1. Consumables
A. Mech Mine: launches off your mech target like arty out to a range 15m arms after 5 secs damage 15 points shows on friendly battle grid. Damages anyone hitting it.
B. Smoke Screen Dispenser: duration 30 secs blocks visual and night vision shows as heat blur to thermal. Dispersion 5m cloud every .5 a second from the rear of the mech for 10 secs. (Needs play test but let's lights and mediums screen advances or to decoy. Note this does nothing to sensors just optics enemy's still show on sensors with target markers does not break sensor locks)
C. Camouflage Netting: As long as a mech remains motionless stays in effect (weapons fire from camouflaged mech damages camouflage say 20 to 30 points destroys it does not reduce damage to enemy just used as place holder to keep it from being to OP.) The netting is appropriate coloring to back ground. Reduces sensor effectiveness 25%.
D. Decoy: Shows as target marker (red triangle) where dropped activates after 3 secs, duration 15 seconds. Destructible like UAVs.
E. Spoofer UAV: Area 90m radius breaks target locks enemy mechs in area show enemies as friendly's on their IFF (i.e. your enemies in the aoe of the UAV now see you and your team as friendly you show up with blue marker on their screen) Duration 15 secs.
2. Modules
A. AMS module adds a new priority to target UAVS within 90m.
B. Enhanced ECM module 3 Tiers increases ecm area by 5m tier 1, 15m tier 2, 30m tier 3.
C. Quirk Modules
D. Consumables module that equips your mech with a 3rd consumable slot that can equip any consumables even if you double up (i.e. you could equip a second UAV in the 3rd slot.
E. Hard point Module (i.e. left torso energy hardpoint, left torso missile hardpoint, etc.)
F. Heat Seek Efficiency Module 3 Tiers increases the efficiency of heat sinks by a small amount like .1 per tier
G. Artillery and Airstrike modules that spreads out the aoe of artillery and airstrikes doubling area of effect.
3. Equipment
A. Consumables Bay 1: (Slot one), 2 tons 2 slots adds additional use in battle for a consumable in slot one. Consumable Bay 2: (Slot two) same as before for slot two.
B. Reactor Safety Override: 2 tons 3 slots, if mech over heats when override is engaged the mech explodes doing area of effect damage say 30m equal to engine rating divided by 10. Damage is spread out in groups of 10 pts. IF MECH EXPLODES TAKE PENALTY TO C-BILLS FOR THIS SAY 50,000.
C. UAV Computer: Systems that increase the duration 5 secs and area of effect +10m radius of UAVS 1 ton 2 slots
D. Spotting Computer: Systems that reduce the fire time 2 secs for arty or air strikes for that mech and all allies within 90m 1 ton 1 slot.
E. Drop Harness: Deploy 10 secs later allows jump jet mechs to drop into a grid location within 3 grids of drop point. Weight 1 ton 4 torso slots. Player chooses on battle grid (within 10 secs of deployment) or an alternate version Drop Beacon( a consumable) placed by player. At launch give players an option to reserve deployment until 1 min into match can spawn at normal locations or at drop beacon.
Okay my 2 cents these concepts not necessarily these exactly will add tactical and strategic flexibility to the game and change up how battles progress and are played.
Thank you for entertaining my ideas this is a great game. Really hope they change up cw from the stupid stagnant lane battles with some maps that offer tactical possibilities like flanking etc..
Edited by Sean Freyason, 30 January 2016 - 01:57 PM.