Light Mech Mastery Bundles
Posted 12 January 2016 - 12:22 PM
I primarily like playing Light mechs and was looking at picking up the Firestarter or Spider (the Anansi thread has gotten me interested), but I'm wondering if I am better off picking up a weight class I haven't mastered a chassis in... What are your thoughts? Are the Hero/Champion light mechs worth picking up a Mastery bundle? Or should I just pick up some Firestarters/Spiders as I unlock more mech bays and spend a few extra dollars for a Medium/Heavy pack?
Posted 12 January 2016 - 12:50 PM
Champion mechs are pretty much pointless in my opinion as they only give you increased experience which, unless you want to spend real money converting to GXP only means you get elite/mastery 30% more quickly.
I think you just have to look at whether you actually want the hero and premium time and if the answer is yes, then get the pack.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 01:12 PM
My advice on which pack to get is this: If you want a 'Mech that's fun and challenging (with the understanding that it is currently a weaker chassis), then get the Spider pack. If you want a 'Mech that's good, or if you intend to use it mainly for Community Warfare or competitive play, then get either the Firestarter or the Raven pack (which I know you didn't mention, but it's worth considering as Ravens offer great loadout variety for their tonnage). The Jenner pack is also an option, although they're presently suffering from a bad case of being too squishy. If you're a light 'Mech junkie like me, though, then I'd say save up a bit and get all of 'em.
Edited by PS WrathOfDeadguy, 13 January 2016 - 01:13 PM.
Posted 13 January 2016 - 01:26 PM
PS WrathOfDeadguy, on 13 January 2016 - 01:12 PM, said:
My advice on which pack to get is this: If you want a 'Mech that's fun and challenging (with the understanding that it is currently a weaker chassis), then get the Spider pack. If you want a 'Mech that's good, or if you intend to use it mainly for Community Warfare or competitive play, then get either the Firestarter or the Raven pack (which I know you didn't mention, but it's worth considering as Ravens offer great loadout variety for their tonnage). The Jenner pack is also an option, although they're presently suffering from a bad case of being too squishy. If you're a light 'Mech junkie like me, though, then I'd say save up a bit and get all of 'em.
Awesome write-up! And thanks for breaking it down. It is definitely a tough decision... The Spider threads have gotten me really interested in that little mech, but the prospect of having an efficient XP light is also appealing (Firestarter).
PS WrathOfDeadguy, on 13 January 2016 - 01:12 PM, said:
And this is what will likely end up happening! Thanks for the advice Wrath!
Posted 14 January 2016 - 09:27 AM
PS WrathOfDeadguy, on 13 January 2016 - 01:12 PM, said:
Yes and no.
Jenner are somehow squishy, yes. But they're still good. I'll take them over a Firestarter anytime, except for a competitive match.
And, more importantly, we're talking about mastery packs, so about hero mechs. And the Oxide is by far the best light hero mech. While on the other hand the strong variants of Firestarters and Ravens can be purchased with cbills.
The Hero, definitely. It won't cover the whole pack price, but if you add the mechbays and the premium time it becomes a pretty good deal.
In my opinion, champion mechs don't worth paying money. Just by playing you'll soon end up with more GXP than you need, the currency you need to grind in this game is cbill.
Edited by epikt, 14 January 2016 - 09:34 AM.
Posted 14 January 2016 - 09:54 AM
If the Heros/Champions are way better in a specific pack, that sways my decision as I would get more use out of it.
Thanks everyone for chiming in with experience and insight! Very helpful.
Posted 14 January 2016 - 10:43 AM
noobicus, on 14 January 2016 - 09:54 AM, said:
Champion variants can be bought with cbill. Minus the XP bonus of course, but with the same hardpoint configuration. Only the hero variant will give you exclusive hardpoints, and thus diversify your game experience.
Posted 14 January 2016 - 11:03 AM
epikt, on 14 January 2016 - 09:27 AM, said:
I know this is a common opinion and while I don't disagree generally, there are a few that I think are worth considering. Because of how champions are priced (1.25x the "standard" version), there are some oddities in the pricing (look for an XL-engine champion with a STD-engine based standard version; JR7, FS9 and CDA stand out). I have bought both JR7-F(C) and FS9-S(C) champs on sale, where they work out to about $2-$3 each. For that, you get an XL295 or XL300 and a fully upgraded mech. Given how many XL295 and XL300s I use, I don't think that an at all unreasonable price. Also, I've got about a million XP on each of those chassis, so the GXP bonus hasn't been nothing for me, either! If you see me in either a JR7-F or a FS9-S, they will almost always be the champion version (I sold my original FS9-S after leveling because it was the weak variant then (really) but still have my original JR7-F). I currently own two of each champion and have "flipped" a few more for the engines on 50% sales.
Edited by TercieI, 14 January 2016 - 11:06 AM.
Posted 14 January 2016 - 05:09 PM
Posted 16 January 2016 - 07:25 PM
I was running with my unit and one of my guys says damn. I ask what's up. He says to me you are dangerious in that Spider. Ultimate compliment. My other team mate says Dagada get in something bigger for tourney. I said, no I like to win more than get Kills with most damage. I did end up with 5 of them anyways but we only lost 2 matches whole night,
Play what you like. I love killing ravens in my spider........So keep bringing me those ravens..........
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