Barantor, on 18 December 2015 - 08:39 AM, said:
If you wanted more 'authentic' types of mechs then the quirks would only apply to specific hardpoints and not the whole mech. This would allow the devs to tailor the mech more to a role without yanking all the customization out of folks hands.
If a mech has a PPC in it's arm in lore, then that arm mount is the place it gets the PPC buff, not the side torso energy points. If a mech has a bunch of SRMs in one torso, then that torso would be the place where the quirks happen. Much like how I imagine they could do it for the clans with A-R. Arm having X quirks and Prime-R. Arm having others.
The meta is just 'using the best' so you won't curtail it fully, but having things be a bit more lore appropriate than not would do a lot for the game IMO.
I have been suggesting this since quirks were released. It makes no sense for a Thunderbolt with an ERPPC on the arm to receive ERPPC quirks on a shoulder where a flamer is mounted. Quirks are supposed to reflect desgn characteristics, and Thunderbolts do not have design characteristics that involve ERPPCs on the upper shoulder. The pooch was screwed.
Also, concerning the opening post of this thread, the Hairbrained quote is not really applicable to MW:O and the OP's main question is somewhat moot. A TT game has far less tactical depth than a shooter. The TT game has more strategic depth, but tactical depth is sorely lacking. Why? Because you cannot aim, and partial cover is not a valid system.
On a TT Mech, it doesn't matter if your Lasers are shoulder mounted or hip mounted; they have the same utility because you don't have to worry about shooting over a navel-high rock. And you don't have to worry about how weapon placement affects convergence, variable projectile velocity, target leading, split reticules, and other factors that tie into why Boating works best in a live shooter.
The limitations they are placing on the BattleTech mechlab can't really be directly compared to MW:O's mechlab, and the comparisons we do make have to be considered in the context of Shooter vs RNGRPG.