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Lock Begging.

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#61 jaxjace


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 04:26 PM

View PostFitzSimmons, on 12 December 2015 - 08:45 PM, said:

A lot of people will translate your request as:
"I plan to sit in the back and lob LRMs while not helping soak damage or get locks myself"

This and only this.

#62 Lynx7725


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 04:57 PM

View PostRoadkill, on 13 December 2015 - 03:19 PM, said:

LRM Specialists don't have to ask for locks, they get them for themselves. So when I see someone asking for locks what that tells me is that we're effectively down a Mech. Because unless you're really good with LRMs, you are in fact really bad with them. And I can probably count the players who are really good with LRMs on two hands.

LRMs are just that bad. It isn't the player's fault, other than the fact that they've failed to realize just how bad LRMs are and are still using them.

You're missing the point here. Teammates not locking up hurts the team and themselves, regardless of how many LRM boats are in said team.

#63 Scurry


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:10 PM

There are those who ask for locks with a mindset that they are entitled to them, and start yelling at the team for not locking despite the enemy being covered in ECM. And really do expect you to hang around to get shot at and yell at you for retreating. And those who are apparently incapable of focusing said ECM when they've been Narc'ed or UAV'ed.

Then there are those who do so as a friendly reminder for those who may forget, using a little suppressive fire, taking their turn in the firing line to cover those with little armor, remaining close enough that they hit, and for support when they are chased down by a light. And display marvelous teamwork, focusing on significant threats.

It's a tossup which one you get.

#64 Funkin Disher


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:28 PM

The underhive cares not for your 'sharing' and 'teamwork' and 'tactics' and 'thinking'.

Tis unfortunate, but many just don't believe that you asking for locks means that you want to help them.

#65 Roadkill


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:28 PM

View PostLynx7725, on 13 December 2015 - 04:57 PM, said:

You're missing the point here.

No, not missing the point at all. However, those asking for locks are generally so bad that even with locks they're still dragging the team down. Translation: stop using LRMs until PGI balances them. Seriously, look at your stats. Are you hitting more than 60% with LRMs? No? Then why on earth are you still using them? They suck.

I'm going to hit R to get locks, but I'm not going to hold them for anyone else. If I hold a lock for any amount of time, it's because I'm using it.

#66 Lyoto Machida


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:32 PM

Get your own locks, you lazy freeloader.

Best regards,

an LRM boat pilot

#67 Lynx7725


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:45 PM

View PostRoadkill, on 13 December 2015 - 08:28 PM, said:

No, not missing the point at all. However, those asking for locks are generally so bad that even with locks they're still dragging the team down. Translation: stop using LRMs until PGI balances them. Seriously, look at your stats. Are you hitting more than 60% with LRMs? No? Then why on earth are you still using them? They suck.

I'm going to hit R to get locks, but I'm not going to hold them for anyone else. If I hold a lock for any amount of time, it's because I'm using it.

I'm still using them because they help the team more than if I go around with a D/F weapon. Unlike some people, I see the value of having indirect fire support and I get very good results with them, thank you very much. And yes, I have more wins than losses, which means I'm not dragging the team down with me just because I run around with LRMs.

Wait for PGI to balance LRMs? Why? Their behaviour in the past few months, years even, indicate that they believe LRMs are in a good spot, which is what I personally believe too. They had tweaked it to be more powerful and it became Lurmaggedon, and I was there and I disagreed with it. And you want LRMs to be more powerful? Are you insane?

And you ARE missing the point, because my argument is that locking up is not for LRMs -- that is extra. Locking up is to spread information to the team. If you are doing it for your own benefit then fine, at least you're locking up. But you are apparently missing the whole information warfare pillar that Russ keeps talking about.

Edited by Lynx7725, 13 December 2015 - 09:04 PM.

#68 Jun Watarase


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 08:51 PM

What many people seem to forget is that LRMs allow someone to help focus fire your target a lot easier.

In the solo queue, you are almost never going to get all 12 players to focus fire one target. For one thing, space is an issue. You are not going to stand in this perfect line and have the enemy walk out in the open one by one like you can at CW gates.

Yea sure, someone with lasers or whatever focus firing your target will help kill it a lot faster. But whats the odds of that happening? Theres a fair chance that he will be shooting another target or not have line of sight to your target. And you would obviously target the enemy to look at their paper doll anyway, so its no loss to you.

