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One Click Gauss Macro

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#1 Zirakss


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Posted 20 March 2016 - 03:18 PM

Hi mechwarriors,

I'am playing this game again for only some weeks and still have problems with the new gauss rifle. I could not get used to it. So I made a macro based on the macros from ProtoformX and kuangmk11.

You can find their macros here:
Many thanks to them for their great work.

This macro fires the gauss with one click. It will hold for you the designated key and release it, when the time is ready. Furthermore it will get into the next load, fire, recycle cyclus when you still hold the right mouse button down.

What do you need?
  • AutoHotKey
  • You will have to leave the right mouse button without any bindings.
  • You will have to put the gauss rifle on weapon group 6.
You can toggle this macro on or off with the combination Alt+Crl+G in the game and Windows+Alt+G in Windows.

Changing the weapon group is only a variable in the macro. Changing the mouse button is a little bit more work, but can easily be done.

And here is the macro. Just save it under a name of your choosing with the postfix .ahk
This script enables you to fire the gauss rifle with one click. The loading
and releasing of the weapons happens automaticly after the first click. The
gauss will fire when it is fully charged. You have NO option to hold the shot
back or delay it, when you trigger this script to shoot the weapon.
This script is heavily based on the the script GaussOverlay from ProtoformX.
You can find it here:
His script enabled you to fire gauss rifle and PPC on the release of the
the gauss rifle.
Some of basic timings I got out of the macro from kuangmk11:
1.) Place the Gauss rifle in Weapon Group 6. But you can switch the weapon
	group in the variable block for finetuning further down in this script.
2.) Launch the script and run MWO. It doesn't matter which order you start
	them in.
3.) while MWO is active, press Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle on and off this macro.
	If MWO is not active, instead press Windows+Alt+G to toggle.
4.) When you hold down the right mous button, the gauss rifle will fire
	repeatedly shot after shot until you relaese the button.
Red:	 Gauss recycling status
Yellow:  Charge status.
; Comments in AutoHotKey are started with a semicolon or the traditional
; stars and slashes as in the header.
; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey
; releases.
; Recommended for catching common errors.
; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SendMode Input
; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%/B
; Determines whether a script is allowed to run again when it is already
; running.
; The word FORCE skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance
; automatically, which is similar in effect to the Reload command.
#singleinstance Force
; #############################################################################
; How long you have to press the key or mouse button down to fully charge
; your gauss rifle.
; 850 is a little bit too short. shoots sometimes, but not everytime.
; 900 fires every time succesfully
; 880 fires every time succesfully
; 870 fires every time succesfully
; 860 fires every time succesfully
ChargeTime := 855
; How long your gauss rifle needs to recycle, before beeing charged again.
RecycleTime := 5000
; The weapon group to which the gauss is assigned
GaussWeaponGroup := "6"
; The refresh rate for the GUI progress bars. This is a frames per second
; value. In the original macro the function to refresh the gui was called
; every 75ms. Thats translates to 13,333 FPS (1000 / 75 = 13,333)
; This value is ideal as I found out. I tried 60 as most lcd monitors run at
; this rate. But the gui function needs too much runtime and is so slower
; then the simple sleep wait, which handles the firing.
RefreshRate := 13
; The time for the settimer used for the loop, which calls the repeated
; checking of the mouse button.
CheckLoopMS := 13
