- Bundled together in constellations that work together against invasion
- Individually given supply value quirk between -5 and 10
- Individually given a trade quirk either export, import or Isolated
- Individual supply lines can be reinforced, standard, vulnerable or severed based on connecting planets and war actions
Supply simplified: The overall production of positive goods whether it be food, steel or medicine. A planet with a 0 supply is self sufficient. A planet with a negative supply is usually that way because its in dire need of a critical import like food.
Attackers and defenders alike will have to be aware of negative supply planets in constellations as they will prevent supplies from reaching the front lines. It might be worth it for an attacker to take a constellation that only has 1 or 2 strong planets supporting 3 others.
What does disruption do? Simply put one requirement to claim a planet if old fashion conquest is proving difficult will be to reduce its supply below rating 0. Disrupting supply lines and raiding industrial centers will all affect a planets supply rating. Alternatively reinforcing supply lines and disrupting raids will slowly repair the supply rating to the planets norm.
What will a less than 0 supply rating do? A supply rating less than 0 will cause a planet to slowly collapse as resources like food, power and medicine dry up. If the owning faction can't re-supply the world the people will begin looking towards the attacking faction for what they need. This could be represented by an influence bar generated for every planet in the war zone and directly affect a constellation wide bar. It would start showing 100% loyalty to the owning faction. If the attackers can cause this bar to drop to -25% the planet flips and will be boosted to %50 in the attackers favor.
How does supply work for a Constellation? The supply system will affect a way invasions will be carried out. Focusing one planet at a time will be extremely difficult as planets will redirect supply's to help the defenders and maintain planet stability. Reducing 2 or 3 planets supply rating and disrupting multiple supply lines will be critical in weakening defenders positions. Examples of a strengthened position will be A.I. vehicles and tougher, faster firing turrets. A weakened position will have turrets at half or one quarter health. Damaged or destroyed generators and a lack of supporting non battlemeach forces.
Can constellations support each other? They will be able to but it will be limited. When an invaded constellation support drops below 50% any neighbors with Inter-Constellation supply routs will provide a bonus based on there total supply value to all planets still loyal to the defending faction. These supply lines can be disrupted.
What do the different kinds of supply routs do? Supply line designations (reinforced, standard, vulnerable or severed) allow planets to redirect a certain amount of excess supplies to endangered planets. Reinforced and standard allow unrestricted flow of goods. A vulnerable line only allows one quarter and severed allows non.
- Factions receive a number of war bids based on total supply output of faction
- Bid on by units
- Units get a number of votes based on a the size of the unit
- Bid engagements are valid for one month
- Opens an engagement area usually the entire constellation, but flipping planets and crippling supply lines might be required.
- Units can call in request for supply line or infrastructure raids/defenses and raid planets in the engagement zone
- Raids will randomly generate every half hour if Units are not requesting them
The idea behind engagements is to give the larger organized groups more control of the flow of FW but still keep it open to the entire community
- IS company and lance commanders are required
- IS will still drop in the current 3 lance formation
- Clan Star Captain and Star Commander are required
- Clans will drop in a 2 star Binary formation
- Commanders are chosen voluntarily or at random if no one volunteers
- Company/Lance/Star commander will drop in a special Commander (CC) variant heavy or assault battlemech replacing there currently selected battlemech. Volunteers will get to select there chassis.
- Company/lance/Star commanders will get a 20% C-Bill/EXP/Loyalty bonus for any action completed in the CC variant battlemech to include giving orders and when pilots obey those orders
- Attacks on periphery's use solo que maps and game modes
- IS periphery attacks can be attended by an entire public team, 3 pre-formed teams of 2-4 and/or any combination.
- Clan Periphery attacks can be attended by an entire public team, 2 preformed teams of 3 - 5, and/or any combination
- Invasion attacks/defense will still consist of 4 company drops