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Rework Jj Mechanics? Vote!

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Poll: Rework JJ? (52 member(s) have cast votes)

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  1. I accept new features (19 votes [36.54%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 36.54%

  2. NO! JJs are fine (12 votes [23.08%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 23.08%

  3. JJ must be redone, but completely in different way (21 votes [40.38%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 40.38%

Public test it?

  1. Yes (36 votes [69.23%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 69.23%

  2. No (16 votes [30.77%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 30.77%

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#1 AtomCore


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 06:18 AM

Now, when we have larger map, how about to completely rework JJs?
New rule: each installed JJ pack has a 1 non-rechargeble shot, that push the mech ahead on 400m long (with 100m altitude) and 140-150 khp flight speed - constant number for any mech. And thats are MINIMAL values (length, alt, spd) to be actual.

I did some tests in my SDR-5V (30 tonn, 10JJ, 163.4 top speed):
It makes jumps 330-380m long 90-120m alt from its' top speed.

1) Actual JJ mechanic is broken and rare used
2) players are familiar with one-time use mechanics in game - f.e. coolshot, artystrike
3) some low tier mechs like Highlander may be useful again - f.e. fight initiation or disance breaking for defence (Highlander could gain also 35 splash fall damage for "DEATH FROM ABOVE FEATURE")
4) people need some fresh changes in game balance
5) mechs with JJ in battle live longer

counter spamming: cooldown time for JJ 5 seconds after use (its about 2 alfastrike on any mech)
counter heavy hitters: 1 use of JJ adds 20 heat (its about 30% for IS builds and 26% for clans)
- this heat prevents to do more than 1 alpha after landing.
tonnage limits: imho could be not changed, current JJ's weight is fine for classes

Edited by AtomCore, 20 October 2015 - 06:20 AM.

#2 Robin Bad


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 06:32 AM

Interesting idea, maybe fishes will listen and do something outta laser range?)

#3 Neonila


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 02:01 PM

Each JJ gives 30 meters forward and 7-8m up
JJ has a fixed power, for example light with 1 JJ jump as well as assault
JJ amount depends on the type of engine , for example 50t mek with the 250 engine can installed no more than 5jj
1 JJ for every 50 engine power
example : https://youtu.be/dT3mR1Ytu5I?t=170
(Translated by Google)

Edited by Neonila, 20 October 2015 - 02:08 PM.

#4 AtomCore


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Posted 20 October 2015 - 11:29 PM

View PostNeonila, on 20 October 2015 - 02:01 PM, said:

Each JJ gives 30 meters forward and 7-8m up
JJ has a fixed power, for example light with 1 JJ jump as well as assault
JJ amount depends on the type of engine , for example 50t mek with the 250 engine can installed no more than 5jj
1 JJ for every 50 engine power
example : https://youtu.be/dT3mR1Ytu5I?t=170
(Translated by Google)

8 meters is a half of an Atlas' height. I would say that changes nothing.

My point is not creating low constantly flying mechs and wolfpacks meta. NO!
Also Neonila's proposal don't serve problem with current JJ bug exploit (when you trying to jump on the high angled
climb and collide with it - you recieve teleporting hitboxes)

I would like that jump was JUMP ( not a short controlled fligh, but huge uncontrolled once used (1 charge jetpack) jump to break distance)

#5 Neonila


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 08:16 AM

<div>If you use 5 J J the distance is 150 m height of 35-40 m</div>
<div>In such a system would be the sense to install more than 2 J J</div>

#6 Karl Streiger


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Posted 21 October 2015 - 11:05 PM

well mix those ideas:

- don't increase thrust per JJ just increase the fuel
- 5 JJs give you 5 activations - each (1sec?)
- 12 JJs give you 12 activations
- each activation will burst you 30m forward 8-10m height (cause of Mech Scaling)
- heat per activation is 3
- reload per JJ is 20sec
- the thrust even for 30m should be brutal - no hovering it have to be like a kick from a mule

#7 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 25 October 2015 - 11:22 AM

Treat Jump Jets like external Engine heatsinks. Each JJ mech is required to equip x-amount of JJ before it is usable. As for distance, it would not need to be BT distance, eg 3jj=3hexes=90 (of course that is the max for a mech moving at 3/5 hexes)

Right now this is how the jumpjets look for various weight classes and JJ Classes. Right now there is not a distinction between the Classes of JJ except the weight differences between Class 5/4 to Class 3/2 and Class 1. But there should be a difference in thrust/distance.

