Looking for a unit to join for Tukayyid, as well as to drop with on the regular afterwards. I'm a decent pilot, averaging 500-700 per match when I'm not dicking around in experimental builds. The bio:
- First experience with Battletech was in a Hobbyshop in the early 90's. In a mini tournament a 12 year old me got matched up one-on-one against a Centurion, I was given a Spider with two medium lasers. As I look back on it, I realize I was supposed to be a tin can opponent, but I used terrain and movement and won. My reward was a Werewolf LF-004. I promptly bought a pewter spider figurine, painted it green and have loved the franchise ever since.
- The game may be imperfect, but as a lifelong PC gamer I truly love this game.
- I have the weekend off, so I can play all weekend long. Otherwise I'm typically available several nights a week after 5PM PST.
- I'm laid back and make a ton of ****** jokes.
- Although I enjoy battles fought employing good communication via mic, well orchestrated maneuvering, and role warfare, I am not of the "leet" mindset. I'm a grown ass man, my government gives me a proper bumming with taxes, my joints ache from self inflicted arthritis, and I have an annual sales quota that has my hairline receding faster than the French Army in 1940. I will not suffer to hear some narcissistic **** yelling at me over the internet because I didn't "use the meta."
- I headshot mechs and roll a 3 on the crit table.