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Community First, Warfare Second...

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Poll: Community Before Warfare? (11 member(s) have cast votes)

Would You like a place to hang out as a house, unit, etc.?

  1. YES ~ This would make the community warfare more fun (8 votes [72.73%])

    Percentage of vote: 72.73%

  2. NO ~ it's fine the way it is. (1 votes [9.09%])

    Percentage of vote: 9.09%

  3. OTHER ~ Let me explain. (2 votes [18.18%])

    Percentage of vote: 18.18%

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#1 Jiyu Mononoke


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 11:52 AM

Greetings Everyone,
~ This is my idea to promote and enhance community warfare...

~ PLEASE VOTE ~ Even if you don't respond.

So before one can have community-warfare, one must have community, and the more dynamic that community is allowed to be, the better the warfare. It’s awesome that the warfare part of the program is implemented and being refined, however, the community aspect needs to have better tools to compliment, support, and enhance the warfare experience, thus allowing it all to grow and develop as a whole. Having exotic fish is great, but they need the right water and food to survive.

What factors provide a community with sustenance? What gives a community the ability to thrive and drive itself towards a given goal? To develop, grow, conquer…

- Social Motivation: Personal reputation that enhances the unit’s reputation, which enhances the house/clan’s reputation and drives fear in to our enemies.
- Communication: Both among a given group as well as its opponents, enemies and allies alike. Diplomacy and Declarations of war included.
- Camaraderie: Friends, frenenemies, and common enemies alike hanging out, making a social event of it, with instant communications at our fingertips & mics.
- Strife and Success: enduring loss, that makes you fight harder for victories, or the building of an empire through survival and conquest.
- Economy: in regards to finance, territory, power and other similar gains/losses.

So, what can be done to enhance the “community” aspects of the game, and drive the warfare side to it’s potential? Well, simple, we need a place to hangout together as a unit, with easy access to house/clan hangouts, as well as where our (fren)enemies hang out as well. A place where it’s easy to jump from one unit chat to the other to form alliance, and then go make challenges to others, make wild diplomacies, threaten their territories, or boast our reputations… sad fact is that forums and websites just don’t really cut it for the “Instant gratification/affect”. Forums and websites are great or the long term, unit plans and formalities, but they don’t do much for an evening of battling with the neighbor who attacked your territory the night before.

My “Idea” is extremely simple, and been done before with great success on other games and mediums as well
--- Simple: Make an in-game chat arena that has permanent room/areas of houses, clans and mercs, and inside those areas, units and groups can form rooms to hang out it. Give it voice chat, or a teamspeak plugin etc so peeps can talk and have a good time. Doing so creates a place to “Hangout” on MWO and actually have dynamic interaction between unit members, as well as unit to unit, and among various groups too. Being instant, this form of communication facilitates the building of friendships, alliances, and activities that make for a great evening or weekend (or any playtime).

- Please provide your input, and I would love to hear from the Devs in regards to this (or similar) ideas that may be on the burner. It’s for the community, so hopefully our ideas can be considered. And as far a moderation goes, each room operator can have moderator privileges in order to maintain order in a given room, thus freeing the responsibility from PGI to the units and rooms.

A quick example

Posted Image

Some might remember this ;)

Posted Image

Edited by Freebrth, 24 December 2015 - 01:23 PM.

#2 Surn


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 12:02 PM

Teamspeak is used for the VoIP. We have a Kurita teamspeak at HouseKurita.tserverhq.com and hosting teamspeak servers is free/cheap.

If PGI wanted to implement a larger ingame voice com, they have the infrastructure as the VoIP must be using a server or hub.

Further, new technologies provide realtime massive communication and status information.

#3 Anachronda


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Posted 24 December 2015 - 01:29 PM

The biggest problem people have is talking between matches, for which they end up using Teamspeak. The only option PGI gave us, granted because of feedback on that, was faction chat. The problem there is they went with the same model they did for other chats, where messages don't persist. So if I come out of a match and someone has been talking on faction chat, I am not going to see it. It puts things backwards because you have to NOT play to be able to even look at it - you can't even do a match and come back. I have been able to talk to people there sometimes but for the most part I would think it is ignored.

PGI still hasn't fixed the problem where the social button flashes for no reason, keeping people from checking their messages and invites :P. They have tried to address communication and I have faith they will try more; this suggestion is a step in the right direction. Davion has teamspeak servers too but not every Davion knows about them. New players won't have a clue. Spamming faction chat with the teamspeak address is not a solution since it eventually results in a temporary ban .. cause it is spam. You wouldn't need to do that if your messages lived between matches.

#4 Stingray Productions


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 02:50 PM

We need something in game that provides a better ground for the community. Sort of like a chat room that exists in game. People could travel to a planet and chat with others on that planet. Maybe even set up a trading market (i'll give you 3 small lasers for 1 medium laser, etc). Or maybe exchange color schemes, something to set up a social atmosphere.

#5 Lukoi Banacek


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 05:09 PM

You guys have faction chat for this. Try using that more perhaps, and seeing if it drives a need for compartments tbat folks can bounce back and forth in. But for now, faction does most of whats being asked for here.

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