What confuses me though, is when teammates frequently lose locks despite being within 100m range of the target and they are out in the open with nothing blocking LOS. I mean, dude, hes just infront of you, how are you losing the lock? With no ECM involved?

#69 Lynx7725


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 09:04 PM

View PostJun Watarase, on 13 December 2015 - 08:51 PM, said:

What confuses me though, is when teammates frequently lose locks despite being within 100m range of the target and they are out in the open with nothing blocking LOS. I mean, dude, hes just infront of you, how are you losing the lock? With no ECM involved?

Two possibilities. "HEY SHINEY!" or overheat and shutdown.

#70 crashlogic


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 09:04 PM

I get my own locks. I do most of the scouting on the team. I rarely play anything but LRM boats. I fire Lrms at 1100 meters because opponents think they are safe. I fire lrms at less that 180 meters because opponents think they are safe. I get 2-3 brawling rewards per game, typically. I get 6-12 assists per game typically. I get 1-3 kills per game typically. I get 300-400 match scores typically. I am not in the running to be the high damage mech in each match, but I contribute, in firepower and armor. I am trying to help the team. I know I am doing something right when after you take 70% Damage from my LRMS you say "Lurm noob." I assume you are whining because I have ruing your popr tar or peek and poke laservomit meta.
Thank you for playing, come again.

#71 Commander A9


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 10:25 PM

Some people are still under the impression that this is COD and selfish playing will get them somewhere.

These are the same people who pug in CW versus 12-mans and wonder why they lose.

#72 Lightfoot


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Posted 13 December 2015 - 10:57 PM

I always lock my targets, but I don't mind players asking for locks either. Locks tell me if my hits are registering and what mech sections are badly damaged and ready to fail. A crippled mech is less able to return fire and easier to beat, but your won't know if you don't just reflexively lock your targets. If you think, should I lock this target? You already lost. Then of course their are the team aspects of getting assists from teammates by coordinating attacks without having to ask because you locked your target.

Lately I have played the role of ECM scout with BAP and Adv Sensor Range and this is fun and my team has only lost one match where I was doing this. Could never do this when ECM had 180 meter radius btw, teams were just under an ECM bubble. But now, you can!

#73 NextGame


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 12:16 AM

View PostThomasMarik, on 13 December 2015 - 03:06 AM, said:

What I don't get is people refusing to get locks to the point it is detrimental to themselves. No matter what mech I'm piloting I'm constantly hitting R to see targets whether its something I could hit or not. I want to know what is around me all the time. I want to see where things are weak before I round a corner. I want my buddy to see that light skulking around behind him. All to often Ill be watching a fight where someone will be fighting a mech and never lock it. There are friendlies around the corner that could help or it could have a cherry red leg and the guy is oblivious to it because he won't hit R.

People shoudl lock weather there are LRMs on your team or not. It's amazing that the newbros from steam know this and the vets don't.

You should always press R, but holding a lock shouldn't be a priority over your own mech's longevity

View PostFunkin Disher, on 13 December 2015 - 08:28 PM, said:

The underhive cares not for your 'sharing' and 'teamwork' and 'tactics' and 'thinking'.

Tis unfortunate, but many just don't believe that you asking for locks means that you want to help them.

Standing at the back and letting your other team members be the target isn't helping.

#74 Steinar Bergstol


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 01:28 AM

If you're not locking you're doing it wrong. Sharing info with your team and helping the few LRM mechs out there is basic teamwork. Not to mention it's a _good_ thing to know which Component to shoot at because it's been weakened by incoming fire. This was the first damn thing I learned in this game, and if a tier 4 underhiver like me can manage to Lock my targets on a consistant basis then anyone can. Hell, do like me and bind it to clicking your mousewheel if hitting R is so bloody difficult to remember. That way it's always at Your fingertips.

#75 crashlogic


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 06:53 PM

Its also worth pointing out that sometimes as the LRM boat, you are going to pull LRMS for the rest of the team. You need to be sure your armour is soaking damage too. So a lot of times I try to get in 1100 meter fights with the LRM boats on the other side.

#76 Navid A1


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 07:53 PM

hehe... so much hate for lurms here...

