The Solution: Replace the "tap to short-cycle" functionality with a "hold to short-cycle" functionality. If tapped, the UAC will only fire once and will be unable to fire again until the full reload cycle has been completed. If held down, the UAC will fire at exactly twice its normal rate until it jams or the trigger is released. That means a short-cycled UAC20 will fire every 2 seconds until the trigger is released, while a short-cycled UAC2 will fire every 0.36 seconds until the trigger is released. Balance between the UAC calibers will be restored, as will balance between them and the other AC classes.
If/when the RAC comes along, it will have a switchable mode, able to operate identically to a UAC (2x ROF, identical jam chance), or with an even faster short-cycle (4x ROF, increased jam chance).
Disclaimer: This has NOTHING to do with overall weapons balance. If you're planning on whining that this will nerf heavy UACs in relation to laservomit, rest assured that there are other ways to boost UACs so as to keep them competitive (higher velocity, further reduction of rounds per shot, increased ammo/ton, plenty of other variables that can be tweaked). All I am concerned with in this thread is balancing the UACs to each other, and in order to accomplish that, a change in functionality is required.
Edited by NeoAres, 02 October 2015 - 07:12 AM.