Rhalgaln, on 30 September 2015 - 12:56 AM, said:
So if all mechs have an abstract Value based upon their successful usage in historic games, you can easyily balance pug games by a restricting (battlevalue+pilotELO) per side.
This allows lower skill pilots to take higher battle value mechs and forces big groups of high tier players to use less meta mechs.
If the BV is recalculated weekly you might break the domination of so called meta-mechs
The default BV can simply be based on tonnage, equippment(ECM, MASC), quirks or maybe even on loadout different from mech-config to mech-config. The more mechs of a given loadout exist, the higher will be the BV.
Maths should limit to a maximum which is abaout the maximum score of reaching Tier 1.
Then limit Team BV to 8 times that value (BV+ Skill) per Side for default.
For each group size limit BV to 80% of that score per player in group.
Match Teams with equal to 10% different BV's
Sorry for OT, but we had tonnage restrictions already and they failed
Battle Value should be calculated using global win ratio of a mech variant. Because winning is the ultimate goal. Damage and kills are less important.
Battle Value should be kept secret, because exactly which mech gives the best chance of winning would make even more people use that mech.
Edited by Kmieciu, 30 September 2015 - 01:58 AM.