All my teammates can shove all their locks up their a##... i get my own locks and share them for others as well...
^... this is the mentality you should have!

i use this mentality and nearly always have the final laugh against meta tryhards (only in PUG matches though)

I have an ice ferret with NARCs. From time to time... i take it for a spin... where i don't fire a single laser... just narc, narc and narc... and enjoying the fireworks!

#77 Makenzie71


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 07:57 PM

View PostFitzSimmons, on 12 December 2015 - 08:45 PM, said:

A lot of people will translate your request as:
"I plan to sit in the back and lob LRMs while not helping soak damage or get locks myself"

I see a lot of hate for this kind of thing. People got mad at me when I was running a missile crab because I hung out in the back lobbing missiles. Well, I had as many LRM20's, heat sinks, and ammo as I could pack on and was raining non-stop. Sometimes LRM boats do best hanging back and raining.

#78 Sandpit


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:17 PM

View PostDestructicus, on 12 December 2015 - 08:54 PM, said:

But don't order other people to do your work for you

bwahahaah hyperbolize much?
So making a funny post regarding locks is now "ordering"?
Now that we got that cleared up...

Every single one of you saying ANYthing other than "yes, lock", are doing it wrong.
end of discussion

Always lock
no exceptions

If anyone gives you ANY crap over calling for locks, I'd really recommend dismissing them as the new(ish) or poorly skilled player they are and if they persist, simply ignore/mute/block them.

you guys...
"yea, locks are bad"

locks give you the most important information in the game. Where to shoot your target.
damage reports
location of enemy units

You should really be shamed for encouraging people to NOT lock. That's one of the absolute BEST things every player can do, ESPECIALLY new players. You guys post crap like this and then wonder where new players pick up bad tactics and habits and such lol

Keep on keepin on though

#79 JC Daxion


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Posted 14 December 2015 - 08:35 PM

You should always hold locks if you can.. It helps others target weak spots, and see where enemies are.. Hold the lock, so you hold the target, so anyone joining your lock, can see the paper doll. How this is some sorta begging, by reminding people to hold locks is beyond me.

When i run lights i often put in 360 module over Radar dep, because i can avoid missiles most of the time, But i can't hold a lock as i loose sight, which can often be far better for the team.. More often than not my Non-JJ lights carry hill climb and 360.. if it is a mech with JJ's, its 360+seismic, If the mech has 3 slots, i typically run all of them, unless its a laser boat, then i will swap one for Info gathering.

as for the LRM hate.. I really get sick of this crap.. Just as many people with Larger and ER large laser, Gauss, and Ac5/PPC users sit back just as much as LRM users.. But some how no hate about sitting back ever is directed towards them. I can't count the amount of matches that if it isn't a light as the last mech, its some wanna be sniper with fresh armor. If only the person spent any time up front, we could of won the match.. SOAKING damage is part of everyone's job! In this game you can only take so much damage, so if you don't do your part, for part of the game, then you are not doing your part.. I'm not saying sit in the front till you are dead.. But try taking 100-200 points of damage for part of the match,, and you will have many more mechs left at the end.

My LRM mechs, run just behind the front lines, and often i take my time up front, to soak damage, before i drop back so the brawlers can push fresh, while i lob my lurms over their heads and between the brawler with LRM back up, they drop like flies

LRMS are NOT long range weapons.. they work best from 200-400m.. Why people don't get this is beyond me. The only time LRM's work at 800-1k is when someone gets caught way out in the open on a handful of maps.

I wish people could get this.. It's no wonder why people rag on them so much, Most people don't even use them correctly to start with.. they aren't a half bad weapon when used right, and with team work.. I don't know if they will ever make it to high end play.. with this peak and poke crap, mainly due to short cool downs on Long range weapons making it viable.. Increase the cool downs, and i'll bet we see more brawling, with LRM backs up as a kick arse team outside of just teir 3 and lower.. though honestly a few times in group play i have used LRM's and done fairly well with them.. But so much hate around them as a waste of space, makes me not want to most of the time, when i know i could of done just as well with an LRM mech, as i did with my laser, or ballistics mech.

#80 Destructicus


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Posted 15 December 2015 - 02:37 PM

View PostSandpit, on 14 December 2015 - 08:17 PM, said:


You kind of missed the point of what I was saying though

I never said "don't lock just to spite them"

Locking should something that should go without saying, badgering people to do something they should already be doing is obnoxious

Edited by Destructicus, 15 December 2015 - 02:38 PM.

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