seeing the way i am creeping my way back to Tier 2 it shows that though PGI have done a GREAT JOB on Tier-System, there are too few of them.
I see that every tier need to be halved so that there are more tiers and more ?diversity? so that there is a real separation from the high-end and low-end players.
Now the getting stombs also give a meaning when i see tier 4 players meet tier 2 . No way for a fun game.
Specially you must realize that in Tier ~end3 - 2 - 1 are more 1% people with equipments tier 5-3 can not even dream of.
I think you did not recognized that when you where planning the tiers.
This must be corrected ASAP.
Second one is that the minimum score for some one not to drop must be TIER-Related:
A tier 1 player with a minimum of 200 Match-Score is DOWN, no way to discuss this to me or a Pro.
In Tier 2 something around 120 - 150
Tier 3 100 - 120
and so on.
Let the scores be calculated by a mathematician as i guess the curve is exponential.
Else PGI: