these overlays can be minimized, but the minimized state does not currently persist between matches.

Pilot Info

  • Pilot Name
  • Title
  • Pilot Skill Rating Tier
  • Pilot Skill Rating progress bar

Unit Info

  • Current Faction
  • Unit Name
  • Unit Tag
  • Number of Members

Currently Selected BattleMech

  • Class
  • Tonnage
  • Chassis
  • Variant
  • Nickname
  • 'Mech Efficiency Level
  • Quick-access XP > GXP Conversion

Other Changes

  • The current 'Mech model can now be rotated in the Home Screen.

MechWarrior Academy and Tutorial

New Introductory Tutorial

Before being able to access the standard game modes, new pilots will first launch into an Introductory Tutorial that will guide them through the basics of piloting a BattleMech:

  • Powering-up your 'Mech.
  • Field Manual and Key-Map References.
  • Basic Movement Controls.
  • Basic Weapon Controls.
  • Timed Pilot Challenge.
  • Basic Targeting and “How to kill a ‘Mech”.
  • Introduction to the MechWarrior Academy.

Completing various stages of the Tutorial and MechWarrior Academy will grant new and old players alike with Achievements and C-Bill Rewards!

The MechWarrior Academy

Designed to prepare new pilots for the rigors of fighting on the battlefields of the Inner Sphere, the MechWarrior Academy provides a new introductory tutorial training session for new players as well as a persistent live training and testing system that can be re-visited with any of your BattleMechs.

Beyond its initial release in this patch, MechWarrior Academy will continue to receive new Challenges, Persistent Features, and refinements in future updates.

Established pilots will have the choice of going through the Introductory Tutorial or launching directly into MechWarrior Academy from the home screen with your currently selected BattleMech.

Persistent Features:

  • 'Mech Swapper: Pilot any one of 11 other ‘Mechs arrayed in the MechWarrior Academy.
  • Shooting Range: Test the range limits and damage potential of your weaponry. Dummy Target Turrets display the damage done to them every 1.5 seconds.
  • Hot and Cold zones: Test the heat efficiency of your weapons under different ambient temperatures.
  • Time of Day changer: Allows you to run your Training and Challenges under different lighting conditions.


  • Pilot Challenge: Race to achieve your best time.
  • Rapid Fire: Destroy as many targets as you can before the timer expires. The targets get tougher with every round until you can’t keep up anymore.
  • Target Practice: Use your targeting data to find and exploit the weak points on dummy 'Mechs to destroy them as efficiently as possible.
  • Gauntlet: Run through way-points and survive attacks from stationary enemy BattleMechs. After each round your enemies will get tougher and more aggressive. Train your ability to torso-twist and maneuver to spread damage away from critical or otherwise damaged components.
  • Running Cored: Run the Gauntlet with a critical center torso to train your survival instincts.

In-Match Field Manual and Default Key-Map Reference

  • Pressing F1 will now bring up a quick-reference image showing the default Keyboard key-maps. This reference is geared toward new players, and will only display the default mappings.
  • Hitting ESC now gives the player the ability to click on any visible HUD component to access a Field Manual entry covering the details of operation for that HUD element.

Gameplay Fixed and Changes

  • Added a 'Pilot Skill Rating Change' section to the End of Round Player Stats screen:
    • Green 'Up' arrow means you gained PSR value.
    • Yellow 'Equal' sign means there was no change in PSR value.
    • Red 'Down' arrow means you lost PSR value.
  • Your current PSR tier is now displayed in the Home Screen Pilot Info overlay.

Other Fixes and Changes

  • A 'Latest News' pop-up will now appear upon logging-in, which can be minimized/maximized in any front-end menu screen.
  • New Basic Tutorial has been added.
  • MechWarrior Academy has been added.
  • New information overlays are now available in the Home Screen.
  • 'Mech model can now be rotated in the Home Screen.
  • Fixed an issue where breakable objects could sometimes block ballistics.
  • Fixed an issue where Select 'Mech portraits could appear translucent.
  • Select 'Mech portraits will now be captured at 1080p regardless of the current client resolution.

Known Issues

  • Home Screen: Minimization of the overlays does not persist between matches or Testing Grounds.
  • Home Screen: The minimize/maximize arrow does not change its appearance.
  • Home Screen: The minimize arrow for the Currently Selected BattleMech overlay is not oriented correctly.
  • MechWarrior Academy Rapid Fire Challenge: Turrets are still target-able even after they are destroyed.
  • Tutorial: If the player unbinds the Power-Up/Down button and enters the Basic Tutorial, they will get stuck in-game and must force-quit the client.

#2 Sug


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:09 AM

Sounds good.

#3 XtremWarrior


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:12 AM

Time to see how bad i am...

Thanks for the news, keep it up!

#4 Efferd


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:20 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 21 September 2015 - 10:59 AM, said:

Completing various stages of the Tutorial and MechWarrior Academy will grant new and old players alike with Achievements and C-Bill Rewards!

Nice! More C-Bills for us "old" players :-)

#5 Sereglach


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:22 AM

Very nice patch notes. Great to see the MechWarrior Academy launch, as well as the Home Screen improvements.

As much as I'm looking forward to my Black Knight, I'll be waiting to pilot it more until after the massive Heavy Rush goes away. Regardless, it's one step closer to the Crab and Wolfhound.

So, I have to ask, how did the conversation about Flamers after the Town Hall go?

Now, my continued "Patch Notes list of hopes for future patches":

-Of course my primary hopes/prayers/dreams are that y'all get to the Flamer Reengineering. Thanks for the answer in the Town Hall on that, by the way. Maybe this will be coming with the huge balancing overhaul? Please?

