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Economy/ Cw More Conntent

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#1 CW Starwolf


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 06:18 AM

Pls excuse my poor grammatic skills English isn't my main language

Hey folks i just set up a list here with ideas i have. I hope PG will start listen to there

I played all MW titels and in the old MBO also i have read the battletech books 1-60. may the PG dudes have a look in a few of it to....just a suggestion.

I think we got enough Mech´s for the moment. We want more for sure but at the moment the game got enough. The game needs a lot more content. At the moment all a player does is farming C-Bills, trying to get the pilot rating up, buy a Mech and another one. CW is just ridiculous. Losing or winning has no consequences at all. Okay the Unit Tag is on that conquered planet...WOW. So i just made a list what i think the game needs.


#1- MORE MAPS!!!!!!!!!
There are many Worlds/moons/asteroids. Everyone of those Objekt needs maps for each region on that world. A world has 13 slots, each slot needs a different map or at least different versions of that map for a planet. Some planets may share the same maps like cities and stuff just a bit different. The amount of slots a planet have should be proportionate to the size of the planet. This game has 1930 Worlds. That means 25090 different maps. Yes that won´t work....or the game needs a complete hard drive for it´s self. But same class worlds can share the same maps but there have to be differences for each slot course a world has more than jungle only, it has deserts and cities and factory areas etc. PG alone wont make it so let the community do it. Modders can create maps send them to PG u guys test them and once there work let the community vote for it. Each week 2 maps for voting and on the end of a month a map update. pow problem solved.

#2- Economy
Before a unit is able to conquer a world there have to buy a jumpship. a jump ship should carry dropships. The amount of dropships depends on the jumpship class . if there dont have one there have to rent a jumpship or ask another unit for transport, both have to be expensive. The amount of mechs, tank and infantry depends on the dropship class.
Tanks and infantry units are AI controlled and can receive orders by the drop leader.

A unit that conquers a world should be able to use that world. Once the world has been conquered the unit leader or (new rank) the resource manager should be able to place on the resource slots of that world mines. Mines will generate minerals there can be sold or used. If a world has cities there will generate C-Bills each cycle. Ech member of that unit gets a fixed amount of C-bills and minerals each cycle. So higher the worlds population so higher the amount of c-bills. The bills and minerals can be used to build/buy :

factories for Mech weapons,modules,omnipods all u need.
factories for tanks,cars, trucks what ever
factories for infrastructure parts.
factories for fuel

Parts can be used to build. Defense walls, gates,storage buildings, turrets orbital defense lasers and so on
(maybe research facilities) and training areas for unit training. Barracks for ground defense forces.

The Unit lead should be able to place those objects by drag and drop on his world. not on fixed positions. Each planet slot has a max amount on placeable walls turrets and gates.
Each world should have one space port. A space port needs to be upgraded to start building on other planet slots.

A conquered world can´t be attacked by other units for a fixed amount of time. Except a unit offers a fight for that world to the holding unit. If the holding unit is accepting, the timer will be canceled. After the timer runs out a unit is able to challenge the holding unit. The challenge includes a date and a time from the attacker. max.7 days min 2 days. ( Clan vs. Clan have to declare war first). The challenged Unit have to accept or cancel the date for the fight. It can be one time canceled be each unit. (to find a time and day where both are able to play). After each unit canceled the challenge 1 time, a date and time for the fight will be set random. Both units are able to cancel the attack if both agree with it. If the holding unit does not answer the challenge in time, the set time by attackers will be used. The planet will be than defended by random Faction players. The holding unit ( inner sphere only) can hire mercenaries to defend there world. A world can be defendet by random faction player for one time than the holding unit is loosing the world and is owned than by the faction. Other units of that faction are able to buy that world ( inner sphere) or fight with another unit for it ( trial of position, clans only).
If there are no or not enough randome faction player the mechs will be controlled by AI.

Damaged or disabled or destroyed mechs must be repaired.

The amount of Mechs (waves) that a planet is able to support depends on the amount of Mech hangars and barracks. Same for infantry and tanks. The amount of placeable Hangars and barracks is limited by planet type and size. Defender can ask allied units for support.

The amount of mechs (waves) is limited by the amount of dropships there are owned by the unit. Attackers can rent at all times max. 1 Jumpship. Rental jumpships are always the smallest type. Attackers can ask allied units for support. Each jump will be expensive [fuel] (cheaper with owned ones but still expensive). A jumpship has a maximum amount of jumps for each cycle*.

* Galactic cycle ( should be 24 hrs)

Units should be able to trade Worlds minerals and products with other units. Clans can´t trade with Inner Sphere units and vise versa. For trading a unit can hire a AI trading ship or buy there own. Trading will cost fuel.

Every building and Ship should have maintenance costs. To keep everything in balance.

Each conquered world will add global bonuses for that unit and faction.

#3- Housing (player and Unit)
Once a player joint a unit that is holding at least 1 World he is able to buy/build a Hangar for his mechs. Sure if some one once 200+ mechs he cant have them all in there but at least 12.
That players home should include.

1 office with room for his achievements and a terminal to see all informations.
maybe standard living rooms like bathroom, kitchen and so on.
character customization (uniforms)
1 Mechhangar with 12 mechs to show and a terminal to access Mechlab.
maybe NPC´s walking around to get a bit live in it.

Unit housing should have a base that is fully operational.
With Mechhangars for up to 48 Mech bays. Just for the look
A drop hangar where players can set up the drop deck.
Barracks command center and so on.
Space port with at least one drop ship parked that is owned by the Unit.

#4 Private lobby should´t need premium players to work fully. Private lobby is a normal game content and should be included in FTP.

#5 Quickplay can stay like it is. But u have to work on the pilot rating system. If a team wins or not or if someone is a good pilot or not does not depends alone on the damage he does. a light with Narc or AMS and ECM doesn´t do much damage but he helps the team.

#6 AMS (Anti Missile System) is for the Inner Sphere only.
Clans uses LAMS (Laser Anti Missile System) so no ammo.

So with that few thinks we will have a very nice game and PG is able to fill his pockets with cash for the Housing and customization stuff. Everyone wins.

Cheers [CWG]-Starwolf

Edited by CW Starwolf, 27 January 2016 - 06:22 AM.

#2 butchly13


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 08:51 AM

Man this sounds great! Definitely a lot of work to get all of your ideas implemented, but leveraging the community would be a great start. Community-made maps could help take a HUGE amount of work off PGI's plate. Sure, not all maps will be great, but like you said, community-made maps get voted on by the community and when people complain the maps suck they've got no one to blame but themselves. Then PGI could focus on building up the infrastructure of the game, such as a game economy like you suggested.

Awesome ideas. Definitely would like to see a discussion on this and get PGI involved.

#3 CW Starwolf


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Posted 27 January 2016 - 11:28 AM

i dont think PGI is interestet in my CW ideas....but there should seriously think about the community created Map think

#4 CW Starwolf


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Posted 28 January 2016 - 06:46 AM


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