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Death Star

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#21 TLBFestus


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 06:08 PM

View PostThe Unstoppable Puggernaut, on 09 October 2015 - 01:11 PM, said:

Hey PGI folks,

Any chance you can allow Deathstar award for 12 kills in CW please, or at least 20+ ....

Posted Image

Why I think that that's a GREATidea!! So much so it deserves it's own image;

Posted Image

It's not as if the organized groups in CW would "game" that now, would they?


#22 Mad Porthos


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 07:09 PM

I watched deathstar earned legitimately by another. I earned ace of spades a long ways back as well. It does not take a disconnect match, nor does it take a coordinated sync drop, or drop against your own clan/group. More often it is really a matter of actual serendipity, making it to the right places at the right time, joining fights in progress where your teammates are in life or death fights with the enemy, holding focus while you can see the opportunities, the open CT, the 6 cored enemy mechs back to back but ready to focus fire any comer, except your light mech high above with an artillery strike... things like that.

My memory of my buddy's deathstar would not be complete without mentioning he and I were in spider 5d's, ecming with 2 er large. We scouted, popped uavs over targets in open ground and expected mediocre scores as our teams lrms went to work. The lrms seemed to be scoring damage, opening a few fatties that my bud and I sawed apart with laser fire. He secured both, while our other light kept spotting and narcing enemies who were heavies, allowing nice holes to appear in their armor too. Unfortunately the enemy lights found a few of our fatties and made mincemeat of them, but were legged and/or cored in the process. Our heavies and mediums were trading with their heavies and mediums and they all were getting very hurt, our guys .

Since our assaults had unfortunately been a lot of our LRM platform, their loss to those lights meant no more lrm suppression, which was unfortunate because the enemy mediums, heavies and an assault were now deathballing and looking to roll through our team, who in turn were trying to counter flank around a mountainous formation and catch the tail of the death ball. Several times thevdeathball was in open terrain where lrms could have scattered them and taken a toll but since our assaults had been LRM... meh.

As spiders we were now giving ECM cover to our team and bemoaning that everyone of the enemy was hurt, but no one could get any more than glancing laser burns on them... also that our lone remaining assault, an atlas -k (?) was packing a gauss, an xl and streaks, not able to use any of it effectively. With Nascar continuing, our atlas -k decided to root, turn around and commit suicide by meeting the deathball. The rest of our group coninued to chase, but my buddy and I cut across center and found ourselves directly above the deathball as they rounded on the suicide atlas. I dropped arty behind them, legging a few and opening rear armor - no kills though. Responding to action behind them, the enemy deathball wheeled around and delayed long enough for our own beatup mediums and heavies to catch up, running right into enemy fire. The suicide atlas, realizing he was still alive pushed his luck and rushed the backs of the enemy who were wrecking our teamates. We two spiders were pecking at backs, dropping two then three of them from above, but all the heavies and mediums on our team fell to an enemy artillery strike and they turned around to see what killed three of them, seeing the charging atlas-k, rather than the ecm spiders above. Melting Atlas-k.

Meanwhile, the partially legged light trio of the enemy had got our narcer, our remaining light who refused to coordinate with us. My buddy dropped down around behind the remains of the enemy ball and dropped his own arty, killing three more as they were finishing off the suicide atlas. I think that just left legged lights and a stormcrow who were now up in the rock formation this all had been going on around. So we drew away under cover to play a range game, finishing legged lights and the stormcrow who kept trying to close for streak kills. I never got a kill, in part because my buddy was chain firing while I had both my Er Large in same arm on same weapon group. Most all his kills were sawing legs off legged mechs or hitting things with his arty strike. A few were also just the usual backshot from when the enemy doesnt know you are above and exposes open back panel when twisting away from fire that is threatening him from expected directions.

I got 11 assist that game, believe that I failed to get any damage on one of the legged lights before he took the other leg. Obviously, no kills. While I have had games I shined in a light, I never yet have beat 9 kills in a match and I doubt I ever will, I am an aging mech warrior and my strengths lie in other chassis ... still, it can happen in the darnedest of times, like when you come in fresh to a vicious brawl, unexpected - or in the aftermath of a particularly well placed arty strike. Even the ammo explosion furies can play a role, as they did one day when I was mastering the spider K, managing 6k, 4 assist. All the kills were opened heavies and assaults, using mg on red legs and side torsos until glorious ammo explosion cascades ensued.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 09 October 2015 - 07:32 PM.

#23 bad arcade kitty


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Posted 09 October 2015 - 09:43 PM

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 09 October 2015 - 01:16 PM, said:

I'd assume you could only get it in CW if you got your 12 in a single mech.

your cw stuff doesn't count to achievements at all including the summing up assist or component destruction achievements (shredder, little helper etc)

#24 Kotzi


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 12:52 AM

Havent seen anybody achieving this yet. Think i would remember them because this would be very impressive.

#25 Mycrus


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 01:14 AM

View PostLevi Porphyrogenitus, on 09 October 2015 - 01:16 PM, said:

I'd assume you could only get it in CW if you got your 12 in a single mech.

They should have a new Achievement, too:

Apex Predator. Get 48 kills in a single match.

Alternative name: Unstoppable Force.

Alternative name: SWOL

#26 XXXBunnyXXX


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 02:13 AM

12kills in cw is easy ...