-I hope to God you go back and redo some of the recent weapons visualizations (my poor, poor Commando . . .). There has been LOTS of feedback from the community on these, and it isn't pretty. Maybe start knocking them out in bits and pieces? Or maybe start concepting overhauls for all the early-gen mechs to use the kind and quality of weapon visualizations that new mechs have?

-Looking forward to the big balancing overhaul that is slated to come down the line. I hope we start to get some info on that, soon. It's nice to see that it's finally getting some more public mention. I sorely look forward to the public testing on those. (Maybe we'll see more changes than just the ECM change, as well . . . maybe flamers are fixed in that build? Please?)

-Also looking forward to seeing some more CW iterations in future patches. I'm sure it's a boatload of work to get things ready for each phase, but it's also been about 6 months since the last major iteration. I'm sure UI assets and some design/engineering assets had to be diverted for the mechlab and mech select screens, but since those are concluded (or mostly concluded, in the case of mech select) maybe we'll see news and updates on other CW items, soon?

-Decal System was mostly done (according to Town Halls), but was put on hold for UI work on CW and Mechlab/mech-select. Maybe assets could be diverted to get this finished off, soon? I'm sure it would do a great deal to help monetization efforts by allowing more detailed customization features for mechs.

-Lastly, what ever happened to the original Resistance titles/badges? We were told we were getting them, and then it never happened. Please don't make Tina a liar. You'd think it'd be such a little and easy thing to get done. In fact the big petition thread that was started over it already had versions that were ready for implementation in game, that had fixes to make them unique and identifiable.

As a closing note, please don't take these desires as bickering or complaints. They're merely notes for hopes/dreams/wishes to be included in future patches. Y'all at PGI have been doing great work, especially recently, and I hope it continues. However, think of the items listed above as key notes for huge morale boosters (especially my Flamer request . . . I really want to be able to go out there and incinerate things properly). Thank you all at PGI, sincerely, for the work that y'all do. On the other hand, if things on the list just don't get touched, then expect my wallet to stay closed more and more.

Edited by Sereglach, 22 September 2015 - 06:57 AM.

#6 Jman5


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:22 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 21 September 2015 - 10:59 AM, said:

You will also now be able to view your current Pilot Skill Rating Tier through the Pilot Info pane on the Home screen, along with a progress bar to track your progress toward the next Tier (or descent into a lower Tier). Post-match changes to your PSR are now reflected in the End of Round screen, so you will be able to determine if the results of that match had a positive, neutral, or negative effect on your PSR.


#7 Felbombling


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:24 AM

One thing you should add to the 'Currently Selected BattleMech' section...
  • Quick-access spend XP on Pilot Skills

#8 El Bandito


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:27 AM

Glad to see that you guys made even more improvements to the new tutorial, PGI. :)

#9 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:33 AM

nice. TIER4 here i come.

web tiers - later this week , ie friday/saturday ?

and academy seems good. nice toy.

#10 WildeKarde


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:40 AM

Bottle of vodka ready to wash away the depression of being a low tier .... officially :(

#11 Lugh


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:53 AM

Please sticky this :)

#12 Jabilo


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:54 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 21 September 2015 - 10:59 AM, said:

  • The current 'Mech model can now be rotated in the Home Screen.

I have waited for this for a long time. Bless you.

#13 Beaching Betty


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 11:59 AM

Able to look at our PSR? Sweet!! :D

#14 Ryoken


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 12:41 PM

Why would a sane person use flamers and machine guns against armored targets? Thats nonsense... wait for infantry and soft target vehicles to enter the game, or use them on locations without armor to make more crits.

But if you ever try to attack a mainbattletank or mech with a flamer or a machinegun you deserve to get fracked.

#15 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 01:13 PM

View PostRyoken, on 21 September 2015 - 12:41 PM, said:

Why would a sane person use flamers and machine guns against armored targets? Thats nonsense... wait for infantry and soft target vehicles to enter the game, or use them on locations without armor to make more crits.

But if you ever try to attack a mainbattletank or mech with a flamer or a machinegun you deserve to get fracked.

Mech-scale Flamers (the ones we have, sans fuel) are essentially venting engine plasma onto the target, no? They should wreak havok on anything they touch, but they're worse than a feather duster right now.

Mech-scale MGs are a lot closer to modern 20mm cannons or whatever than they are to a modern .50 cal MG. Combine that with the fact that they're generally rotary guns with absurd rates of fire and they should be shredding armor. An MG ought to be matching the damage output of an AC2, but they're currently only pushing about a quarter of the DPS.

#16 Alistair Winter


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 01:17 PM

Looking forward to PSR.

I wish the new Home Screen had a pilot profile picture.

Posted Image


#17 Antares102


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 01:23 PM

Black Knight sucks

'nuff said.

#18 Speedy Plysitkos


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 02:05 PM

View PostAlistair Winter, on 21 September 2015 - 01:17 PM, said:

Looking forward to PSR.

I wish the new Home Screen had a pilot profile picture.

Posted Image


This is a MUST.

#19 S C A R


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 03:43 PM

Tier 1. Here I come)

#20 Outcast1six


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Posted 21 September 2015 - 04:37 PM

I very much like this patch, especially the academy and tutorial. I have an 8 year old and a 5 year old that love "giant robots" so it would give them more to play with than just testing grounds.

Also thank you so very very much for allowing us to rotate mechs in the home screen.

View PostAntares102, on 21 September 2015 - 01:23 PM, said:

Black Knight sucks

'nuff said.

I am slightly interested in how you know this since the mech isn't released yet?

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