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Aim Bots.

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#1 MW222


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 02:11 AM

Just played four games in a row, and got center crited in all, players I spectated on all center crited along with a Disconnect.

This is getting out of had.

I suggest the following.

Screen shot your kill stats and then screen shot the end game stats.

Then we e-mail them to moderation@mwomercs.com

#2 MW222


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 03:29 AM

Just played another game and it was the same thing striped of weapons in 4 shots, killed spectated on all of team left, all had heavy center damage.

#3 o0Marduk0o


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 03:35 AM

Why you think anyone needs cheats to hit the CT?

#4 MW222


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 06:21 AM

When every team member is center crited or close to it when you spectate. Of course they ALL could have the Zoom mod and super DIP gaming mice and fiber optic INTERNET connections. And the fact that the issue is at it's worst during the hours of 0100 to 0900 PDT.

It's all just a coincidence ..........


- a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection.
- correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence.
- the presence of ionizing particles or other objects in two or more detectors simultaneously, or of two or more signals simultaneously in a circuit.

My definition is

Once unfortunate
Twice a coincidence
Three times - Your being screwed.

Edited by MW222, 12 June 2015 - 05:01 PM.

#5 Gladewolf


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 06:37 AM

Please understand that many long time players have all that extra gear on every mech they bring into combat. I have something like 10 zoom modules for instance. Go ahead and report anything you believe is cheating, but please understand when you still keep seeing these players, that they may just be that good.

#6 Azzgaroth


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 07:02 AM

Gladewolf is right. When you play with top notch player, nobody do 3000 damage, the average will be 1100-1400, but all player in that team will be in the average. Everybody in that team will aim for center torso (or side torso if we know you have XL). Its usual to one shot light.

#7 Nightmare1


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 07:20 AM

Most Mechs get CT'd; it's not aim bot either. CT is the center of mass. It's typically the biggest and easiest target to hit. That's where I try to put all my shots, personally speaking, and I typically pull it off too without using aimbot.

Sounds to me like you bumped up into a higher elo bracket. Congrats! :)

#8 AdamBaines


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 07:32 AM

Record every match. Thats what I do. And when Im done playing for the night I go back and delete anything thats not interesting. In two cases I had video I was able to send to Devs. Use something simple like NVidia Shadow play. Easy and free. Stop complaining and do something that can help.

#9 MW222


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 08:28 AM

I hear all of you and I agree, I don't know what my ELO is. My Kill / Death Ratio is 0.41, but you all know that head shotting and full right torso destruction has dropped of because it was a sure sign of Aim Boting and that changed the dynamic. The safest use now is center mass.

Here's a challenge take of a average mech in your stock drop as a pug, get killed then spectate on your entire team. Watch the damage and the other team. You can tell if it's superior gamesmen ship or not. The best hours are 0100 - 0900 hrs PDT.

Edited by MW222, 12 June 2015 - 05:00 PM.

#10 warner2


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:01 AM

Your kill death ratio is low. I suppose you are just being killed by players who can aim.

You need to take a step back and release that, even if there are plenty of people cheating, you are unlikely to see multiple cheaters in any one match, and probably coming across a cheater is rare.

You should take a deep breath, count to 10, and look for more mundane reasons for players getting killed by other players in an on-line shooter.

#11 Ehjay_52


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:05 AM

Most people don't torso twist (swing the body of the mech left and right) - they 'stare' at their opponents.

IF they are crazy torso twisting, and STILL getting all damage to the center torso - then I would say make sure you have a video recorded.

Other than that, it all depends on how much you spread the damage around. There are lots of videos on Youtube on how to do this!

#12 B0oN


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:12 AM

Just ban everyone playing this game, "problem" solved ...

#13 LastKhan

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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:29 AM

hope to not see you then. I aim usually at CT unless its xl or some mech i can easily strip, sometimes at the head if im feeling like taking a guess shot at it. No aimbot required.

#14 GotitN4U


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:55 AM

Guess people never figure this part out REPORT it to PGI customer service not the forums to be resolved

#15 Cupid and Psyche _


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:57 AM

View PostAzzgaroth, on 12 June 2015 - 07:02 AM, said:

Gladewolf is right. When you play with top notch player, nobody do 3000 damage, the average will be 1100-1400, but all player in that team will be in the average.

Very true.

A truly good player brings the rest of the team up with them. Someone who is skilled at the game does not play the role of 'Superhero', but instead leads their side to victory.

To MW222, I would say that there are too many variables to be able to definitely tell that someone is cheating.

