Warhammer Builds
Posted 29 January 2016 - 02:14 PM
Posted 29 January 2016 - 02:38 PM

Edited by mrripley9, 29 January 2016 - 02:55 PM.
Posted 29 January 2016 - 04:03 PM
In such cases notes are given accordingly.
1) WHM-6R. One of the two "bad" variants, which is clearly seen by final tourney results.
Build 1 Inspired by Da Red goes DA FASTA. You can play with engine rating and numbers of MLs. Didn't test it personally.
Build 2 Inspired by psichih0lic. Brings effecient kills when combined with good aim, but lacks damage output to some extent. Possible to do same in WHM-BW, exchanging better ML range for worse ML hardpoint position.
Build 3 A good damage dealer, played by both psichih0lic and me. You can build it using WHM-BW, but no reason to do so, since BW has better builds.
2) WHM-7S. Another "bad" variant, though quirks are better for an energy boat. It also has SRM + ML-based builds, but i just don't go soloqueue in brawlers, so won't post it.
Build 1 Inspired by oldhasu. It's similar to clantech gaussvomit, but you have 2 heavily quirked PPCs instead of that GR. You can build it on 6R, use STD engine, use 3LPL and 1 PPC, use 4LPL or 4ERLL. Anyway, it's quite subpar, especially compared to the next variant.
3) WHM-6D. This variant fits current meta most of all and so is the best. Also, matches on Polar Highlands in any other WHM aren't going to bring you THAT MUCH damage and c-bills.
Build 1 A more newbie-friendly build with STD engine, but still quite solid.
Build 2 Meta as it is. A slightly worse Black Knight with Hellbringer hardpoints. 4 ML can be switched to 2 MPL for better heat effeciency.
Build 3 Inspired by Krigg. A hell of a Polar Highlands and Alpine Peaks farming machine. In any other map it's worse than build 2.
4) WHM-BW. Very interesting mech and very much fun to play. It's worse than 6D by the same amount ballistics is worse than lasers. And even less.
Build 1 Classic. Has two problems in solo queue: speed ( not a Dire Wolf, but not a Timber one as well ), no backup weapons to go for additional assists and shooting enemy UAVs.
Build 2 A Banshee 3E that runs over 80.
Edited by Zeleglok, 29 January 2016 - 05:01 PM.
Posted 01 February 2016 - 04:49 PM
Had some success with this build lately, saw someone using a 4 PPC warhammer in a game and tried it out of interest, much to my delight. Just use the PPC's all the time, only use the other weapons when they are inside 90m. You can even fire all 4 at once without shutdown if you are fully cooled at the time, other than that i just have the 2 arm PPC's on one trigger and the two torso ppcs on another trigger, 2 at a time. I use both range and cd weapon mods with this build.
Posted 26 February 2016 - 01:01 PM
Not very meta, but I like the results so far. Works with my habit of trying to shoot at visible enemy contacts in long range. Up close I switch to ML/AC20, then very close ML/SRM6/AC20, leaving out the MLs if my heat goes too high. Keeping the SRM6 to 25 rounds and AC20 to 24, since that's about how much I usually spend during a quick play match (gauged over several matches).
Posted 29 February 2016 - 08:23 AM
WHM-6D: x3 LPL, x4 ML, XL 340
WHM-6R: x6 ML, x1 AC/20, STD 280
The 7S is heat heavy, chain fire the LPL. SRM and just SRM more when heat is high.
The 6D, everyone knows how to lazorvomit. Its fun protecting an assaults back with the speed of mediums.(84kph with tweak)
The 6R is a big hunchback-4g. Play it like a hunchie.
Posted 03 March 2016 - 06:55 PM
4xAC5 with 7 tons of ammo, 4xSL for backup.
I really like grouped, torso mounted ACs and it has been a lot of fun. Consistently hitting 550 damage and up.
Posted 04 March 2016 - 10:21 PM
I'm currently running it like this :
Armour values might be slightly off, but I'm very, very happy with how it performs. Now, I'll soon get double efficiencies on it which will allow me to drop the DHS in the right arm and thus, the armour, freeing up some tonnage. With the double efficiencies, I'll retain my current heat efficiency and I don't feel I need more.
Now, what to do with that tonnage? Roughly 1.5 tons, so I could go for an engine upgrade to an XL340 of add a ton of ammo and some armour. The ammo will only come in handy in drawn out matches as 50 trigger pulls is plenty most of the time, but I did run dry a few times. The extra armour is likely not significantly increasing my survivability either. The speed boost by going for the 340 is going to be nice at all times, but the WHM is plenty fast as is...
Any opinions on this one?
And while I'm at it, anyone got some experience with Gauss builds? This crossed my mind: Gausshammer. It's got range and frontloaded firepower up the wazoo, but torso Gauss + IS XL scares me.
Edited by Luminis, 05 March 2016 - 12:07 AM.
Posted 05 March 2016 - 09:20 AM
Posted 05 March 2016 - 07:05 PM
PPCs work well with 3R thanks to the quirks as long as they are torso mounted.
Posted 06 March 2016 - 11:51 AM
-Decent hitboxes/tankiness
-XL doable (even if not my cup of tea)
-love Love LOVE the high and tight groupings of the torso mounted weapons across all variants
-Variant variety on one hand paired with enough individual hardpoints of a weapon type to be effective (can boat or generalize to a certain degree)
Compared to the Marauder or Rifleman, the Warhammer is definitely my favorite "Classic" heavy/unseen mech so far.
Loving the 2x UAC-5 / 6ML / Std-280 WHM-6R right now. I call her my FOE HAMMER. A wee bit toasty but she's tough and hits hard.
Posted 25 March 2016 - 12:23 PM
Posted 05 April 2016 - 01:49 AM
Posted 05 April 2016 - 09:57 PM
Posted 06 April 2016 - 07:01 AM
Any decent builds of energy/ballistic combinations?
Posted 09 April 2016 - 08:41 AM
Edited by Will Hawker, 09 April 2016 - 08:42 AM.
Posted 09 April 2016 - 04:04 PM
Will Hawker, on 09 April 2016 - 08:41 AM, said:
Yeah, it's a real shame that the Warhammer is pointing out all of the IS PPCs flaws. The 6R was made for PPC and everyone rather use AC (the ballistics HP are higher than any of the energy HP)
I've been using Large Pules Laser as a replacement and it has served me well but it's not as satisfying as watching a PPC slam into a enemy.
The PPCs aim improve if you mount them in the chest HP. Keep in mind that PPCs only have the velocity of a AC/10 round without the quirk so aim accordingly. Also keep in mind with the particle effect, PPC bolts act like the size of a AC/20 round so you have a harder time getting your shot to clear corners or hill top vs a Laser (that's actually why I dropped the PPCs on my 6R, a Blackjack was shooting between two obstacles that block both my PPC bolts but not my Med Lasers) Your going to run hot regardless.
Large Pulse Lasers loss range but that's about it. They do 11 damage vs 10 and run cooler (why 3X LPL is the current meta)
Posted 11 April 2016 - 12:23 AM
I'm trying to simplify my BW build with this one:
But I do not know if it's viable or not... I'd like some suggestions before investing 750k for endo and 5 mln for a 325 XL engine (if needed I can use a XL 300 engine from a marauder)
I'm tempted to switch to WHM 6D with this configuration:
Any suggestions? I'd like to mantain the ER-PPCs, if possibile, I'm looking forward the 15th April buff.
Any inputs is really appreciated...
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