Atlas Command - 100 Tons - Standard Structure, Engine, and Armor but Heatsinks are Double Efficiency.
Speed is 3/5/0 with a total of 16 Double Heatsinks for 32 point dissapation rate (via TT rules). Four of the twelve are not within the engine and one each are placed in the left and right arms/torsos respectively.
Armament consists of an ER Large Laser on each arm, an LB-10X in the right torso with a total of four tons of ammo (3 in the right torso and 1 in the left). This is to allocate to Cluster or Slug munition if that option is available {{Hopefully is...

Lastly, the legs contain a Beagle Active Probe (LL) and Guardian ECM (RL) suite. Combined with either the Command tree or defense options in the skill trees, this would allow me to find enemies and protect my lance from being located. The two ER Large Lasers and the LB autocannon can fire with no heat buildup in the mid-ranges. Critical to this build is the option to punch through armor with Slug rounds and use Cluster once the enemy is softened up.
Close-up, the Cluster rounds and the accurate dual SRM barrage will be deadly to any opponent that has holes in their armor from attempting to close. To conserve ammo, the entire laser compliment can be fired at running speed (TT rules) with no heat buildup at all or all but one ER Large for a no heat "near-Alpha" strike.
I recognize there is no CASE on this version. If there is no ammo switching with the LB, I would remove one ton of ammo for the LB 10-X (still may anyway) to put CASE in both torso . This would facilitate moving one of the double heatsinks to an arm. The double heatsink protects ammo in its own way by making three critical spaces "hitable" while removing it makes the ammo slots more likely to be hit due to a 'reroll' on the critical hit table.
Anyway, there it is guys and gals - let me have it!
Edited by Aeryk Corsaer, 10 July 2012 - 03:23 AM.