Hi! I created 5 game mode ideas with some goals in mind. I was aiming to create game modes that offer the players a different playstyle other than a brawl + minor variable condition of win; that also do not take a lot of PGI resources to be made. In my opinion the only game mode that does that currently is the Conquest game mode. Just to be clear: The game mode I designed offer a lot of opportunities for combat, however the combat alone does not bring victory in those game modes. All numbers are subject to change, but that would need tests and that could only happen if PGI would be interested.
Also keep in mind that english is not my first language.
Here are two of my game mode ideas:
Crucial data must be transmitted off planet but we only got a scarce satellite net over this world. Use the satellites whenever possible and transmit data by the short range communication antennas in the area.
Game mechanics:
There are 6 short range communication antennas on the map.
Every one of them can be captured by any mech just like a beacon in Escort game mode, once captured it doesn't need any mech presence to generate points for the team who captured it.
Every minute from the start of the match the satellite is in position and every captured antenna generates a point for the team that controls it. There should be a voice reminder that satellite will be on position in X seconds.
The team that gathers 20 points first wins.
Optional changes and tweaks:
Short range communication antennas flip time.
Pause between the satellite flybys.
Number of points gathered needed to win.
First short range communication antenna capture 10.000 / 300
Capture the short range communication antenna again 1.000 / 10
Data transmission 2.000 / 5 for every antenna each time the satellite flies by, for everybody.in the team.
And something that would need a bit more work from the PGI side.
Take control over artillery positions and send coordinates via control station to drop hell on enemy base.
I see a lot of potential for voice acting as the base under fire is the one that communicates with the players at the start of every game. As it is getting pounded with artillery shells the voice should let the players know how bad and dramatic the situation is, and announce the evacuation of what’s left from the base for the team that loses. One thing I’m not sure of is this: Should the guns hurt mechs that troll and jump into shell path, or should the ground shaking blasts be only a visual treat.
Other than the dramatic aspect the gameplay offers a centre point to cumulate the fighting but also gives a job for skirmishers and potential to last second saves by capturing enemy artillery.
Game mechanics:
There are 6 artillery positions on the map with one control station in the middle.
You can take control (flip) over the artillery position like you do with beacons in the Escort game mode.
Once controlled artillery positions are marked blue on the map, enemy artillery positions are marked blue, neutral are pale yellow as usual.
Enemy can flip the point back and takes control over it.
When you activate the control station, all friendly guns open fire resetting all those artillery positions to a neutral state. They can be captured immediately after this.
You can activate the control station the same way (it remains neutral), but the control station can be activated again after 15 second delay.
Only artillery positions that belong to the team activating the control station will fire and reset to neutral state. All enemy artillery positions remain captured until are re-captured by opposing forces or they fire via activating the control station..
The team that will fire to the enemy base X times (10 for example) wins.
Optional changes and tweaks:
Two control stations close to the middle instead of one
Time needed to flip the artillery position
TIme needed to activate the control station
Delay on the control station
Capturing artillery position 3.500 / 35
Activating the control station 3.500 / 35
Remember that every number is an untested estimate.
Edited by Garran Tana, 03 October 2017 - 01:06 PM.