just played a match on Forest, Conquest mode. our team moves up to take kappa, and theta. no sign of enemy units besides one blip by the cave.
Obviously, Cave rush. we move to reform, reporting our suspicion.
Lo and behold! a Fang, a treb, then and awesome, then the rest of their team come out of the cave exit by our base. we engage, pulling away from them back into the big rocks in the water. our team, however, has decided to take all their heavy and assault mechs, and walk the opposite direction. not even an LRM volley to keep them ducking. not a word in chat.
how in the world do you justify that? all through the match me two lance mates and i report location and target density. and the other group walk the opposite direction every time. of course our mechs are slowly blasted apart by the 8 enemy units in tight formation, who then run down the not very fast other half of our team. i lasted till the end of the match, apparently the fastest mech on my team at a whopping 97kph.
I just cant fathom what was going through their heads. they weren't fast at all, so it was a very poor plan to try and cap the bases. if they had at least turned and fired we may have taken some down, but no. nothing.

Why In The World!
Started by FerrolupisXIII, Feb 21 2013 02:33 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:33 PM
Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:37 PM
At that point all you can do is either die a glorious death or disengage and play cat and mouse with bases. The rest of your team was obviously uninterested in a fight.
Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:42 PM
It's obvious your team thought the cave rush was SEP (Someone Else's Problem).
Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:45 PM
I feel your pain.
Posted 21 February 2013 - 02:57 PM
It's funny...I actually had an extremely similar experience not long ago. Was on Forest, had no contacts while capping Kappa & Theta. Only difference was that instead of just typing what I was thinking, I climbed the outward side of the hill next to the cave exit and lit up the enemy team before hopping back down to type my findings. The team I was on responded by regrouping and cutting the enemy mechs down as they came at us.
Probably just bad luck on your part. I've been finding most teammates to be much more responsive to typing since ELO was implemented.
Maybe that's just me though...
Probably just bad luck on your part. I've been finding most teammates to be much more responsive to typing since ELO was implemented.
Maybe that's just me though...

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