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#141 plodder


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Posted 03 July 2013 - 04:06 PM

Baseless rumors run rampant.

Yet there are Base Caps.

Be there a fading hope of another Base game, be it without Cap or limit?

So I yearn...

Hopes fade as the causality of the "ever_drone" continues, and the "Meta" is as the Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

Rumors that are Baseless, and Truths once Hallowed, are slowly hollowed, slowly emptied, flowingly shallowed, lightening in the womb..

PGI!!! Birth thine child!!!!!

Edited by plodder, 07 July 2013 - 02:40 PM.

#142 plodder


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Posted 07 July 2013 - 02:55 PM

(For gits and shiggles)

Weapons online, all systems are nominal.

I shake the joystick, nadda, no cockpit wobble?

All the systems go, all buttons pushed/flipped, no problemo my good Devs, it was an easy slip.

#143 plodder


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 12:47 PM


Jenny & The Fat Lass

There was a Lass that was both heavy and large.

Wherever she went, she always took charge!

Till one day a sweet small waif named Jenny, took her, shook her, till she obeyed a plenty

The lady waif had no pity, was relentless and fast, no understanding of propriaty, no concept of caste.

She danced her dance, of agility and grace, while the lumbering Fat Lass rumbled a trumbling gate.

Then over a stone little Jenny did roll, did trip, did fall......

The End

#144 Will9761


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 04:46 PM

Pride of House Steiner

Bold and strong like the shining glove,
Ready to stand with my fist held above,
Being aware with those who will be missed,

I am proud and able to serve with the others,
Whom I will always deem as my own brothers,
Taking the colors that were given by our mother,

Tamar and Skye the brothers of red,
They seek foes who will be as good as dead,
The brothers of Arcturan as warriors of white,
For they appear as the guardians of the light,
At last the brothers of Donegal,
Who fights even when all hope seems grey,
But, I mostly adorn blue for that is what makes me true,

We were created from riches and luxurious weatlh,
Tended by the Archon's care and all given good health,
Those elements are what makes us the Lyran Commonwealth.

Edited by Will9761, 22 November 2013 - 10:59 PM.

#145 FupDup


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Posted 08 August 2013 - 05:07 PM

Lasers are red,

PPCs are blue,

Lol I'm a Catapult.

Edited by FupDup, 08 August 2013 - 05:07 PM.

#146 plodder


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Posted 10 August 2013 - 11:13 PM

The Dull Fist of Uranus, a Planetary Matter

As planetary combat ensued, the davion plans hindered not rendered, perhaps the witch or pretender? What's true? Yes the blue, give them their due, payment due, from every side. When to stand?run?or just plain hide! It's a good thing the Clans attacked, stole the I.S. snacks. What then has shined, battle fronts twined, some mercs have towed the line, held the spine when others, yes, others have fled and whined, dumbfounded as bow backed...... equine.
To thine own house be true, let it not be torn asunder, shorn for plunder, scorned by plodder, wacked by his fodder.
Or mayhap go to the playground swing on the swings, slide down the slides, or do what you do, and enjoy the teeter totter-ya rotter , or just plain hide!
Another b.s. plodduction

#147 CyclonerM

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Posted 11 August 2013 - 02:31 AM

When the Falcon come
from the fire of the winter
The Wolves shall rise.

[5 minutes little poem about the Refusal War, ispired by the Kuritan fashion Haiku]

Edited by CyclonerM, 11 August 2013 - 02:36 AM.

#148 plodder


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Posted 24 August 2013 - 01:20 PM

Written for a pilot I respected, trying, and I think succeeding, to get and stay clean, but it applies to the powerful threat of fear and insecurity to sweep us towards its currents in mind and life. Do not allow your House or Mercenary unit, or individual pilot act out of a "possible" fear.

Cynic as ever, not half but twice clever. What was,still can be, bind again the now free. The cynic fears hope, considered the average mans dope, demanding I am no average man!!! For there is no such thing!!! Yet does hope still exist?

Weakness is the fear.It breeds false hopes, hopes that may easily be within our normal grasp, but it is infused/confused with the weakness/the fear. This fear infusion/confusion taints us to the point of action/inaction, distraction.Weakness will tell us anything to to maintain control, because "fear" is too insecure to relinquish control



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Posted 05 September 2013 - 01:16 PM

Here is a tune I wrote and composed did't know where to post it here or audio and video...
Words and Music hope you Injoy..


Lock & Load

As the Smoke Clears Away
I hear command on the comlink
Retreat to fight another day
But nothing we do will keep this brood at bay

As I rise to my feet
My mech is badly beaten but I can restore the sync/sinks
Lock & Load flash’s on the screen
There never going to be another day

I take my last smoke
And kiss the photograph of the ones I love

#150 plodder


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Posted 28 September 2013 - 02:00 PM

Ballistic intentations, dakka dakka streamed penetrations, ding dang ding dang, twang, bang bang bang!!!!!!

Light running rivuletts flowing, exposing structure, ever glowing, it's hot penetrating rays, gazed/glazed laser ways.

Shotgun wedding both power and destruction, so much better, to give, than to recieve. LBX 10 love for you and me.

Electronic overload, goad the loads ECM covers, PPC's lords over the inner of masking gear of the rare "Cannon" fodder.

The rain of destruction comes down as there is the LRM shower, AMS helps only so much, released power, both dark and dour. BOOM Black smokey Flower!!!

#151 plodder


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Posted 30 October 2013 - 05:39 PM

As a Merc, his options were few. Not a Lone Wolf, but not far from it.

Each encounter

Each conflict

Could spell a financial plummet.

