Almond Brown, on 01 December 2015 - 10:02 AM, said:
So an LRM carrier gets a default 8s lock on that ECM carrier? Wow, that is a 8ucking long time to stare down an enemy Mech your your last weapon happened to be LRM launcher. Oh let me guess, you don't actually give a **** about the LRM carriers, just about your Streak Boat... Ok I get the logic, or lack thereof, in your 90m proposal. LOL
Why something so simple is so mathematically beyond some "Players" is the 11th wonder of the world.
And the inability of others to see outside their little thought boxes is the 12th.
Yes 8 Seconds was arbitrarily chosen so the steps away at 90 meters was easier to convey to your simple tiny mind.
Yes that is a LONG time to wait for a lock, you currently wait 2.5-5 seconds for a lock as is... ECM needs to have a benefit.
8 can then be cut to normal (whatever that mechs signature rating is in the system) bysomeone ELSE covering it with BAP it and it can then be further cut when hit by TAG and NARC.
So in broad terms that's better than the magic on / off system in place now. Currently you have ZERO chance of getting the lock. Waiting 8 seconds is infinitely better than NEVER (unless countered directly)