with over 1.2 mill xp
it will not fly, or carry a millon weapons, it is not tough ....but played well it worked well...
it had ecm and went fast ..wow...........now nearly every thing light does...
the one mec you had that was near what it should be...........till you took off a mec module slot
what made it one of the best recon /spotter / sniper... mecs out there
with targ/decay, seismic/sen, and Adv/zoom (my eyesight is medioka)
if I dump any one of these, Like now..... it makes it no better than so many others, that do not
make the grade yet..
what do all you other Ravn-3L Lovers think?......have fun
Edited by Shaky Shot, 01 August 2015 - 09:38 PM.