#16 Mad Porthos


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 09:58 AM

Many people aim exclusively at the HEAD still, for a particular reason. They may not be great shots and rarely will actually land anything on the cockpit, but if you are aiming around the head and trying for the HEAD/Cockpit shot, most often your MISS of what you are aiming at will still hit the Center Torso. Further extrapolation of this is that often when I am actually deciding to hit the Center Torso of an opponent, perhaps because it is already damaged, very often my shot actually will hit the left or right torso, because they are doing that DAMAGE SPREADING thing, wiggling their torso left and right while their weapons are on cooldown... the design of the left and right torso hitboxes, on some mechs makes this very effective and makes it much harder to core by aiming on that CT. So once again, aiming ALWAYS at the HEAD becomes sensible - if you can remind yourself, because it won't be as easily SPREAD by twisting and MIGHT, by chance, be an actual headshot.

By doing this, always head aiming, on the victims side, it can seem like someone is ALWAYS HITTING CT. They may indignantly ask how they were hit in the CT when they were facing sideways to the enemy trying to kill them. Very often that means some OTHER opponent then got a different angle straight on to the Center Torso, for an long range ER PPC shot or Gauss, but the victim thinks they really were still killed by the person they were specifically twisting away from. But SOME OF THE TIME, what really happened was despite the CT being turned away, the guy trying to core them remembered to just hit the head or a high section in the center because that TOO will be CT damage. BOOM.

Head really is the way to go, cause all paths lead to the Center Torso if that's your approach... and you might get the happy lotto win of a cockpit/headshot kill. No hAx, no aim botting necessary.

Edited by Mad Porthos, 12 June 2015 - 10:00 AM.

#17 FearNotDeath


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 10:02 AM

Everyone is probably aimbotting but you. This is a good opportunity for you to play MW world police and track down the cheaters.

#18 MW222


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 02:52 PM

OK here is after 0900 hrs PDT play for the current Tourney.

Tournaments Skirmish 12/20 assault 2/20. Averaging 2 kills per game damage 200 - 900.
Total of 17 matches played only three did not qualify. That's 20 - 30 kills.

Running a Mastered HBK-4J, 2 LRM 10s - 2160 LRMs and 2 Small Lasers. Mods - Radar Dep, Target Decay, Adv Sensor, LRM Range and Cooling 5, Armor 320, Heat M 1.55, Fire power 26. Speed 71.2/47.4. I used to run with a Beagle Prob. but dropped it for more LRMs.

This build is an LRM hoser. I get a lock and fire until I auto heat shutdown. A lot of times I get a kill after shutting down since I have so many LRMs in flight. The shutting down also works for me as it causes loss of lock RE return fire.

I have 19 mechs and do not play the HBK-4J all the time. When I run as a pug I usually work my way through all of them for the 2X XP. I play the mech until I get a win, then move to the next. So ya my Kill/death rate is low.

So when I run a game with my top performing mechs as well as any of my lesser functioning mech's I know just about how they perform and how I will do most of the time and last night it was not gamesmanship, tactics or really super high Mouse DIP and connection speeds or me being stupid and going left by my self.

Ask your friends who play during the hours of 0100 to 0900 PDT (I have and they say the same thing I'm saying). Try the challenge I posted, spectate your team mates more. Check with your buddies who are LRM boats. Aim Bot users hate LRM boats because of the indirect fire.

I think only the really dumb/blatant Aim Bot users have been banned. I think that it is now a case of multiple players doing it. One strips the weapons and the other takes the kill. Kill rates stay low and the damage stays low by spreading it out between a team mate, lance or yes a full team.

I stand by what I said previously.

Sorry West coast PDT

Edited by MW222, 12 June 2015 - 04:59 PM.

#19 Bilbo


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Posted 12 June 2015 - 03:04 PM

Where are you playing from? It's 1500 PST(1600 PDT) at this time. Is there a PST I'm not aware of?

#20 MW222


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Posted 16 June 2015 - 09:56 AM


Been playing in non late 0100 - 0900 west coast time games. Skirmish mostly.

Still running a Mastered HBK-4J for the most part.

2 LRM 10s - 2160 LRMs and 2 Small Lasers. Mods - Radar Dep, Target Decay, Adv Sensor, LRM Range and Cooling 5, Armor 320, Heat M 1.55, Fire power 26. Speed 71.2/47.4.

Averaging 1 -2 kills per game damage 200 - 900.

Killed Yes, center crited Yes. Weapons stripped yes. Made a few left turns and got waxed. 8-)

HOWEVER the damage was done in a normal and understandable manner with accompanying collateral splash and spread.

Spectated on all live teammates no indications of just center crits.

I will be playing again on this upcoming Friday between the hours of 0100 - 0900 hrs west coast time in attempt to recreate the issues I observed last Friday. My system will not handle a video capture but I will screen shot everything as needed. Game opening, kill stats, spectated damage and end game stats.

I will post the out come and if need forward to PGI.

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