1. The Victor is very very easy to kill for mech its size. All of the best heavy mechs are more durable than the Victor. The reason for it is because its large and its very very easy to pinpoint its torsos. You may ask if this is so why the Victor poptart was the meta. The reason is poptarting allows you to do damage without taking damage. It allows you to only face the enemy for a second and then turn away and fall. But without jump sniping the use of the Victor is for short or short mid range fighting. And it falls very very short at this.
2. Lack of hard points. Victors have very few hard points and they are not in good locations. Even the Dragon Slayer has this problem. Really the onlything the Dragon Slayer ever worked well at was a pop tarter. The Victor ALL including the Dragon Slayer need better general weapons quirks. If you look at the builds they can bring they tend to be things like 3 LLs and SRMs, or an AC20 and SRMs, Or a couple of AC5s and a PPC. The problem is none of these builds tend to be effective without quirks. The only Victors that have decent firepower are the B and S. But neither really have range. And because they are not very durable they just do not work well.
Suggested fixes.
1 - More armor for every varient. This will give them the durabilty they need.
Add Struc CT +10
Add Struc L/R Torso +17
Add Struc L/R Arm +10
Add Struc L/R Leg +17
2- Give them many general weapons quirks of a good size. Look they have hardly in hard points and they are scattered all over the mech. And they are both low and high and left and right. They are not going to be able to boat weapons. Giving them good general quirks means people can play builds that are OK for several styles and still not be OP.
Ballistic Velocity +15%
Ballistic Cooldown +15%
Ballistic Range +20%
Energy Heat Gen -10%
Energy Range +10%
Laser Duration -10%
Missile Cooldown +10%
Missile Heat Gen -10%
Missile Velocity +10%
These numbers may look high but not if you look at the hard points on the mech. Make all possible builds on Victors with these quirks and non are OP.
Also notice I did not give the Victors gausse or PPC quirks. This is because I do not want PGI to worry about them pop tarting or what ever the fear is. Also to be effective they would need large PPC quirks and I am sure that is a no go.
Edited by XX Sulla XX, 17 November 2015 - 01:10 PM.