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Spider / Anansi - Any Good?

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#1 Rorvik


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Posted 17 January 2016 - 06:39 PM

I've been thinking about picking up the Spiders what with the sale and was wondering if they are, in general, any good. Thoughts?

Also, if I do get them, I would definitely get the 5D for the ECM and the 5V for the 12xLoLjets. Not sure about the Anansi, however, as it has arm-mounted lasers. On the other hand, it DOES have 2xAMS... Again, thoughts?

Edited by Rorvik, 17 January 2016 - 06:40 PM.

#2 epikt


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 02:24 AM

One sure thing: Spiders are SO FUN.
And pretty annoying for their opponent (at least until they learn to cut their legs).

But are they effective? The are definitely weaker than all 35t lights.
The -5D is nice enough.
But the other variants no so much. The -5V has LoLjets just like you said, but for some reason all their weapon are on the torso with a 20° pitch, which make absolutely no sense and prevents you to properly use your weapons and jets together. The -5K suffer from the MGs being almost useless and requiring a lot of face-time.
Anansi, I haven't tested it, but 30t feels a bit light to use all the ammo dependant hardpoints (=heavy weapons).

#3 Aleski


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 02:36 AM


I recommand you to read this guide on Rak's Armory website for the Anansi. It's a nice overview.

I love spiders, they are very fun to play and they are high risks, high rewards mech.
The Anansi : when i have bought it i really hate it. Not enough power, not enough JJ, dual AMS : the ammo run dry very quickly... If you put AMS you can't use Ferro Fibrous armor...

After a while, i have made a new build, and now i find it deadly. I often score 700-800k damages, with several Killing Blow. You need to play very smart with it : it's the kind of ninja mech, you have to wait and strike at the right moment in order to give the dead sentence !
But i am a good light pilot, i own all of the heroes light mech and they are my favorite class. You have to play well and wise if you want to enjoy it.

Here is the build :

You really need two tons of SRM ammos, cause you shoot fast with the quirks. If you hate MG, take two MPL instead. But the MG are always a good addition to an executionner mech. It's a great finisher and crit seeker.

#4 Rogue Jedi


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 02:58 AM

the Spider is my favorite Mech, the 5D has ECM and 3 lasers, the 5V is the most mobile but also most lightly armed Mech in the game with 12 jumpjets and up-to 165KPH, and the 5K can be a monster with an ERLarge Laser and 4 Machine Guns, if you can sneak up on any heavy or assault Mech you can usualy down them in 5-10 seconds, and after the FS9-E Ember it is probably the best Mech to finish damaged enemies in the late stages of a match.

the Anazi however, I had purchased within 30 minutes if it being patched into the game expecting to love it as I do the other 3 Spiders but I just have not been able to make it work, and do not find it as enjoyable to play as the others.

#5 ice trey


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 03:22 AM

Right of the bat, I'm not a meta-mech user. I just make what I want to make, and experiment with things. Sometimes they turn out well, sometimes they don't. I don't see the point in including a customization system at all if the only reason it's there is to copy some other guys' powerbuild. Might as well not have customization at all, which would make this game WAY easier to balance.

What I did with mine is tried to put the twin AMS systems and CT Missile slots to good use. I did the obligatory upgrades to DHS/Endo/FF, but stripped out the machine guns. I mounted a NARC beacon instead of missiles, and kept two Medium lasers as backup. Of course, dual AMS. It was one of the first mechs I was using in Community Warfare, so I gave it an olive/yellow camo pattern to mesh with with Sulfrous rift, and up until the Hellbringer came along, it was pretty handy for rushing in, NARC'ing a few 'mechs, and running back to safety, providing myself and the team with double AMS support. I was never racking up huge scores, but it was always helpful for the other guys.

The only thing is, once clanners were dropping three Hellbringers with each wave, LRMs became even worse than they already were. Now it's almost useless in CW with the Hankyus all over the field, but you can at least still put it to use in regular public matches, so long as you're not in the high tiers with the powerbuild players.

Edited by ice trey, 18 January 2016 - 03:30 AM.

#6 Appogee


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 03:51 AM

I have an Anansi. To be honest, it's not worth having.

I used it a little bit in CW as a 2xERL sniper, but other Mechs simply do that better. I get more CBills from my non-Hero FS9-S than the Anansi, even though the Anansi has a 30% CBill bonus.

5D is worth having and playing just because it's a different kind of playing experience. But even that is very much a 3rd tier Mech.

#7 3xnihilo


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 10:23 AM

I really enjoy spiders. Especially the Anansi. Here is my thread about it: http://mwomercs.com/...ght-the-anansi/

#8 Desorem


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 10:37 AM

Spiders are sure fun to play, but your team have 1 light less and 1 spider more than needed.

#9 Rorvik


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 04:20 PM

Hmm, thanks for the feedback. I guess it would be better to invest in some Firestarters, huh?

My only issue is, Spiders look so much cooler and at some point, it's just better to get an Arctic Cheetah... Posted Image

Edited by Rorvik, 18 January 2016 - 04:21 PM.

#10 3xnihilo


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 04:29 PM

View PostRorvik, on 18 January 2016 - 04:20 PM, said:

Hmm, thanks for the feedback. I guess it would be better to invest in some Firestarters, huh?