; #############################################################################
; here are internal variables declared and calculated
; get the width of the actual screen and half it to get the middle
xMidScrn	 := A_ScreenWidth //2
; get the height of the actual screen and half it to get the middle
yMidScrn	 := A_ScreenHeight //2
; calculate the position of the gui from the middle position
Gui1X		:= xMidScrn - xMidScrn *.1
Gui1Y		:= yMidScrn - yMidScrn *.15
Gui2X		:= xMidScrn
Gui2Y		:= yMidScrn
; if the system is in chargin mode
Charging	 := 0
; charge status of the gauss rifle
GaussCharge  := 0
; recycle status of the gauss rifle
GaussRecycle := 0
; The switch to toggle the GUI on or off.
Toggle	:= 0
; if the gauss is in it's recycling mode
Recycling := 0
; if the gauss is charging
Charging  := 0
; The loop delay for the GUIs. It is calculated from the Refresh Rate of
; the Monitor. The FPS variable has to set manual and cannot be gathered by
; AutoHotKey.
GuiLoopDelay := Round(1000 / RefreshRate, 0)
; Number of loop iteration for one charge cycle
ChargeLoopIteration := ChargeTime / GuiLoopDelay
; The value to add for a single loop run for the charge cycle of the GUI progress
ChargeAddLoopValue := 100 / ChargeLoopIteration
; Number of loop iteration for one recycle cycle
RecycleLoopIteration := RecycleTime / GuiLoopDelay
; The value to subtract for a single loop run for the recycle cycle of the GUI
; progress. The progress bar is set to 100% in the beginning.
RecycleSubLoopValue := 100 / RecycleLoopIteration
; Is set when the mouse button is pressed.
ButtonPressed := 0		
; Here is the GUI created
; This Removes the window (if it exists) and all its controls, freeing the
; corresponding memory and system resources. If the script later recreates
; the window, all of the window's properties such as color and font will
; start off at their defaults (as though the window never existed). If Gui
; Destroy is not used, all GUI windows are automatically destroyed when the
; script exits.
Gui, Destroy
; Makes the window stay on top of all other windows
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
; Sets the background color of the window and/or its controls.
Gui, Color, Black
; Caption (present by default): Provides a title bar and a thick window
; border/edge. When removing the caption from a window that will use WinSet
; TransColor, remove it only after setting the TransColor.
Gui -Caption
; Provides a narrower title bar but the window will have no taskbar button.
Gui +ToolWindow
; Adds a control to a GUI window (first creating the GUI window itself, if
; necessary).
; Progress: A dual-color bar typically used to indicate how much progress has
; been made toward the completion of an operation.
Gui, Add, Progress, vProgressGaussCharge h8 w130 cFACC2E Background2E2E2E xp+20 yp+130
Gui, Add, Progress, vProgressGaussRecycle h8 w130 cRed Background2E2E2E yp-8
; the name for this GUI
Gui, Show, Y%Gui1y% X%Gui1X%, MWO_Gauss_Overlay, NoActivate, Title of Window
; make it transparent
WinSet, Transcolor, Black, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
; show the values
GuiControl,, ProgressGaussCharge, %GaussCharge%
GuiControl,, ProgressGaussRecycle, %GaussRecycle%
; hide the GUI
Gui, Hide
; When in Windows press Windows+Alt+G to toggle the script on and off.
; The characters #!G are the defined hotkey for this function. The # is the
; modifier for the windows key. The ! is the modifier for the control key.
; The G is for the character G on the keyboard.  
  ;toggles up and down states.
  if toggle
	; tell the gui to show
	Gui, Show
	; Activates the specified window (makes it foremost). In this case is
	; this MechWarrior Online.
	WinActivate MechWarrior Online
	; tell the gui to hide  
	Gui, Hide
; This would make the rest of the script only active when MechWarrior Online
; is running.
#IfWinActive MechWarrior Online
; When in MWO press Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle the script on and off
  toggle:=!toggle ;toggles up and down states.
  if toggle
	; tell the gui to show
	Gui, Show
	; Activates the specified window (makes it foremost). In this case is
	; this MechWarrior Online.	  
