I like playing with mech builds while I have free time at work, or when I'm online but not on the machine the game is installed..
So, I've been thinking. We have smurfy, right? Its nice, its cool..
But compared to the current state of the in-game MechBay, its.. well.. obsolete.
The heat values are different, omnipod selection is different, and its simply not up to par anymore.
Even though the diferences are in mere details..
Why not make a Site-bound mech editor, something that would be integrated into the MWO site itself, and look and feel exactly like the in-game mechbay?
I don't know much about browser game elements, or how complicated it would be, but I just know I want to be able to edit the mechs properly within the MWO site, and have correct heat readouts (I can never tell what's the difference between smurfy and in-game).
Maybe use smurfy itself, integrate it into the site and rework the heat?
Correct all the stuff to equalize it with the in-game mech bay?
I think this would be very usefull..
Edited by Vellron2005, 15 October 2015 - 03:18 AM.