The ballistic one i can't decide. Quad UAC 2s are pretty fun and can be ok, you lose dps if the guns jam on a double tap so what you do is use The Force to feel when a good time is to throw in a double tap shot once in a while, and they hardly ever jam that way and you can do more damage than with reg ac/2s. UAC/20s make you too slow, not enough ammo, and too short range to be that slow for how squishy you are IMO. The UAC/10 +er ml build is also too hot, save that build for the Ebon Jag honestly, you are better off just with UAC/10s and more ammo, never overheat, maybe 2 smalls instead of the mediums. Triple UAC/5s is a nice compromise, it feels like they jam all the time though, its what I'm using now though, its ok. In general theres no way to make these things great without the luck of no one paying attention to you or just having a really good position.
Edited by Rando Slim, 28 December 2015 - 01:31 AM.