	WinActivate MechWarrior Online
	Gui, Hide
; inbuild function when the right mouse button is pressed
  ; sets the variable, that the mouse button is pressed
  ButtonPressed:= 1
  ; when the gauss is neither in charge nor in recycle mode and the macro is
  ; toggled on.
  if (Recycling = 0) and (Charging = 0) and toggle
	; Calls the subroutine for further handling of the mouse button event
	; the value of -1 means, that this subroutine is called only a single time
	; per mouse button press.
	Settimer, RightMouseButtonPressed, -1
; inbuild function when the right mouse button is released
Rbutton up::
  ; sets the variable, that the mouse button is released
  ButtonPressed := 0
; This subroutine is called from the Rbutton event for the right mouse button.
  ; Set the variable that the gauss is now charging.
  Charging := 1
  ; staring the looping settimer for this subroutine has to be switched off
  settimer, CheckMouseButton, %CheckLoopMS%
  ; The gCharge function will be called per settimer and the repeating time
  ; value is set with the calculated value for the set fps.
  Settimer, gCharge, %GuiLoopDelay%
  ; Call the function which handles the charging and firing of the gauss rifle.  
  FireWeapon(GaussWeaponGroup, ChargeTime)
  ; Set the variable that the gauss is now recycling.
  Recycling := 1
  ; set the recylce progress bar to 100%
  GaussRecycle := 100
  ; show the new value of the progress bar
  GuiControl,, ProgressGaussRecycle, %GaussRecycle%
  ; The gRecycle function will be called per settimer and the repeating time
  ; value is set with the calculated value for the set fps.
  Settimer, gRecycle, %GuiLoopDelay%
; This subroutine is looped by a settimer, checking if the mouse button is
; pressed or released.
  ; when the button is released
  if ButtonPressed = 0
	; the looping settimer for this subroutine has to be switched off
	settimer, CheckMouseButton, off
  ; the mouse button is still pressed
	; and the gauss is neither in charge nor in recycle mode and the macro is
	; toggled on.
	if (Recycling = 0) and (Charging = 0) and toggle
	  ; Calls the subroutine for further handling of the mouse button event
	  ; the value of -1 means, that this subroutine is called only a single
	  ; time per mouse button press.
	  Settimer, RightMouseButtonPressed, -1
; Charge and fire the gauss rifle
FireWeapon(Group, Time)
  ; Press down the key for the waepon group.
  Send {%Group% down}
  ; Keep it down for the charge time of the gauss rifle
  Sleep %Time%
  ; Release the key for the waepon group.
  Send {%Group% up}
  ; set the global variable, that the charge cycle is over
  ; global Charging := 0
  ; set the global variable, that the gauss is now recycling
  ; global Recycling := 1
; The loading of the gauss rilfe displayed as GUI progress bars  
  ; the progressbar should be filled when the progress status is under 100%
  if GaussCharge < 100
	; add the calculated value to the charge status
	GaussCharge := GaussCharge + ChargeAddLoopValue
	; the value should not be bigger then 100
	if GaussCharge > 100
	  ; set it flat to 100
	  GaussCharge := 100
	; show the new value
	GuiControl,, ProgressGaussCharge, %GaussCharge%
  ; the progress bar is now completly filled and the status value equals 100
  if GaussCharge = 100
	; switch off the charge mode of the gauss rifle
	Charging := 0
	; set the charge status to 0%
	GaussCharge := 0
	; show the new charge status
	GuiControl,, ProgressGaussCharge, %GaussCharge%
	; turn the timer for this function off
	settimer, gCharge, off  
; The recycling cyclus of the weapon
  ; the progressbar will reduced if the value is above 0
  if GaussRecycle > 0
	; subtract the calculated value to the recycle status
	GaussRecycle := GaussRecycle - RecycleSubLoopValue
	; the value should not be smaller then 0
	if GaussRecycle < 0
	  ; set it flat to 0
	  GaussRecycle := 0
	; show the new recycle status
	GuiControl,, ProgressGaussRecycle, %GaussRecycle%
  ; The progress bar for the gauss recycle is now back to 0
  if GaussRecycle = 0
	; switch off the recycling mode of the gauss rifle
	Recycling := 0
	; turn the timer for this function off
	settimer, gRecycle, off

