Since the patch yesterday CW has become increasingly unstable for me, to the point that it is now unplayable. In the evening after the patch, I was disconnecting at the beginning of each match. As the night went on, it started disconnecting during the middle of matches as well. At the time of writing this, it will not even let me rejoin the current match. I hit the rejoin button, get the connection screen, and immediately disconnect again. This only happens with CW games. The public drops are fine.
I have restarted my PC, done a full reboot, and ran the repair tool, but the problem has only gotten worse. I've already emailed support.
I never had a connection problem like this before. Prior to this I would maybe disconnect once or twice a day.
Anyone have any ideas?
Anyone Else Having Stability Issues?
Started by kazlaton, Oct 07 2015 01:12 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 07 October 2015 - 01:12 AM
Posted 07 October 2015 - 06:57 PM
Duplicate thread has been up for 18 hours.
PGI haz abandunned da forms.
PGI haz abandunned da forms.
Posted 08 October 2015 - 01:04 PM
I was having the same issues as well. I ran the repair tool and it cleaned up some shader files now things are back to normal.
Posted 10 October 2015 - 08:02 AM
Same happened to me. In the moment you hear the first "pling" of the loading Hud->crash to desktop. And if not at that point later in the game.
my workaround (repair tool didnt help): play with 64bit client. i keep my fingers crossed
my workaround (repair tool didnt help): play with 64bit client. i keep my fingers crossed
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