#27 Mordin Ashe


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 02:20 AM

Death Star doesn't work in CW, no achievement does. I've had several games where I got 12+ kills in one Mech and never recieved anything. 15 is my record (laser vomit Timby) and still nothing.

Seriously, this absolute exclusion of CW from the achievement system is ridiculous...

#28 sycocys


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:26 AM

I do agree that it was pretty foolish to not have personal achievements (non-faction) to chase for CW. Probably would have extended interest for many players by a dozen games or so.

#29 Water Bear


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:33 AM

View Postpwnface, on 09 October 2015 - 01:46 PM, said:

I've only seen screenshots of 11 legitimately. Getting all 12 kills is completely a luck thing.

I had an 11 kill game in a D-DC, once. A friend of mine took a screen shot. 12 is quite a reach.

And no, getting DS for CW kils would make DS a joke.

#30 Juodas Varnas


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:45 AM

View PostWater Bear, on 10 October 2015 - 07:33 AM, said:

And no, getting DS for CW kils would make DS a joke.

It's ALREADY a f*cking joke.
I really bloody doubt that even 1% of all DS's are legit.

#31 Narcissistic Martyr


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:50 AM

View PostDeath Proof, on 09 October 2015 - 01:37 PM, said:

I've yet to see anyone get 12 legitimate kills in standard matches; 11 is highest I've seen recorded.

So, I'm pretty sure 95% or more of those "Death Star" titles were ill-gotten.

You mean without a coordinated team feeding you the kills or from the bug a while back?

#32 Water Bear


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 07:51 AM

View PostJuodas Varnas, on 10 October 2015 - 07:45 AM, said:

It's ALREADY a f*cking joke.
I really bloody doubt that even 1% of all DS's are legit.

That's probably true; There was a certain bug a while ago where most people would fail to connect to a match - so you'd have a game where almost all 24 players were just standing there, DC'd. People found out ways to join those matches and would get DS that way.

Having said that, I've been 1 kill away one time in my life, so if you get it legit it ain't no joke.

#33 627


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 10:52 AM

when everyone is talkin about death star, once again I came to the conclusion that liquid metal is the hardest title to earn. You can't "farm" that easily and clan mechs can't get it at all. Getting this in a pug match is a real achievement.

Everyone I see with death star I only think "nah, that's somehow cheated" but liquid metal is really a rare sight and is indeed "special".

#34 Mcgral18


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 11:04 AM

View Post627, on 10 October 2015 - 10:52 AM, said:

when everyone is talkin about death star, once again I came to the conclusion that liquid metal is the hardest title to earn. You can't "farm" that easily and clan mechs can't get it at all. Getting this in a pug match is a real achievement.

Everyone I see with death star I only think "nah, that's somehow cheated" but liquid metal is really a rare sight and is indeed "special".

Get a friend to blow your leg out if you're a stick.


Do it in a Stalker for most damage? Maybe something faster (positioning and being able to shoot things are needed for Top damage, Assault allows for more guns) Banshee has too large a CT, while a STalker can easily shed both STs and still retain CT armour.

#35 627


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 11:25 AM

View PostMcgral18, on 10 October 2015 - 11:04 AM, said:

Get a friend to blow your leg out if you're a stick.


Do it in a Stalker for most damage? Maybe something faster (positioning and being able to shoot things are needed for Top damage, Assault allows for more guns) Banshee has too large a CT, while a STalker can easily shed both STs and still retain CT armour.

I'm aware of how to get all the acheatments ;)

But you still don't see this one often in pugland.

#36 Water Bear


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 11:26 AM

View Post627, on 10 October 2015 - 10:52 AM, said:

when everyone is talkin about death star, once again I came to the conclusion that liquid metal is the hardest title to earn. You can't "farm" that easily and clan mechs can't get it at all. Getting this in a pug match is a real achievement.

Everyone I see with death star I only think "nah, that's somehow cheated" but liquid metal is really a rare sight and is indeed "special".

I've already got liquid metal; Still no D star. :)

Edit: And I did it PUGing.

Edited by Water Bear, 10 October 2015 - 11:27 AM.

#37 Levi Porphyrogenitus


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 06:02 PM

View Postbad arcade kitty, on 09 October 2015 - 09:43 PM, said:

your cw stuff doesn't count to achievements at all including the summing up assist or component destruction achievements (shredder, little helper etc)

My statement was intended more as a what-if than anything else, as in, if PGI let you get it in CW, then it'd likely only be if you got your 12 with a single mech.

#38 Deathlike


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Posted 10 October 2015 - 06:58 PM

The planets and stars would have to align.... with a hint of a PGI desynced server.

That's all the voodoo that's really necessary.

#39 Amsro


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Posted 11 October 2015 - 09:10 AM

I've only just recently gotten the Ace of Spades. 9 Kills 1 Assist.

I didn't even get to see the "other" 2 mechs, the match was a 12vs10 near the start, the rest was just a perfectly positioned and well supported push.

I would like to thank aidenmpryde for the 10 assists. ^_^

#40 TercieI


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Posted 11 October 2015 - 09:38 AM

View PostAmsro, on 11 October 2015 - 09:10 AM, said:

I've only just recently gotten the Ace of Spades. 9 Kills 1 Assist.

I didn't even get to see the "other" 2 mechs, the match was a 12vs10 near the start, the rest was just a perfectly positioned and well supported push.

I would like to thank aidenmpryde for the 10 assists. ^_^


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