Edited by Zirakss, 20 March 2016 - 03:21 PM.

#2 RussianWolf


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Posted 04 June 2016 - 10:27 AM

can't seem to make it work. instructions for the computer illiterate?

dowloaded AHK, rightclicked on desktop and made a new AHK script called Gauss. copied the entirity of your code into it and saved. ctl-alt-g in game and nothing happens.

#3 Clownwarlord


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Posted 09 June 2016 - 11:12 AM

Is there a version for the razor naga mouse?

#4 Tarl Cabot


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Posted 11 June 2016 - 07:49 PM


Or use this one, have to reset the delays but other than that, not bad. If I use it, it is usually with Gridiron.

#5 mclang


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Posted 12 June 2016 - 01:20 AM

View PostRussianWolf, on 04 June 2016 - 10:27 AM, said:

can't seem to make it work. instructions for the computer illiterate?

dowloaded AHK, rightclicked on desktop and made a new AHK script called Gauss. copied the entirity of your code into it and saved. ctl-alt-g in game and nothing happens.

How did you install AHK or are you using it as portable exe?

If you installed AHK globally, I think you have to right click the macro file you saved and select something like "Run With Autohotkey". I you are using portable version, then the macro file and the exe must be in same directory and their basename must be same, e.g "gaus.exe" and "gaus.ahk".

Hope this helps!

#6 mclang


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Posted 12 June 2016 - 01:23 AM

View PostCaptain Luffy, on 09 June 2016 - 11:12 AM, said:

Is there a version for the razor naga mouse?

Autohotkey macros work with all input devices, so these work also with Razor Naga mouse and e.g with Thrustmaster Warthog joystick that I'm using. Of course some minor modifications may be needed due to button differences.

#7 ProtoformX


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Posted 04 July 2016 - 11:56 AM

Wow, thanks for the credit and for continuing the work on this project!

#8 Dr Cara Carcass


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Posted 29 September 2016 - 05:33 AM

View PostZirakss, on 20 March 2016 - 03:18 PM, said:

Hi mechwarriors,

I'am playing this game again for only some weeks and still have problems with the new gauss rifle. I could not get used to it. So I made a macro based on the macros from ProtoformX and kuangmk11.

You can find their macros here:
Many thanks to them for their great work.

This macro fires the gauss with one click. It will hold for you the designated key and release it, when the time is ready. Furthermore it will get into the next load, fire, recycle cyclus when you still hold the right mouse button down.

What do you need?
  • AutoHotKey
  • You will have to leave the right mouse button without any bindings.
  • You will have to put the gauss rifle on weapon group 6.
You can toggle this macro on or off with the combination Alt+Crl+G in the game and Windows+Alt+G in Windows.

Changing the weapon group is only a variable in the macro. Changing the mouse button is a little bit more work, but can easily be done.

