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Do I Need Multi-Button Mouse?

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#1 Xoco


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 07:41 PM

I need help with hardware setup--do I need non-standard mouse (standard being 2b+scroll). Please share your hardware setup.
I usually play games with only hotkeys and standard hardware (curse me being cheap!) But games are different. There are many things to keep track off, but you're only pressing 3 buttons at once--select a target, move/jump, and hotkey for skill (maybe with CTRL and ALT modifier). Mainly, you only need maybe 4 fingers on each hands to be able to do what you need.

In MWO, I have my weapon groups quite micro'd. Most groups do not have more than 3 weapons mapped on them (most only 1 or 2). It helps with cooldown and position management, and also heat (I can't afford double heat sinks or better engine on my newer mechs just yet). This works well when I was doing only Light Mechs that are zooming around (MAX SPEEED, YEAH!). But now I'm moving to heavier weight class, and I'm trying my hands at brawling. Now I have to control throttle on top of the weapons, meaning that I now need 1 more fingers that I cannot spare.

So what do you guys recommend?



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Posted 03 October 2015 - 07:44 PM

A good mouse with many button help tons. Though i dont have any weapon on my mouse a part 1-2. I like to have weapon3 on CTRL and weapon4 on ALT. I got uav and arty on mouse button along with 100% forward and stop. zoom on scroll(it wasnt default before, might be now)

For movement i use reverse and center legs on torso, i dont use throtle decay,

Edited by DAYLEET, 03 October 2015 - 07:54 PM.

#3 SaltBeef


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 07:52 PM

Walmart sells the Naga Mouse.

#4 MechaBattler


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:12 PM

If you have small hands. Use the Naga. If you have big hands, you might like the Logitech G600.

Personally I have weapon groups bound to the first six keys. And air strike/arty, coolshot, uavs, night vision and heat vision set to the others. It makes it easier to use those without having to move my hand from the movement and throttle keys.

#5 Darwins Dog


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:14 PM

I would highly recommend at least a 6 button mouse. I have a logitech G700s that I've set up for all 6 weapon groups, full ahead, full reverse, full stop, zoom, and throttle up/down (bound to the scroll wheel).

There is a lot to do in this game. The more functions you can use without having to take your hand off the controls, the better your potential.

#6 Xoco


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:16 PM

I have throttle up-down set on S/W, and full stop on X.
Weapons are 1 through 6 (I wish we can do modifier key like alt-1, etc).
My mouse wheels are currently for zoom as well.

I still can't get comfortable with the zoom module for my snipey bots, and using thermal and night vision is always hell for me.
And the map..the team map...oh lord. It's so damn hard to press, and it takes so long to pop up. I would love to help command my Lance, but the game just makes it so hard.

#7 Aresye


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:32 PM

I use a Razor Death Adder mouse.

LB - Group 1
RB - Group 2
CB - Group 3
MW Down - DPI Shift to 500dpi
MW Up - DPI Shift to 2500dpi

I have 2 thumb buttons on the left side of the mouse. The one closest to me is my push to talk for teamspeak, and the one in front of that switches my mouse profile to enable DPI switching.

#8 SolCrusher


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:33 PM

Naga helps a bit if you need extra weapon groups. It's macro function is a little iffy for me not as concise.

#9 Kira Onime


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:39 PM

I use the RAT 7 .

Left click = Group 1
Right click = Group 2.
Red thumb button = group 3
Two other thumb buttons are consumables.
Scroll wheel click = Group 4.
Silver side scroll wheel = zoom in or out depending on which direction I scroll it.

Posted Image

#10 Ultimax


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 08:46 PM

It's extremely useful.

I love this mouse so much, I bought a one for my desktop, a second one for my laptop and a backup in case something happens to either of them. :lol:

Posted Image

The key selling point for me is the location of the key labelled "Weapon Group 3".

The design allows you to control it with your index finger, which can also control the Left Mouse Button - and it makes it very easy to fire those two weapon groups simultaneously with just one finger.

Software is solid, and the weights it comes with are a nice touch for added comfort (I thought they were a gimmick before I bought it, but I definitely developed a preference for a specific weight and location of that weight).

