What's the point of tiers if you can hide it.
I think it should be visible for everyone in the forums.
Its good to know what tier is that guy above me, when he is giving some advice to us. I want to see if he is good or bad.
What do you think guys?

Started by DrSlamastika, Oct 05 2015 05:31 AM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 05 October 2015 - 05:31 AM
Posted 16 October 2015 - 04:42 AM
Basing your opinion of a players based entirely on their tier is a bad idea.Due to PSR being very dependent on winning your team has about as much influence on your PSR as yourself. While it gives you a general idea of skill some very good players are often sitting in tier 3.
It should probably be able to be hidden in the forums I think it should always be shown in game that way we can see how bad ( or good )MM is doing.
It should probably be able to be hidden in the forums I think it should always be shown in game that way we can see how bad ( or good )MM is doing.
Posted 16 October 2015 - 04:54 AM
And also dont forget, the PSR only counts in PUG matches. CW matches are not affected, so I dont expect my Tier to change much as I only play CW currently and no matter how good or bad I play there will be on change. The same can be true for a Tier 4 or Tier 5 player who only goes into PUG matches to level up mechs (meaning they only play sub-par games due to unleveled mechs).
The Tier level should have absolutely no refelction on how serious you should take advice. Ive seen Tier 1 players give bad and Tier 4 players give good advice... just take each point of advice with a grain of salt and think it through logically before accepting or rejecting it.
The Tier level should have absolutely no refelction on how serious you should take advice. Ive seen Tier 1 players give bad and Tier 4 players give good advice... just take each point of advice with a grain of salt and think it through logically before accepting or rejecting it.
Posted 16 October 2015 - 05:07 AM
DrSlamastika, on 05 October 2015 - 05:31 AM, said:
What's the point of tiers if you can hide it.
I think it should be visible for everyone in the forums.
I think it should be visible for everyone in the forums.
Knowing your own tier already gives you a measure of where you are, and something to work towards (if you care about that sort of thing). I always thought that was the one good reason to show the Tiers.
There was a vote about whether to show the Tiers to others, and the current "opt-in" system won overwhelmingly.
DrSlamastika, on 05 October 2015 - 05:31 AM, said:
Its good to know what tier is that guy above me, when he is giving some advice to us. I want to see if he is good or bad.
What do you think guys?
What do you think guys?
There are a lot of people who don't show their Tier -- some of them very good players -- because they oppose the whole concept of that information being public.
Besides which, I'm not convinced that high tier players are "good" players. I'll grant that there's probably a correlation, but also too many other factors for you to use anyone's Tier level as a useful predictor of how good that one individual is. Tier level also measures the willingness to run cookie-cutter meta builds, running with a good unit, and the typical mech tonnage you run (because the match score formula is so damage-centric).
If I can make my way up from T4 (I'm slow, have bad eyes, run non-meta Mediums, and do stubborn *hit all the time), I'm not convinced you have to be more than average to make it to T1 with meta-mechs.

Posted 16 October 2015 - 06:14 AM
I play with my mech load outs individually in actual matches. I may take 50 matches for a given variant before I consider it optimum (and sometimes not even then). Being stuborn, and perhaps not very bright, I may have a run of 10 (or more) matches without a win before I realize that a given build is perhaps less than optimum for my play style and then change it, starting the process over. Doing this for now 50-some mechs over the last year and a half has driven my tier to well into the lower half of T-5 (I think we need a T-6, to give me something to strive for
Yet, when I play CW, my teams usually win (certainly more than 50 percent...I would guess closer to 65-70% someone in he 1stH might have real stats) and I am almost never the worst player (there are almost always folks with worse stats then me).
So am I a crappy player? Perhaps. Is my advice to others not as relevant or useful as those in a higher tier, as is suggested by the OP? Maybe. Only way to know for sure is to play. Judging someone's ability to understand the game and how it works (value of one's opinion) based on their advertised tier seems a wee bit short sighted.

Yet, when I play CW, my teams usually win (certainly more than 50 percent...I would guess closer to 65-70% someone in he 1stH might have real stats) and I am almost never the worst player (there are almost always folks with worse stats then me).
So am I a crappy player? Perhaps. Is my advice to others not as relevant or useful as those in a higher tier, as is suggested by the OP? Maybe. Only way to know for sure is to play. Judging someone's ability to understand the game and how it works (value of one's opinion) based on their advertised tier seems a wee bit short sighted.
Posted 20 March 2022 - 05:24 AM
i wonder how i manage to get tier 4 on my new account while using the same mechs and builds
( lot of electronics and countermessures instead of mechmonsters build arrounf guns ),
after only 35 games.
i do the same stuff as usual, try to be a teamplayer, scout, protect, flank, sometimes killing,
while i played about 1000 games on my old account newer come close to tier 4 ( 10% of the bar ).
is the game use somehow the history like kill/death or win/loss of a player to evaluate the match score?
are there bonuspoints for cadets? ( i own a lot of hero mechs but the +30% dont help either )
im confused
( lot of electronics and countermessures instead of mechmonsters build arrounf guns ),
after only 35 games.
i do the same stuff as usual, try to be a teamplayer, scout, protect, flank, sometimes killing,
while i played about 1000 games on my old account newer come close to tier 4 ( 10% of the bar ).
is the game use somehow the history like kill/death or win/loss of a player to evaluate the match score?
are there bonuspoints for cadets? ( i own a lot of hero mechs but the +30% dont help either )
im confused
Posted 20 March 2022 - 06:57 AM
kaltstart, on 20 March 2022 - 05:24 AM, said:
i wonder how i manage to get tier 4 on my new account while using the same mechs and builds
( lot of electronics and countermessures instead of mechmonsters build arrounf guns ),
after only 35 games.
i do the same stuff as usual, try to be a teamplayer, scout, protect, flank, sometimes killing,
while i played about 1000 games on my old account newer come close to tier 4 ( 10% of the bar ).
is the game use somehow the history like kill/death or win/loss of a player to evaluate the match score?
are there bonuspoints for cadets? ( i own a lot of hero mechs but the +30% dont help either )
im confused
( lot of electronics and countermessures instead of mechmonsters build arrounf guns ),
after only 35 games.
i do the same stuff as usual, try to be a teamplayer, scout, protect, flank, sometimes killing,
while i played about 1000 games on my old account newer come close to tier 4 ( 10% of the bar ).
is the game use somehow the history like kill/death or win/loss of a player to evaluate the match score?
are there bonuspoints for cadets? ( i own a lot of hero mechs but the +30% dont help either )
im confused
This thread deals with the "old" Tier system and the information mentioned in this thread is no longer valid..
There has been the "new" Tier system since July 2020. This "new" Tier system works differently.
I suggest that you start a new thread in the General Discussion section.
Posted 26 March 2022 - 12:28 PM

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