Escef, on 11 November 2015 - 06:36 AM, said:
I am amenable to this proposal.
I'd also like a "fake" arty strike consumable. Just a red smoke canister to make people panic.
And a Smoke consumable, lays out a smoke screen around a hundred meters across that dissipates in 15 to 20 seconds. (For extra poops'n'giggles, make it so that it fizzles and produces next to no result on HPG Manifold.)
A Chaff consumable that scrambles sensors in a 30 meter radius for 10 to 15 seconds would also be interesting.
We have a huge amount of potential design space in consumables that can be used to add more depth to the game, yet people want to cry about it existing at all? People blow my mind.
I'd also like a "fake" arty strike consumable. Just a red smoke canister to make people panic.
And a Smoke consumable, lays out a smoke screen around a hundred meters across that dissipates in 15 to 20 seconds. (For extra poops'n'giggles, make it so that it fizzles and produces next to no result on HPG Manifold.)
A Chaff consumable that scrambles sensors in a 30 meter radius for 10 to 15 seconds would also be interesting.
We have a huge amount of potential design space in consumables that can be used to add more depth to the game, yet people want to cry about it existing at all? People blow my mind.
I had an idea for a new UAV consumable. Instead of the current UAV, the one would act like a locked missile magnet. When it's up, all missiles that require a lock (LRMs, Streaks) would track to it instead. Wouldn't take much to destroy it BUT even a slight redirect of incoming missiles could mean the difference in getting to cover (or the cover you already have).