El Bandito, on 26 May 2016 - 01:50 AM, said:
Without ATD, the lock will be broken instantly by Raderp. In that case one might as well not bring any LRMs at all.
Agreed, don't bring LRM at all if you need ATD. When you choose ATD over something like Seismic and Radar dep you make the gamble that the enemy team will be shy, defensive and waiting to die. If they actively try to win and kill you, then losing lock will be the last of your problem. ATD address a deficiency that LRM can have, i say it's best to work around it than embrace it.
Chose your target better and your chassis better. ATD dont make your LRM fly through cover. Don't chase fast movers unless youre a fast med with bap/tag. Locks can be broken and locked again if you're a fast medium and build for it.
If you can't guarantee a lock during the flight time then change target or get closer. Target bigger slower enemies that your team are pushing.
Assist the flankers when they are on someone ***. When Lights are going through the deathball First half of the match, it means hes gona pop a uav that cant easily be shot by the deathball and if you are boating it's when you hurt someone.
I only think that if you need a longer lock time then you are making the most out of the worst part of LRM use :/