Welcome, your task begins now. Cleverly hidden within this post are three naught, naughty words that require immediate moderation. Begin!

And In This Corner, Your New Community Moderator...
Started by Garth Erlam, Dec 05 2011 04:44 PM
25 replies to this topic
Posted 06 December 2011 - 09:05 AM
Posted 06 December 2011 - 09:18 AM
You are really clever, because I only found "stare".

Posted 06 December 2011 - 09:34 AM
I am not an Enigma machine however just for giggles... Each word on it's own can be broken down into the following....
Welcome (we, come, me)
Your (you, our)
Task (ask)
Begins (be, beg, gin, in)
Now (no)
Cleverly (clever, eve, ever)
Hidden (hid, den... I suppose you could even go with Id without the apostrophe or or ID as in identification)
Within (with, wit, it, thin, in)
This (this, his, is)
Post (nadda)
Are (nadda)
Three (nadda)
Naught (aught)
Naughty (aught... again)
Words (word)
That (hat, at)
Require (ire)
Immediate (me, mediate, ate)
Moderation (mode, moderate, ration, rat, ion)
Begin (beg, gin, in)
If I wanted to combine words I came up with these just at a glance....
"stare" by combining the end of POST and the word ARE
"snow" by combining the end of BEGINS with NOW
If I were to sit here and decipher the rest I would potentially enter retirement before I was finished. Sufficed to say if you spend all your time formulating cleverly couched words in ambiguous sentences then my job will be easy, breezy beautiful!
Welcome (we, come, me)
Your (you, our)
Task (ask)
Begins (be, beg, gin, in)
Now (no)
Cleverly (clever, eve, ever)
Hidden (hid, den... I suppose you could even go with Id without the apostrophe or or ID as in identification)
Within (with, wit, it, thin, in)
This (this, his, is)
Post (nadda)
Are (nadda)
Three (nadda)
Naught (aught)
Naughty (aught... again)
Words (word)
That (hat, at)
Require (ire)
Immediate (me, mediate, ate)
Moderation (mode, moderate, ration, rat, ion)
Begin (beg, gin, in)
If I wanted to combine words I came up with these just at a glance....
"stare" by combining the end of POST and the word ARE
"snow" by combining the end of BEGINS with NOW
If I were to sit here and decipher the rest I would potentially enter retirement before I was finished. Sufficed to say if you spend all your time formulating cleverly couched words in ambiguous sentences then my job will be easy, breezy beautiful!
Posted 06 December 2011 - 01:02 PM
Posted 07 December 2011 - 01:09 PM
I smell something burning...
Oh there it is...
ZING!!! *High fives Aegis*
Oh there it is...
ZING!!! *High fives Aegis*
Posted 09 December 2011 - 03:34 PM
Cool, good modding is what makes for a great community. You folks have my respect. Here's hoping I don't get spanked too much ...
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