....I'd like to present the Kit Fox, in all its shield-armed glory. Now with 100% more arm surface area, larger than a Centurion's left bicep! It's apparently been working out at MechGym somewhere in Steiner territory, and boozing it up in FRR, because it's so huge.

Okay. Maybe the SRM6x4 kitfox is already pretty huge. BUT WHAT IF IT GOT EVEN BIGGER?
I present to you the LRM60 fox. Yes, I know this probably won't even come up in a fight - you'd only get half a ton of ammo at best with all armor on. But still, for the sake of hilarity:

Biceps and forearms for days, man. It's so huge, it'd probably intercept an AC20 round and bend it between two fingers. Can I have an anchor paintjob on its shoulder, too?
In all seriousness though, these missile hardpoints are pretty ludicrous. They make an already huge mech (for its weight class, it behaves like a very small KGC) into something absolutely gargantuan. This mech showcases the very worst of mech scaling problems compounded with dynamic geometry problems.
Edited by ArcturusWolf, 29 December 2015 - 11:24 PM.