My only issue is, Spiders look so much cooler and at some point, it's just better to get an Arctic Cheetah... Posted Image

Buy the spiders you know you want to!!!! ;) :D

#11 Rorvik


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 10:56 PM

Thanks for the feedback again, but after much consideration, I have decided to pass on the Spiders. I'm not that great in Lights right now and it seems to have a rather high skill floor and there are better Light Mechs out there. Perhaps another time... Posted Image

#12 B L O O D W I T C H


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Posted 18 January 2016 - 11:27 PM

Spiders are fun up to tier 3 i would say, if you get to fight more and more player who actually know how to aim, spiders shift from low risk low reward to high risk low reward.
That said, i always found that getting a kill in a spider is far more rewarding then getting two kills with a metawhoring lazerwolf.

#13 Aleski


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Posted 19 January 2016 - 12:40 AM

View PostRorvik, on 18 January 2016 - 10:56 PM, said:

Thanks for the feedback again, but after much consideration, I have decided to pass on the Spiders. I'm not that great in Lights right now and it seems to have a rather high skill floor and there are better Light Mechs out there. Perhaps another time... Posted Image

But with the spiders you will learn a lot on how to pilot a light mech. It's like mastering all the locust : anybody thinks you're a masochist, but after this huge gap, you will be a far better light pilot.

After mastering ALL the spiders, you will have six senses, eight composed eyes and you will **** assaults mech with one hand in your pants !!

#14 Cifrer


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Posted 21 January 2016 - 04:33 PM

I'm a big fan of the 5D myself. It can be an amazingly fun mech.


I would run mine like something like this.

It's fast, tiny, only 2 JJ's but those are enough. The 2x SL are decent for close in work, and the ER PPC is great for longer ranged engagements.

#15 Aleski


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Posted 23 January 2016 - 10:44 AM

If you're not conviced, here some screenshots of good matches. I have made a lot of matches like this, but usually it's 500 damages and 2-3 kills :

850 and 794 damages, not so bad for a crappy mech !

Posted Image

Posted Image

And a meme, it's free !!!

Posted Image

Edited by Aleski, 23 January 2016 - 10:45 AM.

#16 Dagada Moor


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Posted 24 January 2016 - 06:07 AM

What Aleski said and 3Xnihilo said. Buy the Mech, it will make u a better light pilot. I usually lead with top match score when I pilot this mech. When u get 3+ kills and 700 damage in a 30 ton Mech why complain?

#17 That Friggin Spider


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Posted 03 February 2016 - 07:14 PM

I totally recommend picking up the Anansi if you are a fan of spiders/commandos/locusts, and especially if you like to get down and dirty and mix it up in a light mech, as opposed to hiding and sniping (ppc and erll lights).

I recommend going with the 270xl engine, especially after the pilot skill nerf, it's really the minimum engine size for a spider if you want the punch to duck and dodge and dogfight. Unfortunately, the 255 used to be enough, but I find the 5D just doesn't have the agility it needs any more.

Some folks will tell you the srm4 with Artemis isn't worth it, but I disagree. Often you will get the chance to run past a damaged enemy heavy or assault and have time enough for just one alpha to it's face. Using the srm4 with artemis has provided me with noticably more kills in this situation, it happens often enough to take not and surprise you (and probably piss that timberwolf pilot right off...lol). It also seems to bring them down roughly 30% faster when you are shooting them in the back (right where you want to be), even faster than a regular srm6. Unfortunately there aren't enough slots for srm6+artemis...it would be even more nasty if it were available.

Also recommend pulse lasers for your arm energy hardpoints. Some may prefer mpl's, but to be honest, the mech IS more deadly with twin spl's instead, and you usually want to be within mg range anyhow, so you don't usually get to take advantage of the superior range on the mpl's.

The situation you want to look for the most, is where you and a friendly heavy/assault, or medium are squaring off against and enemy heavy/assault. The enemy will have to deal with the bigger threat (your buddy) first, so you spring into action, run past the enemy, whip your machine around and just start pouring it onto it's backside. Usually all but the heaviest machines will go down in 5-10 seconds, often times before your buddy has taken more than two strikes at the most.

Then you zip on out of the way before the enemy's buddies realize what you just did and take a particular interest in you!

You know you've gotten fairly skilled in this machine when you can fight a cheetah solo and win or have the cheetah running for his life at least 60% of the time. And you say: "Pffft, what kind of light mech pilot has to stop to shoot anyway?" hahaha

#18 Dagada Moor


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Posted 06 February 2016 - 02:52 PM

I love making them run also. You also know you skill level is up when you can dance with 3 lights and survive plus get at least 1 kill and allow your team to creep up on said light dance and finish off whole light lance. Arms and Legs on cheetahs. Arms they are toothless and legs they die.
My favorite is hunting Ravens though. I hate Ravens,especially sniiiiipers.

#19 Tahu5


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Posted 19 May 2016 - 06:44 PM

I watched a match on YouTube the other day where a guy played Anansi... He had the 2 AMS with I don't know how much ammo. Went like 145, and 6 Jump jets, plus a small laser for dmg. He ran behind the lrm boats and rendered them useless. Lol. I used the 5k with an ac2. It was a lot of fun. Haven't done anything with the others yet. Hoping to soon! Have fun in a spider, but not too much. Posted Image

#20 jayswing126


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Posted 28 August 2016 - 05:40 AM

I really love my anansi, it is a really good spider. just forget about ballistics and swap with 2 med pulse lasers and 1 SRM 6. Then you pack a punch.

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