Cataclysm315, on 09 November 2015 - 07:02 AM, said:
Good to see this, it's nice to see what people think as a whole rather than arguing amongst ourselves.
I'll admit I actually haven't seen Terra, Tourmaline or Caustic since the update which is a problem.
Interesting -- I see it win the vote most times when it's on offer.
Terra Therma I haven't seen a single time since the patch. Viridian I was astonished to get once. This is pretty much perfect by me -- I'm OK with playing Viridian once in a (very long) while, while Terra I have no desire to see ever.
What surprised is that Frozen City, HPG, and Mining Colony seem to typically win by landslide when they're offered. I never gathered from listening to people that those are favourite maps. Then again maybe they aren't anyone's favourite -- just not particularly hated by anyone either.
But what I notice is that in the first few days it was HPG/Frozen ALL the time. Could get HPG four times in a row. But now people more commonly win another option over HPG. I guess enough people get tired of the "flavor of the day" map and start going for another one, so over time we get a reasonable diversity in maps.
Edited by jss78, 09 November 2015 - 09:20 AM.