And here is the macro. Just save it under a name of your choosing with the postfix .ahk
This script enables you to fire the gauss rifle with one click. The loading
and releasing of the weapons happens automaticly after the first click. The
gauss will fire when it is fully charged. You have NO option to hold the shot
back or delay it, when you trigger this script to shoot the weapon.
This script is heavily based on the the script GaussOverlay from ProtoformX.
You can find it here:
His script enabled you to fire gauss rifle and PPC on the release of the
the gauss rifle.
Some of basic timings I got out of the macro from kuangmk11:
1.) Place the Gauss rifle in Weapon Group 6. But you can switch the weapon
	group in the variable block for finetuning further down in this script.
2.) Launch the script and run MWO. It doesn't matter which order you start
	them in.
3.) while MWO is active, press Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle on and off this macro.
	If MWO is not active, instead press Windows+Alt+G to toggle.
4.) When you hold down the right mous button, the gauss rifle will fire
	repeatedly shot after shot until you relaese the button.
Red:	 Gauss recycling status
Yellow:  Charge status.
; Comments in AutoHotKey are started with a semicolon or the traditional
; stars and slashes as in the header.
; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey
; releases.
; Recommended for catching common errors.
; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SendMode Input
; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%/B
; Determines whether a script is allowed to run again when it is already
; running.
; The word FORCE skips the dialog box and replaces the old instance
; automatically, which is similar in effect to the Reload command.
#singleinstance Force
; #############################################################################
; How long you have to press the key or mouse button down to fully charge
; your gauss rifle.
; 850 is a little bit too short. shoots sometimes, but not everytime.
; 900 fires every time succesfully
; 880 fires every time succesfully
; 870 fires every time succesfully
; 860 fires every time succesfully
ChargeTime := 855
; How long your gauss rifle needs to recycle, before beeing charged again.
RecycleTime := 5000
; The weapon group to which the gauss is assigned
GaussWeaponGroup := "6"
; The refresh rate for the GUI progress bars. This is a frames per second
; value. In the original macro the function to refresh the gui was called
; every 75ms. Thats translates to 13,333 FPS (1000 / 75 = 13,333)
; This value is ideal as I found out. I tried 60 as most lcd monitors run at
; this rate. But the gui function needs too much runtime and is so slower
; then the simple sleep wait, which handles the firing.
RefreshRate := 13
; The time for the settimer used for the loop, which calls the repeated
; checking of the mouse button.
CheckLoopMS := 13
; #############################################################################
; here are internal variables declared and calculated
; get the width of the actual screen and half it to get the middle
xMidScrn	 := A_ScreenWidth //2
; get the height of the actual screen and half it to get the middle
yMidScrn	 := A_ScreenHeight //2
; calculate the position of the gui from the middle position
Gui1X		:= xMidScrn - xMidScrn *.1
Gui1Y		:= yMidScrn - yMidScrn *.15
Gui2X		:= xMidScrn
Gui2Y		:= yMidScrn
; if the system is in chargin mode
Charging	 := 0
; charge status of the gauss rifle
GaussCharge  := 0
; recycle status of the gauss rifle
GaussRecycle := 0
; The switch to toggle the GUI on or off.
Toggle	:= 0
; if the gauss is in it's recycling mode
Recycling := 0
; if the gauss is charging
Charging  := 0
; The loop delay for the GUIs. It is calculated from the Refresh Rate of
; the Monitor. The FPS variable has to set manual and cannot be gathered by
; AutoHotKey.
GuiLoopDelay := Round(1000 / RefreshRate, 0)
; Number of loop iteration for one charge cycle
ChargeLoopIteration := ChargeTime / GuiLoopDelay
; The value to add for a single loop run for the charge cycle of the GUI progress
ChargeAddLoopValue := 100 / ChargeLoopIteration
; Number of loop iteration for one recycle cycle
RecycleLoopIteration := RecycleTime / GuiLoopDelay
; The value to subtract for a single loop run for the recycle cycle of the GUI
; progress. The progress bar is set to 100% in the beginning.
RecycleSubLoopValue := 100 / RecycleLoopIteration
; Is set when the mouse button is pressed.
ButtonPressed := 0		
; Here is the GUI created
; This Removes the window (if it exists) and all its controls, freeing the
; corresponding memory and system resources. If the script later recreates
; the window, all of the window's properties such as color and font will
; start off at their defaults (as though the window never existed). If Gui
; Destroy is not used, all GUI windows are automatically destroyed when the
; script exits.
Gui, Destroy
; Makes the window stay on top of all other windows
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop
; Sets the background color of the window and/or its controls.
Gui, Color, Black
; Caption (present by default): Provides a title bar and a thick window
; border/edge. When removing the caption from a window that will use WinSet
; TransColor, remove it only after setting the TransColor.
Gui -Caption
; Provides a narrower title bar but the window will have no taskbar button.
Gui +ToolWindow
; Adds a control to a GUI window (first creating the GUI window itself, if
; necessary).
; Progress: A dual-color bar typically used to indicate how much progress has
