Prof RJ Gumby, on 29 January 2016 - 01:58 AM, said:
This is why I argue there should be a kiddie pool for newbs and casuals that will attract them due to its simplicity and lack of groups on the enemy side,
I still believe that just throwing the new players into the pub solo Q and the cw solo tag less Q is a terrible idea, and will not help NPE and new player retention in any way..... and if there is no tier system, the kinda good uber casual's will be seal clubbing them, like now in the tier 3-5 solo Q....
NPE is very dependent on learning the ropes asap, and learning team work and com skills from good vets is the easiest, quickest way to do this........
maybe the solo rambos uber casual's need a CW kiddie pool easy mode, but it's still not gona be a good place for new players to learn how to play a team game as a team.......
I also think that there are a very high % of units that are 12 or less members, and are the bulk of the uber casual to casual units that are wanting the kiddie pool. then there are the casual team players like me that are in small units, that should join other small units, so that there is a bigger pool of units left, that can field 12 mans on a regular basis...... CLW has 38 members with about 10 or so of those are inactive for one reason or another, we really could use about 10-15 more active players so that we can field 12 mans most nights........ and recruiting new players is the only life blood of keeping small units with active players.....
throwing the new players into SOLO Q of any kind is not gona help train them or help the unit team game play at all.....