Class 5 JJ = 6JJ (1/2ton each) = 52m (30ton-Cheetah)
Class 5 JJ = 6JJ (1/2ton each)= 44.5m (35ton-Firestarter)

Class 4 JJ - 8JJ (1/2ton each) = 105.4m (40ton cicada)
Class 4 JJ - 6JJ (1/2ton each) = 79.1m (40ton cicada)
Class 4 JJ - 5JJ (1/2ton each) = 65.9m (40ton cicada)
Class 4 JJ - 4JJ (1/2ton each) = 52.7m (40ton cicada)

Class 4 JJ - 6JJ (1/2ton each) = 70.3m (45ton shadow cat)
Class 4 JJ - 4JJ (1/2ton each) = 46.8m (45ton Blackjack)

Class 4 JJ - 5JJ (1/2ton each) = 52.7m (50ton - Enforcer)
Class 4 JJ - 4JJ (1/2ton each) = 42.1m (50ton - Enforcer)
Class 4 JJ - 3JJ (1/2ton each) = 31.6m (50ton - Enforcer)

Class 4 JJ - 7JJ (1/2ton each) = 67.1m (55ton - Shadowhawk)
Class 4 JJ - 6JJ (1/2ton each) = 57.5m (55ton - Shadowhawk)
Class 4 JJ - 5JJ (1/2ton each) = 47.9m (55ton - Shadowhawk)
Class 4 JJ - 4JJ (1/2ton each) = 38.3m (55ton - Shadowhawk)
Class 4 JJ - 3JJ (1/2ton each) = 28.7m (55ton - Shadowhawk)

Class 3 JJ - 4JJ (1.0ton each) = 32.4m (65ton - Thunderbolt)
Class 3 JJ - 3JJ (1.0ton each) = 24.3m (65ton - Thunderbolt)
Class 3 JJ - 2JJ (1.0ton each) = 16.2m (65ton - Thunderbolt)

Class 3 JJ - 6JJ (1.0ton each) = 45.2m (70ton - Grasshopper)
Class 3 JJ - 5JJ (1.0ton each) = 37.6m (70ton - Grasshopper)
Class 3 JJ - 4JJ (1.0ton each) = 30.1m (70ton - Grasshopper)
Class 3 JJ - 3JJ (1.0ton each) = 22.6m (70ton - Grasshopper)

Class 3 JJ - 4JJ (1.0ton each) = 28.1m (75ton - Timberwolf)
Class 3 JJ - 2JJ (1.0ton each) = 14m (75ton - Timberwolf)

Class 2 JJ - 4JJ (1.0ton each) = 23.9m (80ton - Victor)
Class 2 JJ - 3JJ (1.0ton each) = 17.9m (80ton - Victor)xx baseline 30/40m (BT it would be 90m)
Class 2 JJ - 2JJ (1.0ton each) = 11.9m (80ton - Victor)

Class 1 JJ - 5JJ (2.0ton each) = 31.7m (90ton - Highlander HM)
Class 1 JJ - 4JJ (2.0ton each) = 25.4m (90ton - Highlander 1 variant)
Class 1 JJ - 3JJ (2.0ton each) = 19.0m (90ton - Highlander other variants) XXX baseline = 30/40m
Class 1 JJ - 2JJ (2.0ton each) = 12.7m (90ton - Highlander)

Class 1 JJ - 3JJ (2.0ton each) = 17.1m (100ton - Direwolf-S)

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