Heart of Storm, on 11 January 2016 - 04:46 AM, said:
To the Loyalist of House Marik
Over the past few days it would appear the tensions on our borders have escalated into near open conflict, I am writing this to you for two reasons, one is to try get into the open the confusing sequence of events that have led to this distraction on our mutual front, and the second is to appeal to the common sense of those in both of our Houses who did not wish for this to come about and seek to see it brought to an end.
Common sense only becomes a problem when it is no longer common. Example, when TCAF declared that they would not abide by the NAP until Phase 3, they were announcing that the gloves were coming off. (
FACT: 12/25/2015) When TCAF makes a statement like that, takes eight Marik planets, and then complains of attack lanes being blocked ... TCAF has lost its senses.
Currently the main benefactors of this dispute are not Marik, or Liao, but that Steiner/Davion FedRat filth, who even now are taking a break from their daily routine of sexual misconduct with livestock and hiding under their beds whenever they see Green/Purple to laugh at out dispute and plot our mutual downfalls.
Given the nature of this RP paragraph, I am not going to even touch it.
Agreed. Liao will dictate the terms. Operation Flaming Sword is an operation limited in scope to eight planets. If Liao continues to harass Mariks in forums or cause issues in game, the limited scope of this Operation will turn into a Campaign that I don't believe either side wants to see (since, after all, we won't be buddies again until Phase Three ..
acta non verba).
As I see things, the sequence of events are as follows:
1. House Marik hires Mercs to assist on the Davion front.
2. A series of Merc units are hired on Liao's behalf to target the Davion front (not by any Liao loyalist unit I would stress).
3. Davions put on the run.
4. A Liao-aligned Merc unit targets Marik planets, after much discussion their aggression against Marik ceases, but tensions are mounted.
5. A Marik aligned-Merc trashtalks the Liao Mercs into open aggression.
6. A Marik aligned-Merc cuts off Liao's route to our namesake planet, Liao.
7. TCAF, a Liao loyalist unit attacks Marik planets blocking their route to Liao.
8. Marik Mercs retaliate against TCAF.
Can we all see the common thread here? Mercs, mercs and more mercs.
OK, let me offer the Marik perspective...
1. Seraphim Regiment acts as liaison to Phoenix Legion to assist on the Davion Front.
2. Antares Scorpions (and 69MG?) are hired to attack Davion ... wasn't paying attention ... wasn't our front.
3. Once again, not our front. Pics or it didn't happen.
4. Antares Scorpions targets the first Marik planets and trolls Marik through these forums to come out for a fight. This first made Marik aware that something was going on. This and Gonta's (TCAF) aforementioned message.
5. Is trashtalk now an Act of War? I cannot speak for the whole of the FWLM, but I can say that it was not SRPH.
6. Here, your timeline breaks down because it is out of order. You also fail to mention that your units took two planets from Marik just after the Mariks took them from Davion (Phact and Elnath) ... technically not your planet to take ... therefore, another transgression of NAP in the name of rebuilding the path back to Liao.
7. The Zion Province does NOT block Liao's path back to Liao. Your units took the entire province: Zion (Provincial capital), Kyrkbacken, Suzano, and Asuncion (Homeworld of the Seraphim Regiment, by the way ... poor choice of attack there). The Zion province is Marik space at every map reset ... so what you are saying is that it is OK to cut through the space of a sovereign house and annex his planets for a desirable "lane?"
8. ALL of the FWLM retaliated against TCAF and Liao. Almost two battalions dropped on Zion on the first night of Operation Flaming Sword. SAFE agents inside the Liao TeamSpeak server reported that pilots were being warned
against going to Zion due to the superior numbers of the Marik forces.
By way of evidence may I submit the following, taken 5 minutes ago.
Marik is blocking our route to planet Liao, reclaiming this is a stated goal of TCAF, repeatedly blocking this route was never going to lead to anything but trouble.
Notice the tags, it's a Merc unit responsible.
Once again, the aggrieved party has no choice but to sit back and take it? You say that you understand the situation but it is clear that you do not. For instance, the "merc unit" in question on Gan Singh is none other than the Seraphim Regiment ... we have been loyalist Marik for over two months now ... please check our recruitment thread in the House Marik forum and have your Maskirovka agents get their prescriptions checked.
At this point, a solution needs to be found. I see elements of Marik soliciting alliances from House Steiner and even the Davions, what good will come of this? do you think Davion will forget the worlds you took from her? do you think the Davions won't turn on you the second Liao is pushed back?
OK, I'll offer a different view. If you have Marik soliciting help from Steiner, I would like to see it. I think you had a typo as Liao has been propositioning Steiner for an attack on the Marik border ... hardly sounds like the work of a true NAP friend, right? Sounds more like desperation. Someone who wants to incite more war on a neighbor rather than truly solve a conflict.
Also, why should we worry about Davion? Two days after our Op began, the Marik/Davion front grew quiet except for PUG battles. It sounds like you are more afraid of Davion taking advantage. TCAF should have thought of that before they started going all Galactus on our planets. It only makes sense that if Davion hates Liao and Liao hits Marik, Marik responds by pulling troops off their front to drop into yours. TCAF gave the Davions a gift basket ... their actions reduced Davion from a three front war to two. More troops on your doorstep ... once again, not our front - not our problem.
We are your longest and staunchest friends and you are ours, together we must prove the strength of that friendship and endure past the chaos visiting Mercs, and the inability of our houses to control them with the tools we have available.
Transgressions against Marik have occurred, planets have been taken from Marik which should not have been, I understand your desire and need to reclaim those planets and will not seek to stop you in doing so.
The problem from Liao may have been visiting mercs. Marik has no such problem as Phoenix Legion was following FWLM orders the entire time. They are an honorable group and I was proud to serve beside them all. I am hoping that our honor and hospitality earned us a chance to run with them again sometime. The other group you alluded to was SRPH, my group ... when you took Zion Province, you played with fire ... hence Operation Flaming Sword.
You are angry, and a blood price must be paid to sate that, I understand that too, but when that is done let us remember who are enemies are, and who our friends are.
8 planets ... that is the cost. After that, we may want to negotiate skirmishes to shift the algorithm to give you your attack lane while, at the same time, get us back to our southwestern border. I believe that would be mutually beneficial to all parties involved.
Let this not be the end of what has been to our mutual benefit since the start. Let us not succumb to the machinations of Mercs, or the FedRats, let us be strong and endure together.
I am sure that Marik would very much like that ... once these accounts have been settled.
I am open to suggestion about how this can be made right, I'm sure others in Liao are as well. You are not our enemies and we are not yours.
See above ... the 8 planet -- shift algorithm plan.
Yours, with honour.
A Liao Loyalist.
Col. Alex Reed
CO of the Seraphim Regiment
Edited by Alex Reed, 11 January 2016 - 05:22 PM.