Welcome to Flavor of the Month Gaming.
Steam Group: http://steamcommunit...avourOfTheMonth
Teamspeak: fotmg.enjinvoice.com Pass: getrekt
Twitch Streams: http://twitch.tv/hbizzle26 http://twitch.tv/bearclaw94 http://twitch.tv/L0111101 http://twitch.tv/poisonerka http://twitch.tv/ardai9
Unit Size: Approx 30
Unit Focus: Fun and Comp Play
Playtimes: Eastern Time primarily, but have folks on Pacific, Central, and European times.
About Us:
We are a group of competitive/casual gamers that came together to form a multi-game and multi-platform gaming club.
Our goal is to have an inclusive, empowering, respectful, and fun community of gamers who play games to relax, but enjoy playing at a competitive level.
We are currently looking for quality people who are competitive pilots in Mechwarrior: Online and other games that believe in teamwork, winning, and having fun.
We also have members that play a number of other games including Armored Warfare, League of Legends, Rocket League, World of Warships, H1Z1, Starcraft, World of Tanks, Heroes of the Storm, and other games.
We look for gamers who have a high skill level, but play to have fun and relax.
If you think you would be a good fit please join us on our Teamspeak Server at FOTMG.enjinvoice.com, password = getrekt, and contact a Unit Leader, or you can visit our website at http://fotmg.enjin.com/.
See you on the battlefield Mechwarriors!
Edited by HBizzle, 10 December 2015 - 07:48 PM.