Posted 18 September 2015 - 11:58 AM
The lasers aren't the problem. If lasers were a problem then the ice ferret would be overpowered.
The problem is hardpoints disparity . Timbers have the hardpoints to take good builds, cicadas, commandos, adders, do not not have had points for good builds.
If you nerf all the lasers, timbers and crows still have better hardpoints. Nothing changes except they rely on the gauss more frequently. It still only takes 1 -3 alphas.
If you nerf heat cap, mechs with better hardpoints are still better. The only thing that happens is balistics are more desirable. Gauss is completely unchanged. And brawler builds become even worse than they are currently. brawlers are already marginal enough as it is.
Twin gauss builds completely unaffected .
If you want it to stop, you have to physically prevent people from doing it entirely.
Currently you can only fire two gauss at a time. If they imposed the same restriction across all weapon types , only being able to fire 2 of any weapon at a time, and 1 gauss at a time would have the desired affect of reducing alphas and raising ttk.
Unfortunately even that would simply give rise to 4 llas builds fired in groups of 2
And lights with 6 energy would be impossible to play. It would just shift the meta without addressing the issues. Hardpoints and locations.
They could also restrict you to only being able to fire the weapons on one arm at a time, or the torso guns, reducing ttk and lowering alphas. But that obviously only even affects some mechs. Wolverine completely ignores that rule.
All mechs need hardpoints normalization. Every mech needs to be on the level of the firestarter, blackjack, timber, banshee, dire, storm crow or balance isn't going to happen.
Once every mech has a similar alpha potential, all they have to do is universally buff armor until everything feels good.
I'm NOT a fan of the current 1 - 2 alpha killing virtual anything on the battlefield meta.
Either that or they could let us bring x tonnage of mechs to every battle, not just in cw. That way even when you get taken out you could just respawn as opposed to spending 15 minutes in the queue.
Fiddling with spreadsheets isn't going to fix anything. Fundamental changes have to occur, including but not limited to: gauss generating heat, and not exploding on critical because no one cares anyway, mechs rescaled down , more better hardpoints, lrms that work and are fun to use, srms that work, close range weapons worth using, better cover on maps, more armor on virtualy everything, targets to shoot at other than mechs/players, higher velocities on many weapons, so they can actualy be useful (ppc, ac10, ac20, srms)
Last but not least, smaller targets, these robots are ******* enormous. And armor, armor on pretty much eveything. Either every gun in the game needs a damage nerf, or everything needs an armor buff. It's one or the other.