Strum Wealh, on 09 January 2016 - 11:48 PM, said:
Aside from that, the sensor rules in
Tactical Operations (specifically, the Sensor Ranges Table on page 222) state that basic 'Mech Radar has a range of 720 meters (24 hexes) with no special effects from the target (outside of the presence of Stealth Armor, ECM, Null Sig, or CLPS), Beagle has a range of 1080 meters (36 hexes) and also experiences no special effects from the target (outside of the presence of Stealth Armor, ECM, Null Sig, or CLPS), while the other sensor types do experience special effects based on the target type - IR (900 meters/30 hexes) cannot detect targets that are not "hot", seismic (180 meters/6 hexes) cannot detect targets that are stationary or airborne or submerged, and MagScan (900 meters/30 hexes) cannot detect targets below 20 tons or occupying a Heavy Industrial Zone hex.
Of those, only MagScan is affected by target size - "for any unit from 80 to 100 tons, the range of the sensor is expanded for that unit(s) alone by 1 hex" and "nits that weigh less than 20 tons cannot be detected by a magscan sensor, including all infantry".
Also, 'Mech Radar cannot see through terrain (Hill Hexes) or through structures (Building Hexes &
Castle Brian Hexes) - the effect is "if along LOS, sensor completely blocked". Also, lots of ground clutter (Heavy Woods/Jungle Hexes & Ultra Woods/Jungle Hexes) would reduce the effectiveness of 'Mech Radar (–1 or -2 hexes per range bracket per hex in LOS).
But, a stock LCT-1V
Locust and a stock
Daishi Prime at the same distance on a flat, featureless map would show up equally well on 'Mech Radar.
![Posted Image](
(And, if they were at the same point on the Heat Scale, both would show up equally well on IR. But, the Daishi's being over 80 tons would mean that it would show up a bit further out on MagScan (930 meters/31 hexes, versus 900 meters/30 hexes).)
Ok this is cool, thanks for that post, for once i don't feel like lore is kicking me in the nuts and instead has laid basics that we can actually use and improve. Right now we will disregard everything pertaining to land based radar/building/ship and i removed that part.
infotech has been discussed and suggested upon for ever and by people who put much more time than me and without a doubt more nuance into the thought but ill give it a quick shot for the purpose of this discussion because im interested in a deeper and more engaging gameplay.
So a basic mech should have 720m range. 720m would accentuate the role of lights/flankers for scouting purpose. This would also help lrm boat as they will be kept closer to the enemy where their lrm will be more useful and they will be less vulnerable/alone.
BAP will increase that to 1080m. That not great as it nerf lighter mechs because BAP is easier to take on large mech and it nulify the perks of a 720m range radar. We should tweak that maybe keep it as it is right now, it's strong enough
I propose that battlemech get a new value, one that would mimic cross section based on how sleek they are and their size. It wouldnt be just a scaling thing and it would be dynamic (because im a dreamer) Mech could be rescaled so a Treb have a bigger xsection than a Shadowhawk on the front but on the side it is thiner and has a smaller section.
We could have new modules, like IR Sensors that would only work in temperate/cold environement and give a 100% detection chance on everything at medium range.
Would be cool if ground clutter also affect the time to lock someone with a basic radar. An IR Module on forest would be very much welcomed. At least we would have more relevent choices to make whenit comes to module.
New Stealth Armor that is an upgrade like ferro/endo. It would provide a smaller xsection at the cost of weight or total armor value.
Maybe those are bad ideas, maybe lore wouldnt have any of it, i don't care and that's not the point. The point is lore is giving us something we can use and improve to make a better game than just settle for nothing and keep it like that.