; been made toward the completion of an operation.
Gui, Add, Progress, vProgressGaussCharge h8 w130 cFACC2E Background2E2E2E xp+20 yp+130
Gui, Add, Progress, vProgressGaussRecycle h8 w130 cRed Background2E2E2E yp-8
; the name for this GUI
Gui, Show, Y%Gui1y% X%Gui1X%, MWO_Gauss_Overlay, NoActivate, Title of Window
; make it transparent
WinSet, Transcolor, Black, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
; show the values
GuiControl,, ProgressGaussCharge, %GaussCharge%
GuiControl,, ProgressGaussRecycle, %GaussRecycle%
; hide the GUI
Gui, Hide
; When in Windows press Windows+Alt+G to toggle the script on and off.
; The characters #!G are the defined hotkey for this function. The # is the
; modifier for the windows key. The ! is the modifier for the control key.
; The G is for the character G on the keyboard.  
  ;toggles up and down states.
  if toggle
	; tell the gui to show
	Gui, Show
	; Activates the specified window (makes it foremost). In this case is
	; this MechWarrior Online.
	WinActivate MechWarrior Online
	; tell the gui to hide  
	Gui, Hide
; This would make the rest of the script only active when MechWarrior Online
; is running.
#IfWinActive MechWarrior Online
; When in MWO press Ctrl+Alt+G to toggle the script on and off
  toggle:=!toggle ;toggles up and down states.
  if toggle
	; tell the gui to show
	Gui, Show
	; Activates the specified window (makes it foremost). In this case is
	; this MechWarrior Online.	  
	WinActivate MechWarrior Online
	Gui, Hide
; inbuild function when the right mouse button is pressed
  ; sets the variable, that the mouse button is pressed
  ButtonPressed:= 1
  ; when the gauss is neither in charge nor in recycle mode and the macro is
  ; toggled on.
  if (Recycling = 0) and (Charging = 0) and toggle
	; Calls the subroutine for further handling of the mouse button event
	; the value of -1 means, that this subroutine is called only a single time
	; per mouse button press.
	Settimer, RightMouseButtonPressed, -1
; inbuild function when the right mouse button is released
Rbutton up::
  ; sets the variable, that the mouse button is released
  ButtonPressed := 0
; This subroutine is called from the Rbutton event for the right mouse button.
  ; Set the variable that the gauss is now charging.
  Charging := 1
  ; staring the looping settimer for this subroutine has to be switched off
  settimer, CheckMouseButton, %CheckLoopMS%
  ; The gCharge function will be called per settimer and the repeating time
  ; value is set with the calculated value for the set fps.
  Settimer, gCharge, %GuiLoopDelay%
  ; Call the function which handles the charging and firing of the gauss rifle.  
  FireWeapon(GaussWeaponGroup, ChargeTime)
  ; Set the variable that the gauss is now recycling.
  Recycling := 1
  ; set the recylce progress bar to 100%
  GaussRecycle := 100
  ; show the new value of the progress bar
  GuiControl,, ProgressGaussRecycle, %GaussRecycle%
  ; The gRecycle function will be called per settimer and the repeating time
  ; value is set with the calculated value for the set fps.
  Settimer, gRecycle, %GuiLoopDelay%
; This subroutine is looped by a settimer, checking if the mouse button is
; pressed or released.
  ; when the button is released
  if ButtonPressed = 0
	; the looping settimer for this subroutine has to be switched off
	settimer, CheckMouseButton, off
  ; the mouse button is still pressed
	; and the gauss is neither in charge nor in recycle mode and the macro is
	; toggled on.
	if (Recycling = 0) and (Charging = 0) and toggle
	  ; Calls the subroutine for further handling of the mouse button event
	  ; the value of -1 means, that this subroutine is called only a single
	  ; time per mouse button press.
	  Settimer, RightMouseButtonPressed, -1
; Charge and fire the gauss rifle
FireWeapon(Group, Time)
  ; Press down the key for the waepon group.
  Send {%Group% down}
  ; Keep it down for the charge time of the gauss rifle
  Sleep %Time%
  ; Release the key for the waepon group.
  Send {%Group% up}
  ; set the global variable, that the charge cycle is over
  ; global Charging := 0
  ; set the global variable, that the gauss is now recycling
  ; global Recycling := 1
; The loading of the gauss rilfe displayed as GUI progress bars  
  ; the progressbar should be filled when the progress status is under 100%
  if GaussCharge < 100
	; add the calculated value to the charge status
	GaussCharge := GaussCharge + ChargeAddLoopValue
	; the value should not be bigger then 100
	if GaussCharge > 100
	  ; set it flat to 100
	  GaussCharge := 100
	; show the new value
	GuiControl,, ProgressGaussCharge, %GaussCharge%
  ; the progress bar is now completly filled and the status value equals 100
  if GaussCharge = 100
	; switch off the charge mode of the gauss rifle
	Charging := 0
	; set the charge status to 0%
	GaussCharge := 0
	; show the new charge status
	GuiControl,, ProgressGaussCharge, %GaussCharge%
	; turn the timer for this function off
	settimer, gCharge, off  
; The recycling cyclus of the weapon
  ; the progressbar will reduced if the value is above 0
  if GaussRecycle > 0
	; subtract the calculated value to the recycle status
	GaussRecycle := GaussRecycle - RecycleSubLoopValue
	; the value should not be smaller then 0
	if GaussRecycle < 0
	  ; set it flat to 0
	  GaussRecycle := 0
	; show the new recycle status
	GuiControl,, ProgressGaussRecycle, %GaussRecycle%
  ; The progress bar for the gauss recycle is now back to 0
  if GaussRecycle = 0
	; switch off the recycling mode of the gauss rifle
	Recycling := 0
	; turn the timer for this function off
	settimer, gRecycle, off