One step wrong, and no saving grace... No waning pace, rush again to the tattered lace! of..disgrace...5.battle....

Once upon a re-supply, he felt a tug look upon a dealers mug. A mug filled with gimlet eyes, a tongue loose with pleasant guise, to glory in wayward lies. Why ? Why? Why?

Over and done a deal to good to be true, an ancient Large Laser, the wondrous destructor, conductor, refractor, all piercing in the penetrating blue.

For years it has never failed him till this night of Hollows Eve, as a never dulled sword, a sword never sheathed.

10% cooler than any such weapon should, tight in beam, than any other could, more destruction done at closer to ER range, till tonight of all nights, this too good to be true Laser properties to change.

His Mech is down, in sorrow he drowns, his family never to know he is lost, though knee never bowed.

His blood swiftly leaving, as he looks on the failed weapon, wonderful weapon, grave weapon, on the now emptying field of a fresh harvest of death and destruction, a bounty.......A 13 fold yield.

As he fades, this Merc, almost Wolf, a breathy voice is almost heard, then heard, under the 3 full moons in the turbulent sky...

The laser is speaking in a hushing gravelly voice, not quite a muttering, almost a quiet whispering, of both sweet sorrow and of the bitterest mirth.


Another B.S. Plodduction

#152 Sister of Demons


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Posted 22 November 2013 - 09:58 PM

I'm no good at poetry but a lot of you have some very good stuff. Great work and keep it up.

#153 Thom Frankfurt


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Posted 22 November 2013 - 10:21 PM

I don't have any talent for poetry, but I just thought up this.

Do my eyes deceive me?
A Commando sporting a PPC?
Oh no, I'm dead
That Commando shot me in the head.

#154 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 21 December 2013 - 06:06 PM

The tiny light 'Mech called the Jenner
Should be fit with a trusty antenna.
When a gauss rifle hits
It falls into bits
Which I put back in shape with my spenner.

#155 B0oN


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Posted 11 January 2014 - 03:45 AM

Slightly bored, so I made a little something. If you don´t like it or have any questions, feel free.

The Mall
or : Revenge isn´t limited to humans alone ?

There once was a mall with many a fair shoppinghall,
on a lovely, thriving world, you would like it there all .
Life, it went by there, sparkling full of dreams,
The Mall saw many of them ripen pristine.

So sad and black was the day when conflicts were visiting,
seeing defenders unprepared for such rude an awakening.
Again, The Mall saw many deeds, both good and bad,
but seeing all the fights left The Mall burned and dead.

And so the conflict went on, swirling madness unchecked.
The fighters slowly tired, their bones heavy like lead.
See light on an axe in the shade of an arch, no less !
An assassin in wait, sinister in his shroud of darkness.

The last enemy unknowingly marches by the dark arch,
witness the graceful flash of light as the axe is dropping hard .
A fierce sound ! A rolling head ! Masonry blasted to fragment,
leaves The Mall smashing down, crushing the last warrior to an end.
Have fun .

#156 Sparks Murphey


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Posted 13 January 2014 - 09:04 PM

The name of the 'Mech called the Trebuchet
Is hard to pronounce in the USA.
The French way of speaking
Is only for weaklings
So Trenchbucket becomes its new epithet.

#157 The Shepherd


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Posted 14 January 2014 - 07:21 PM


[color=#959595]So Trenchbucket becomes its new epithet.[/color]

I see what you did there :)

#158 plodder


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Posted 25 January 2014 - 09:17 AM

View Postplodder, on 10 January 2012 - 08:19 PM, said:


Death is not sweetened,

Love is not lost or stolen,

Know well what you hate

When was the time that bitter thoughts avoided my mind?
How they lull with dryly whispered words, tendrils wrapping my nerves, squeezing any small pleasure's joys out of my body, soul and mind.

As a boy and a victim, I was almost destroyed.
The Mercenary unit defended our lands to their ability, as deployed, with stubborn liquidity, proclivity of stolid rigidity, held up the lines to save our city.
Yet, not my home, not my sister, not the dog that shared my life, as only a dog may with a boy, childish treasures, innocent joys...
The auntie I lived with, she did survive, battered, broken, barely alive, so sweet, so loving, seeing so much, though no longer with her eyes.

That boy lives within this man. Mercenary pilot, in this Mercenary life!
He still speaks to me, pleads with me, bleeds with me, to fight the corporate greed, be it business, faction, or House! "Know well what you hate"

Another b.s. plodduction

#159 SuperBroHeroFella


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 07:23 AM

Don't give up on me,
hold me steady,

i try to keep calm,
the trigger ready,

you hold my core together,

i cherish your power,

you make me blossom,

more like a sun than a flower,

everything depends on you,
you are my holy remedy,

wether in the cold or the heat,
i fear you more than my enemy,

the world needs you more than you think,
you are the only reliable thing, my lovely heatsink.

#160 plodder


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Posted 27 January 2014 - 07:08 PM

Your attacks are baseless, and I see beauty in your lovely whys...

There can be only one winner here, to be clear, dear Skirmish make the weak cry....(there are no tactics, wha wha , blah blah, blah)

Take it or hold it, make the ground your own, choose it wisely, and give it miserly to the honorable foe, or pho, so tasty, ya know?

Skirmish, you are the ultimate for practicing 4 man lance tactics, dance smack it, no pull back detractors, only, dacka dacka, laser, or missle fracas!

Basesless attacks still have meaning while there remains a DDC still functional!!!

Thanks devs;^) yeah, with a little "d", doin what you do in the left coast, the best coast there in The B.C.!!!(that's right eh?)

Edited by plodder, 27 January 2014 - 07:09 PM.

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