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Major Confusion - Mech Purchase

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#1 Rardain


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 08:10 PM

Hi all, I seem to be going round in circles trying to find out how I actually go about purchasing a mech. There seems to be lots of advice on what mech to buy first but there is not (at least as far as I can tell) a set of simple instructions detailing how to go about buying a mech with C-bills.

I have been to the Mech lab and I have 0/4 bays filled The only mechs available to me are trial mechs.

I have been to the store - all the mechs there can be purchased with MC but nothing to indicate how to buy with C-bills...I am confused.

I have completed 25 matches and have gained 20 million C-bills - I would be really greatful if someone can point out where I am going wrong.


#2 Modo44


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Posted 29 December 2015 - 10:13 PM

Click on Store (top bar) > Battlemechs (left bar). This shows all the mechs you can buy, and most are available for Cbills.

The store defaults to the sales list, and currently there are only MC mechs on sale. Mechs with Cbills and MC prices shown can be bought with either currency (the do not require both). Yes, the UI is badly designed. Welcome to MWO.

Edited by Modo44, 29 December 2015 - 10:14 PM.

#3 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 30 December 2015 - 02:20 AM

go to the store as Modo44 said, down the left hand side there is a list of categories, choose the category you want then chose and purchase the Mech, there are some Mechs not available for Cbills, this includes:
Heroes (a unique but not overpowered varient with a unique camo and a 30% Cbill earnings boost)
Champions (an upgraded variant of a Mech available for cbills with a 30% xp earnings boost, you can build the same Mech for cbills without the XP boost, most trial Mechs are Champions, count as the same varient as without the (C) for xp earnings purposes)
The most recent few Mechs are available from a package only for 1-3 months, then become available for MC for a month before cbills

Edited by Rogue Jedi, 30 December 2015 - 02:20 AM.

#4 Rardain


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Posted 30 December 2015 - 10:15 AM

Guys, thank you so much for helping me out with this...I was losing the will to live trying to figure out where to buy them; I totally agree, it is badly designed...I understand it used to be a lot more intuitive - change for the sake of it is not always for the best .:)

#5 CJ Daxion


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Posted 30 December 2015 - 10:33 AM

Honestly, i don't find the GUI all that hard to use.. then again i play games like Civilization, Crusader kings, and Galactic Civ.. So this to me is sorta like choosing a racer in mario cart Posted Image But i can see how people not used to that sorta thing could easily get lost.. Then again, i also have no problems learning how to use those GUI's for 2-3 hours before i get get going in game.. Yes,, i'm a bit of a nut..

But the real question i have for you, is do you know what which side you want to go? inner sphere or Clan? Inner sphere is more flexible in many ways, but more locked in others. You can get by cheaper to start with swapping parts, as your 20m can basically get you 3 mediums fully kitted out and you will be ready to rock and roll.. clan side it takes a lot more grinding.. I just started this as a clan account, and to go with timbers for example,, I by the time i grinded 3 to master i just had enough to buy 2, and that was with the cadet bonus. I bought my 3rd as a champion on sale to save myself 16m.

If you go with say the stromcrow, that is a bit cheaper, but still pricey.. IS side tends to be a bit more newbie friendly as far as price.. But the main issue is picking the right mech for you as a starter.. Maybe you are already all set on what you wan't just thought i would offer a bit of in site.

BTW, they did just re-do the entire GUI last year, and it has improved a lot, and they are adding to it all the time.. So nothing wrong with putting in suggestions, i've seen many things switch from feedback..

#6 Koniving

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Posted 30 December 2015 - 01:35 PM

CJ, remember you've had a lot of experience with this UI.

New players find the whole thing pretty foreign.

I mean... look at how I view War Thunder's UI...or worse, World of Tanks. Still haven't figured out how to even get a new tank on WoT before I gave up.

#7 JC Daxion


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Posted 30 December 2015 - 02:25 PM

I know... But i hear vets talk about it too, It does seam like a major complaint In fact i see vets say how it is the worse gui ever.. I just don't see it. To me once you get the hang of it it really works quite well..but like i said, i'm a bit of a nut, and the more i have do dig around the more i like it.. That is why i really like this game.. even the menu's are deep!

Like i mentioned crusader kings II i have about 450 hours into,, i just found a menu a few months back i did not know existed.. I thought,, wow this is in the game? (it was a way to sort through people from every realm, and had search options.. till then i was just clicking on kingdoms.. Posted Image )

very off topic.. But yea, i get how people get lost.. hope the OP didn't think i was meaning anything by it.

Though your thoughts do remind me of the one time i tired Eve.. i couldn't figure out how to get my ship to fly strait.. It kept going in circles.. after an hour i uninstalled.. I guess only Strat games can keep me interested enough to learn 100 sub menus..

Edited by JC Daxion, 30 December 2015 - 05:02 PM.

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