Lynx7725, on 13 December 2015 - 08:45 PM, said:
I'm still using them because they help the team more than if I go around with a D/F weapon. Unlike some people, I see the value of having indirect fire support and I get very good results with them, thank you very much. And yes, I have more wins than losses, which means I'm not dragging the team down with me just because I run around with LRMs.
You ignored the real question: is your hit rate with LRMs greater than 60%?
If not, then a similar weight direct fire weapon would in all honesty be a better weapon for you. Yes, LRMs can be fired indirectly. What that really means is that you're out of position.
A weapon that regularly does 33% of its listed damage sucks, even if you can fire it at things you wouldn't otherwise be able to fire at. Get into position and use those 65% - 90% weapons to do some real damage.
Wait for PGI to balance LRMs? Why? Their behaviour in the past few months, years even, indicate that they believe LRMs are in a good spot, which is what I personally believe too. They had tweaked it to be more powerful and it became Lurmaggedon, and I was there and I disagreed with it. And you want LRMs to be more powerful? Are you insane?
Because they aren't balanced. They suck.
LRMs as currently implemented are only good when used against bad players. They're practically useless when used against good players. That's not a balanced weapon.
But you are apparently missing the whole information warfare pillar that Russ keeps talking about.
I can't be missing something that doesn't exist.