Dads Hideout is about a lot more than just Mechwarrior Online it is place were Dads can meet and where life is real. Our forums are available to assist our members we understand that personal issues happen with over 2500 Dads there is a support network for our members. We do more than Mech, we enjoy life…..Tell us about the baby’s first step or how they just stepped across the stage and accepted that Degree or yes brag about that car you been rebuilding for “Well Ever”! Need a new chili recipe we have you covered and when times become a little rough we are there for that as well.
If you’re a father then become a brother of DHO. Brother, you will be glad you did! Give me a shout back and I will get you taken care of asap.
Remember the ONLY requirements we have are to be a dad.
Edited by Clockworkprophet, 20 January 2016 - 04:33 AM.