Single heat AWS-8Q manage to get 1.43 heat efficiency with 3ppc & 1 med laser.
note: engin std 260, +endo steel, total 33 single heat sink.
result: 12 ppc chain fire shoot in caustic valley without over heat damage.
Advantage: Left sacrificial arm with no armor.
Double heat sink AWS-8Q to get a 1.45 heat efficiency with 3ppc & 1 med laser.
note: engin std 300, no endo, total 22 double heat sink.
result: 12 ppc chain fire shoot in caustic valley without over heat damage.
Advantage +9kph, +0.02 dissipation
The double heat sink still out preform the single heat single since you save 5.5 tons (an engin swap from std 260 to std 300).
Now it is obviously we all want the double heat sink to have a superior performance in dissipation of heat, but to add a bit more variation to load out it is recommended that the heat capacity as minor augmentation.
Current heat cap: Single heat sink : 1 capacity
Test P.2 capactity: Single heat sink 1.1 capacity
Recommended: Single heat sink: 1.2 capacity to give a bonus of 1 ppc (total of 13 shoot).
NOTE: Caustic Valley was chosen since it afford the worst case scenario for the double heat sink. (by reducing the time before overheat, thus giving an advantage to single heat sink with it higher capacity)
Edited by Kyrs, 16 October 2015 - 11:04 AM.