in this thread I´d like to ask you about builds for the AS7-S. BUT! Not just any builds. I seek to find only the best BS builds you can come up with.
Fun Builds, low budged builds, weird ones ... I want you to give me your creme de la creme of BS/weirdness.
Now let me give you a little taste of what I mean:
The SRMlas:
This beauty brings: 2xLPL, 2xMPL, 4x6SRM to the table. Cooled with 10 additional HS.
Also this is a low budged build, because I´m poor. I didn´t tried it out yet, but I already sense pure greatness from these SMRs.
Now, tell me what you think or share your very own BS build.
(Btw, I really want to know if you guys like this kind of threads.