RussianWolf, on 04 October 2015 - 11:11 AM, said:
I disagree. Pinpoint could be useful if other things were changed to allow it to be useful and those things would improve averall gamplay in my opinion.
1)Currently ballistics fly straight and true with only a gavity drop effctiving the tragectory. Anyone who has fired a rifle over long distance can tell you that there are other factors that effect the tragectory of the bullet (crosswinds, updrafts and others) So this actually gives cone of fire a plausibility. So if they instituted something like a 5 degree cone of fire in addition to the gravity drop, then had pinpoint be a reducer of the cone of fire sspread to say 3 degrees. It would become useful. This wouldn't have an effect on lasers though,
2)Recoil also needs to be added in, the bigger the gun, the bigger the recoil. Pinpoint could also reduce the effects of recoil without eliminating it complately, say a 25% or 50% reducer. Recoil would effect lasers when they were fired while also firing ballistics.
3)While you mentioned only talking about Pinpoint, doing so without talking about the "collect them all" format that we have now is silly since it needs to go away (which is what you are actually complaining about) and have set of skills that you are only able to activate half of at any one point in time so that your mechs become actually customized.
I'm not complaining, just pointing out that this doesn't work.
If Pgi would do something to make pinpoint useful, that'd be cool with me.