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Alternative To Mm Voting And Dc Penalty

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#1 Thorqemada


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Posted 31 October 2015 - 06:08 PM

So, i have voiced clear that i am very unhappy with the recent released November Roadmap and the 2 mainpoints MM Voting and DC Penalty as i do not exepct them to do any healthy Support to the Customer Satisfaction.

Private Matches already offer full MM choice and it is unecessary to waste ressources to bring that to Public Matches to make a significant part of the Playerbase unhappy in exchange for a very slight increase of the Customer Satisfaction of the the other Slice fo the Playerbase - there is simply no Overall positive gain in the addition of things.

Lets speak about alternatives...

What do Players want that they can reasonably expect from a good matchmaker:
Players want waiting times as low as possbile.
Players want fun/satisfying maps and matchmodes
Players want to chose Mechs that fit the environment they fight in

What does the general Playerbase need:
A "Spread of Pains" shared as even as possible so nobody gets the "Short Hand".
A gameplay that avoids staleness as much as possible through offering a diverse variety of maps and modes and Mechs to play with.
Freedom of unecessary penalizing threat.

How can this be achieved:
Some compromises have to be made - there is no ultimate freedom!

1. Soft Matchmodeselction bcs Mechs are not General Infantrie but Special Forces that be collected together to handle specific Military tasks as successful as possible (entirely reasonable).
Albeit sometimes the Enemies enforces emergency reactions and unsuited Forces have to respond first (entirely reasonable).
Goal is that Players have a majority of Matches play out with their favourite matchmode.
After a specific time (i.e. 3 Minutes of searching for a match) the softselection is ignored and every matchmode can be played.

2. No Mapvoting in PQ - no Military has the luxury to disobey to a marching order - you fight where the fight is!
Mapweighting in a reaasonmable manner is ok (like it is now).

3. No Military send Random Forces to a Fight - Mechselection based on Map Environment happens.
Four Mechs can be preselected bcs 4 Scenarions can happen:
Long Range
Short Range
Hot Weather
Cold Weather
In the !Matchlobby! you are able to select 1 of 4 pre selected Mechs for the actual fight that fits the map envorinment (This is gameplaywise absolutely reasonable!).

4. Diusconnects stay to be a Manual "Player Reporting Issue" - these Reports may lead to an Investigation with a subsequent Penalty in a reasonable range IF these Disconnects are intentionally breaking the gameplayexperience of other Players.

Imho this would maintain/increase Customer Satisfaction without throwing parts of the Playerbase (be it Majorities or Minorities) under the gameplay Bus avoiding uncesessary penalizing threats and shargin necessary pains pretty even.


Edited by Thorqemada, 31 October 2015 - 06:10 PM.

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