a new race discovered, calling themselves Ponies, from the planet of Equestria. They were nice, and began integrating into other systems.
The problems began when they encountered other planets colonised by other systems. they began 'befriending' them. Entire planets lost. So began the march to War.
the IA (Intergalactic Alliance, formerly Interdimensional Alliance) mustered a fleet larger than even the Reaper War Victory Fleet. Every race, every universe pitched in, IS, UNSC, Systems Alliance, Scarrans and PK fleets, Nirn, Terrans, RED and BLU, everyone
So began the greatest assault ever....
...The Assault on Equestria
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, Clanners and Freebirths, one and all, to the first Forum Game (AFAIK) on MWOMercs.com!
First things first. There will be people offended by this forum thread. So, if you are offended, please do the following
1. Backspace or press Previous Page
2. Don't open it again
The rules will be, what we call on Bay12 Forums, Roll To Dodge (RTD) Which uses a D6 to determine success, where 1 is epic failure (IE gun jams) to 6 which is epic win. Fairly simple.
The Universe is what I call Galaxies Unlimited. Basically, a little while back, each and every universe simply amalgamated (Think everything X-overed with everything, freely, whenever) This, IMHO, is epic in potential.
So now we need signups. If this gets more popular, i'll add additional slots
Team Roster
Seco (Section Commander AKA Corporal AKA guy in charge)
2IC (Second in Command AKA Lance-Corporal)
MechWarrior Support (Pilots a Battlemech of Medium or Below a Battlemech, fire support/big guns etc)
Now, the char sheet
Race: (If human, please specify what specific universe (IE ME, Halo etc. Battlemech pilots must be human)
Class (A medic is a great idea in a team, so is a Combat Engineer, so coordinate)
Description (what you look like)
Bio (try to keep it short.)
Actions like Shoot High Commander Twilight Sparkle in the face with my .45 handgun are bolded. Thoughts like When will these damn Ponies just die are in Italics.
Let the war begin...
Edited by Steve Varayis, 05 September 2012 - 06:00 PM.