Pat Kell, on 14 December 2015 - 02:35 AM, said:
KCom did play against ilmechwarrior in a match recently and he put up 3300+ damage. We won the match but he spent most of the match on boreal sitting on top of sniper hill by the dropzone. We simply ignored him, recked his teammates and killed him once we were in range. He can do very well when he is using his teammates as meat shields...but then again, that can be said of any player that can aim and brings a dropdeck full of sniping loadouts.
We had a different match with IL MECHWARRIOR on sunday, he has always been close to the enemy team (us) and did perform very well.
For the topic, i am also voting for a Gauss un-nerf, or enabling some "secialist" Clan Mechs with Chassis-bound quirks, either structure, agility or weapon cooldown.