Nick86, on 26 September 2015 - 07:56 AM, said:
Which doesn't make sense in Skirmish. Skirmish is won by killing mechs. By killing mechs efficiently as possible I am depleting the players on the enemy side lowering their chance of victory. If victory is the be all and end all then PSR should reward the play that wins that match.
Does PSR reward capping in conquest? Not really. Both teams could play keep away and the first team that hits the point limit, maybe even by one second, wins with nobody doing damage on either side. Does PSR say "Well played!". No. One side will stay even and the other will go horribly down EVEN THOUGH BOTH TEAMS PLAYED TO THE OBJECTIVE.
PSR not rewarding players for being efficient in killing when the point of the match is killing makes no sense, whether that player wins or loses.
But hey, keep it this way and let the Steam crowd comment. If you think there are too many threads now...
Edited by Ted Wayz, 26 September 2015 - 09:11 AM.