#11 Lostdragon


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:14 PM

View PostUltimatum X, on 03 October 2015 - 08:46 PM, said:

It's extremely useful.

I love this mouse so much, I bought a one for my desktop, a second one for my laptop and a backup in case something happens to either of them. :lol:

Posted Image

The key selling point for me is the location of the key labelled "Weapon Group 3".

The design allows you to control it with your index finger, which can also control the Left Mouse Button - and it makes it very easy to fire those two weapon groups simultaneously with just one finger.

Software is solid, and the weights it comes with are a nice touch for added comfort (I thought they were a gimmick before I bought it, but I definitely developed a preference for a specific weight and location of that weight).

I have groups 3 and 4 bound to the thumb buttons and where you have group 3 I have artillery, and behind it coolant or UAV.

#12 Cementi


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:18 PM

Set your mouse wheel so that rolling forward moves the weapon group to the left while rolling back moves it to the right.

I then set weapon group 6 to the left shift key. I usually put missles or alpha strike on that group.

I still use the 1 through 4 buttons now and then when I need to fire another weapon group but would like to stay on the one I am instead of scrolling to the other group.

#13 Ultimax


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:22 PM

View PostLostdragon, on 03 October 2015 - 09:14 PM, said:

I have groups 3 and 4 bound to the thumb buttons and where you have group 3 I have artillery, and behind it coolant or UAV.

I keep my thumb free because that's the finger I use to hold the DPI shift down to drop from 5500 to 1200 for more precise aiming. (5500 allows for better torso twisting). The button has to be held down while firing to maintain the DPI shift.

You only hit artillery once per match, and that button is prime real estate - I'd much rather use that for a frequent use, critical button such as a weapon group.

You should give it a try one night. ;)

Edited by Ultimatum X, 03 October 2015 - 09:23 PM.

#14 Homeskilit


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:26 PM

Any mouse with a clickable scroll wheel + forward/back thumb buttons gives you 5 buttons to set up how you wish.

#15 Wildstreak


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:29 PM

While nice to have, you do not need a multi-button mouse and I have used all weight classes.
You jsut need to plan before buying Mechs, focus on building them with only 2-3 weapon groups, I do it all the time and it works. Try building Mechs on Smurfy's before buying.

#16 El Bandito


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 09:34 PM

I use only 3 buttons to keep things simple. If I really need the 4th button, I choose to use the "space" bar, like the old MW2. My 4th mouse button is for toggling TAG macro on/off.

#17 LordNothing


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 10:00 PM

reminds me im kind of in the market for a new mouse. these are my requirements:

wireless (dont give me that wired is better crap)
lots of buttons

but i dont think it exists so i will just keep fixing the ones i have or build one from scratch.

#18 Hit the Deck


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 10:02 PM

Posted Image

It has a BIG 3rd button on top for your ring finger to click. Effectively, you can have 3 main buttons or you can configure the third button as a CTRL for the 12 side buttons or DPI shift for aiming.

#19 Lostdragon


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 10:05 PM

View PostUltimatum X, on 03 October 2015 - 09:22 PM, said:

I keep my thumb free because that's the finger I use to hold the DPI shift down to drop from 5500 to 1200 for more precise aiming. (5500 allows for better torso twisting). The button has to be held down while firing to maintain the DPI shift.

You only hit artillery once per match, and that button is prime real estate - I'd much rather use that for a frequent use, critical button such as a weapon group.

You should give it a try one night. ;)

I use the button you have as DPI as a shift key and I use the same buttons I have consumables bound to to change DPI up and down. I might try rebinding, but I was having better luck when I first got the mouse using thumb controls for groups 3 and 4 since I was more used to them and hadn't developed muscle memory for the buttons I have consumables bound to.

#20 Alistair Winter


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Posted 03 October 2015 - 10:09 PM

You don't really need it. But here's an example. I used to play MWO with ~15-25 FPS in most matches. Now I run with 80+ FPS. Did I really need it? No, I was doing ok before. But having more FPS gave me an extra edge, especially when playing lights.

Having 3-6 buttons on your mouse will give you an extra edge. There's no way around it. But there are many builds that don't really require 3-4 weapon groups.

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