Looks like its more than a macro. This isnt just a mechanical fixed do that after i click. Lots of descisions done by the you posted. I would classify this as a script and not only a macro anymore and therefore as cheating.

#9 Zirakss


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Posted 14 December 2016 - 03:53 AM

View PostCara Carcass, on 29 September 2016 - 05:33 AM, said:

Looks like its more than a macro. This isnt just a mechanical fixed do that after i click. Lots of descisions done by the you posted. I would classify this as a script and not only a macro anymore and therefore as cheating.

Most of this macro are comments. Furthermore a lot of the "descisions" are made for the GUI. So that you see what is happing. It's just eye candy.

If you take the software most gaming keyboards or mice have, almost all are able to record a macro. So you would record one successfull shot with your gauss and done with it. This thing is for the folks, without such nifty input devices.

#10 Dunher Wright


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Posted 17 October 2018 - 06:11 PM

so a little late to this topic but i have always found the gauss charge mechanic annoying and normally use macros to "fix" that issue. i use gaussctrl and gaussbeeps and they work but i hit a snag when trying to use ProtoX's macro and i keep getting an

"error: target label does not exist"

with a "---->" pointing at " SetTimer, gRecycle, 185"

its the same thing trying to use this macro so if anyone could help me understand what a "SetTimer" is and what it has to do with the "gRecycle" because im lost.

#11 Zirakss


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Posted 27 April 2019 - 10:43 AM

It's been a while I played and even more I did anything with autohot keys but I took a look:

SetTimer - This is a command, which repeats a given command (in thise case "gRecycle") after a set time (here 185) on and on.

gRecycle - This is the function at the end in the script. Autohotkeys does not have loops in the traditional way, but you can use timers for that. That is, what is settimer is doing. The function counts down, the miliseconds when the gauss gun has done it's recycling, every time it get's called by the timer. Every time it refreshes the GUI too, so you see the indicator bar changing. When the recycling is finally done, it will set the global variable (Recycling := 0) that the gun is ready again turns off it's own trigger, and exits the timer loop that way.

I'm very sure this script has a lot room for improvements, so please feel free to do so.

It will be called over the SetTimer command over and over again, that is why it turns the timer function

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